Neon Genesis Evangelion episode:8 ASUKA STRIKES!

「ハロー、ミサト! 元気してた?」













ーーFirst timer
Hah, Misato isn't even fazed by what Toji says or does anymore.
Asuna's personality shown even before her by a single action.
Gendo still regards Shinji as just a backup pilot. In fact, Kaji (and what he is carrying) is more important to him than anyone there.
The EVA's power increases with the synchronization level. Good to know.
So, Human Instrumentality Project was to recreate humans (or human-like). This seems like a major connection between NERV and the Angels (who are close to human DNA).
This episode's ED was adorable.
Random stuff
That's one unique static background.
Misato's redacted ID
When someone doesn't obey Misato's authority.
Aida was hilarious this episode
How did she get up there?
EVA 02 in full flight
Side note: I stayed up until 2:30 am just to participate in this discussion.








ーーBy what data exactly is redacted I think that was an one-off artisanal job, done by Misato herself.
ーーI bet Misato crossed those off herself. With how unhealthy she lives, I doubt she would want others to know how much she weighs. She also looks and acts a bit younger than her age (she's 29 btw).
ーーDefinitely could be. I would guess it's a mix of self-consciousness and the fact that she wants to be taken seriously at all times. Also her face in that ID is hilarious.
ーーWhy on earth would any organization list B/W/H measurements and weight on an ID card if they want their folks to be taken seriously?
これは相互参照(クロスリファレンス)用の情報なんじゃないかーーI figure it may be more information that can be cross referenced and verified.
ーーBut that doesn't make any sense: B/W/H measurements and weight fluctuate all the time, from eating habit changes, dieting, where someone is in their period cycle, etc.
ーーGood point, I retract my earlier theory.



ーーShe kindly stopped Toji's hat from flying away. Great gal.
ーーoof thats tough were do you live ?
Now he got a third pilot which would maybe make shinji even more despendable (logicaly)
Yeah, Gendo definitely seems an "ends justify the means" kind of guy. What is surprising to me is how much affection he has for Rei than his own son.
ーーIm 2 hours behind you here in Greece so its more manageble, dont lose much sleep tho over this rewatch
心配ご無用、週末だから起きてるだけだよーーNo worries man, just stayed up since it's my weekend.




「あんたバカ? 決まってるじゃない、弐号機で、あれをやっつけるのよ」




ーーFirst time watcher, Platinum Sub, ADV Dub, and Netflix dub
Asuka intro voice comparison
"In bed" voice comparison
This episode got a lot crazier with their faces and i love it.
I already dislike this Kaji dude. He seems way to sus just with Misato alone (just yeeting out of the warship mid battle) and the "adam" with the human instrumentality project is concerning. Maybe thats what the angels are after?
The speaker from JA last episode has a real point, the Eva's cause a shitton of damage. I counted roughly 6 warships and 14 fighter aircraft destroyed by the Eva alone. Whos going to be paying for that? Its no wonder theyre some are looking elsewhere when its causing that much damage...
What city was underwater during the battle scene? Im amazed at the detail, but im not sure if it was ever told.
By far the coolest scene of the episode, too bad it couldnt stick the landing.


昔の吹き替え版のアスカの声は最高だね。Netflix版はそんなにかな.. ADヴィジョンのはトウジの声が馬鹿っぽくなかったら言うことなしなんだけどなぁ
スーパーヒーロー着地だぁぁ 気にするな
ーーAsuka's old dub voice was great ,Netflix is not bad ass well..If only Toji didnt sound like a dumbass in the ADV dub
Ohhh Kaji's voice is actualy quite good in the Netflix dub , nice
SUPERHERO LANDIohhh never mind
>>昔の吹き替え版のアスカの声は最高だね。Netflix版はそんなにかな.. ADヴィジョンのはトウジの声が馬鹿っぽくなかったら言うことなしなんだけどなぁ
ーーi found Asuka to be pretty good in all 3, same as Shinji. i think i need to watch more of Asuka in general though to really flesh out my thoughts
>>スーパーヒーローの着地だぁぁ 気にするな
『TV Tropes』的にはこれは三点着地だと思う
ーーI think the official tvtropes name is Three-Point Landing
註:TV Tropesとは、創作物にありがちな様々な描写方法、プロット組立のための道具立て、「お約束」などを収集するWiki。
ーーReminds me, the animators should have shown the effect Unit 02 had on landing on the boat. They did a great job with it earlier in the episode, but nothing here.





そう、人類は多くの命だけでなく土地も失ってしまった。都市が海の底に沈んでしまったんだ。長い海岸線など、もう何処にもない。生き残った国同士で緊張感が高まり、戦争が勃発し... そして、それが終わるころには...
ーーSince I didn't see anyone answer this for you ill give it a shot. I'm only roughly following the rewatch this time. I binged the first 8 ep a few days ago. I'm very positive I'm not giving anything away about content yet seen in the rewatch. Mostly just backstory.
Now. Basically the world as we know it changed drastically. It was parallel to ours except for a few tiiiiny details. Like the (first and) second impact. I believe its been mentioned a few times so far at least so I can talk about it.
on September 13, 2000 NGE time the second impact shook the very world... Litterly. It not only melted most of the polar ice caps it was so strong it shifted the worlds axis by a few degrees. As you can imagine to call this "devastating" is a grossly made understatement. The VERY MOMENT it happened we pretty much lost 2 billion people from the massive environmental repercussions. Tsunamis and insane water level rise. A character actually mentions it once "Japan use to have seasons. That was the worst loss for us" Japan is now stuck in perpetual summer.
So. Not only did we have massive loss of life but Land as well. Cities were pulled under water. Miles of coastline is nowhere to be seen. Tensions run high and war breaks out among most of the remaining nations.... And well, When all is said and done...
Humanity's population was cut in half
Edit: To actually answer your question that was either old Tokyo, or some old coastline city unnamed. Where they live in now "new Tokyo"
Tl;dr second impact go boom. Water levels rise by an insane amount from melting all the ice caps and kill half the people of earth.
ーーAs someone who has never heard Eng dub before, I prefer Netflix Kaji (second one, right?) much more than the original Kaji. But what stands out more is that both dubbed Misato failed to capture the Japanese Misato's acting nuance.
ーー2nd dubbed one, 3rd one total. Having troubles finding a good way to label them and have it be easily shown.
ーーI've been watching the original dub and Misato's voice on the netflix dub does not fit at all imo



「釣り? そう!釣りだわ!」

「うっさいわねぇ! いつまで乗ってんのよ、エッチ!」
「アスカ! 聞こえる!?」




アスカは3人のパイロットの中で唯一仕事を渇望しており、加持がシンジの才能を褒め称えた時に見せた彼女の反応は、使徒と戦い、いくつもの作戦を完遂させてきたパイロットに対する尊敬ではなく、剥き出しの競争心だった。アスカの目には、シンジは何も特別な存在には映らなかった。だから、彼女はこの機会を利用して自分のすごさを思い知らせてやろうとした。彼女はエヴァに誇りを持っており、さらに「これこそ実戦用に作られた世界初の本物のエヴァンゲリオンなのよ」と紹介し、自分の機体に個人的な誇りを持っていることを窺わせた。次の使徒がやって来た時、彼女はそれを危機だとは思わず、むしろシンジとミサトに自分の能力を見せつけるチャンシだと捉えた。段取り?そんなものアスカは笑って踏み潰す。”許可は勝ったあとに貰えばいい”赤いプラグスーツ、赤い髪、赤いエヴァ... それらは彼女の自己主張の強さを表しているが、同時にシンジと一線を画すことができないでいる。それが彼女と対話を図ろうとしているシンジを当惑させている。アスカは張り切って弐号機に乗ろうとし、シンジも一緒に乗るように言われた。しかし、ここにもシンジに見せびらかしたいという彼女の欲求と一緒に居て欲しいという心の弱さが表れている。結果的に、シンジもケンスケもトウジも彼女のこの荒々しい側面に惹かれることはなく、それが他のキャラたちに馴染んでいく彼女のキャラクターの深みを物語っている。
The introductions of Asuka Langley Soryu and Kaji Ryouji to the cast are a pair of lightning bolts that permanently change the dynamics upon which the series rests. After getting used to Misato being cool and in control of almost any and all stressful situations over the past seven episodes, someone who she can't reliably deal with in Kaji being introduced takes a step in reminding us that she's able to be shaken up. Kaji himself is revealed to be just as cool-headed under pressure as his ex in this episode, but his main role in this episode is communicator to the rest of the cast. He tells Shinji he's personally famous, Asuka that Shinji has talent, Misato that he (to her displeasure) hasn't died under a rock somewhere in Germany, and Gendo that NERV's plans continue unabated with his delivery of Adam, a frozen embryo that Gendo calls the first human. In this way, he's something of an exposition device at this juncture, albeit one with a lot of personality, and as such sets a lot of those shifting dynamics in motion.
Most centrally to these shifts is Asuka, the mysterious Second Child. Her sharp tongue, extroverted personality, and general enthusiasm for her position stand in stark relief to the quiet, unassuming Rei who passively accepts her role and the sarcastic introversion of Shinji, whose assumption of the role as pilot could be called more than a little reluctant. Her reaction to her inadvertent (and thankfully off camera) exposure at the very beginning of the episode is a giant contrast with Rei and, right off the bat, tells you that where Rei and Shinji don't particularly care about themselves, Asuka very much does. She seems to be a much, much more typical archetype for this series: the hotblooded ace pilot. She leaves a big first impression and exudes a level of self-confidence that more reflects Misato than either of her fellow Children, but she still feels like a child, maybe most clearly seen in her obvious crush on Kaji. These differences also make Shinji somewhat uncomfortable, since he doesn't quite know how to deal with her yet. Asuka, in this way, serves to break Shinji out of the comfort zone he had settled into much as Kaji does with Misato.
Asuka is the first of the three pilots who really wants the job and when Kaji tells her how much of a natural Shinji is, her reaction is not deference for the pilot who's been in combat and completed multiple operations, but a sense of competition. Obviously, in Asuka's eyes, Shinji can't be anything special, so she's going to take the opportunity to educate him on her own greatness. She's proud of her Eva and takes personal pride in the machine as "the first real Evangelion." When danger comes calling in the guise of the next Angel, she doesn't see it as a point of concern, but as a chance to show off her skills to Shinji and Misato. Protocol? Asuka laughs in the face of it. "We'll get her permission after I defeat it." The red plugsuit, the red hair, the red all speaks to this general assertiveness that couldn't make her more different from Shinji, compounding the bewilderment with which Shinji interacts with her. He needs to be told to get in the robot where Asuka runs towards hers with a sense of excitement. But there's also a vulnerability witnessed where she has this desire to show off to Shinji. As a result, neither he, Kensuke, nor Toji are particularly enamored with her harsher side and it all speaks to a depth of character that still makes her fit in with the rest of the cast.
Of course, actual combat scenarios are more difficult than just asserting your way through them. Asuka's reaction to the downsides and pitfalls is simply that she'll avoid having to deal with them, but when that inevitably falls through it's once again time for Misato to shine as the brains of the operation. One more Angel, one more last-ditch strategy to take it on. Her combativeness with the fleet admiral maybe lacked the passionate hatred reserved for Kaji, but once again when it was on she was all business. For all his gruff exterior, as well, that admiral was willing to play ball to do what was needed to defeat the enemy. Once again, Misato's quick thinking mixed with the pilots' skills, with Shinji and Asuka working together in sync to pull off the dramatic finish at the last possible second. Eva is certainly not lacking for this kind of drama, but Asuka's personality (such as how she reacts to Shinji trying to take control when she loses hold of the situation) gave it a significantly lighter vibe than those that have come before. Eva is very good at mixing things up and implementing clever enemy designs, combat scenarios, character interactions, and ever more clever methods of dealing with them to create consistently engaging action. It's what keeps Eva, even when it's at its most actiony, from ever feeling like just another action series.




ーーYour analysis of the episode was spot on. Reading your comment made me feel like was watching the episode again.
ーーThis is why I love these threads. thank you
アスカがシンジに同乗を求めたのは、見せつけたかったからではなく、初めての戦いで少し不安だったからだと思う。ーーMy impression of Asuka asking Shinji to pilot with wasn't that she wanted to show off, but that despite what she says she was a bit insecure about her first battle.
ーーThat's a fair read of it, but I do lean towards her wanting to impress Shinji after what she had heard about him. That itself is a type of insecurity. She wants to be the best, thinks he's got one up on her, and needs to elevate herself as a response.
ーーShe seemed to be mentally preparing herself in that changing scene, that's why I assumed the insecure/assurance seeking read.


トウジが自分のパンツを脱いだぞ HAHAHA 最高の瞬間だった
ーーFirst Timer back for the eighth time.
Man, how cool of Misato to take Shinji and his friends on a cruise. Also Tohji is definitely my favorite side character "I got this hat just got you!" I love it.
Finally, I've heard and seen so much about Asuka, and she is who I assumed would be my best girl. Let's see if she can beat out Misato.
Misato definitely has a past with this guy. And Asuka is jealous, really love all of this. It's really nice to see Misato lose her cool with someone other than Shinji.
Oh man, Asuka is devilish, I really like it. She is almost opposite of Shinji in the way that she does things without permission.
Man Shinji looks really feminine in Asukas suit, he definitely isn't the manliest of men.
Based off that phone call, sounds like this may have been planned.
"You have to be thinking in German, you idiot!" Wow of course, why didn't Shinji think of that!
Oh man, 02 looks cool! It even has a knife. And it's my favorite color, so that's a bonus.
I never even thought that they would be sailing over a old city, makes sense. I wonder how much bigger the Pacific ocean is now.
Woah okay, so Kaji is bringing something odd. Akari calls it a human being, but it sure looks like a creature. Similar to the EVA's eye from the first episode. Now I'm thinking that the EVA's are possibly genetically modified humans with Angel DNA? Don't have enough to confirm it, but that's a big reveal I feel.
And Asuka joins the class! It's obvious she would, but still glad she'll get more screen time. I really want to see her interact with Rei, I can't imagine they'll be best friends, but who knows.
あぁ、エヴァのデザインは今のところどれもカッコ良い.. 配色はアスカそっくりだな。飛び回りながら戦うスタイルもいい。ナイフは初号機も持ってるよ
ーーAnd kinda irresponsible but hey thats not her strong suit
Yep Eva designs are on point thus far..Color scheme matches Asuka too kinda..The jumping around fighting style sure does..Also Unit 01 had a knife too
ならきっとお前は、ずっと幸せになることだろうーーWell, then you're going to be continuously happy on an ongoing basis.





Evangelion has an absolutely beautiful Asuka Day 8
Wait, something went wrong. Lets try again
Evangelion is an absolutely beautiful anime Day 8
What an episode. What I love is how the entire tone of the show can shift with the introduction of Asuka without changing the heart of what makes Evangelion great.
Asuka's brazen confidence plays so well off of Misato and since she is Shinji's peer, Shinji seems much more confident to stand up to her and take control during the battle.
Finally, Kaji has appeared. He clearly has history with Misato and hasn't made his broad goals and intentions entirely clear. I love his character build up in the series so lets see where he goes.
ーーFrom 90% asuka to 90% unit 02 , a man of culture
ーーNo, I think you had it right the first time.
Though the second try still has a good amount of Unit 02 so all is forgiven.