Neon Genesis Evangelion episode:6 ReiⅡ


ーーFirst-Time Watcher (Sub)
Interesting contrast, here Misato recovers Shinji (albeit less heroically, and more safely than Mr. Ikari did for Rei). Uh-oh, here comes the drill. This entity is sure aware of what’s going on. . . “Estimated time of penetration.” Heh.
Misato with the wild plan to take this thing down. 8.7% chance of success? Time to YOLO!
Rei delivering the food and briefing Shinji is awkward, but I guess it makes sense? Okay, now I get why people find Shinji whiny. Telling Rei she hasn’t been through what he has when she went through horrible injuries herself (and he saw the wrappings!) was pretty bad. I can’t tell what Rei really thinks. Does she want him to bail so she can take over 01?
“I hacked my dad’s files” UH OH. These kids are in trouble. . . and he’s possibly trouble.
Shinji is the gunner because of higher synchronization. . . I wonder how salty Rei is. Although, her confidence with the “you won’t die” is pretty cool. She’s ready for battle and he’s. . . a little less so.
“I don’t have anything else.” Oof, I feel bad for Rei. That’s rough. She’s a child soldier basically because she has nowhere else to go.
THAT SHOT BLOCK! And she’s melting AHHH. But it’s okay. Love the parallelism with Mr. Ikari’s rescue of her. The interaction between them is great, but HOKEY SMOKES THAT SMILE.
I really like Shinji and Rei bonding a bit this episode. I find it interesting how Mr. Ikari is almost completely absent from the last two fights. The shot of Misato getting permission for her crazy plan showed her super far away from him while talking, possibly to signify how distant he is right now? With his literal and metaphorical distance, it looks like Rei is open to opening up to Shinji a bit.
ーーYeah it's interesting that in this pivotal battle, Gendo is strangely absent. Misato fills his role as commander, and Shinji fills his role as comforter to Rei.. And when she suggests a strategy he just kind of says, "Well sure, I guess I have nothing to offer here." Maybe this absence has something to do with the Rei-Shinji connection being he has to stay in the wings for that to take effect idk..Also to showcase Misato in her element unobstructed
逆もまた然りだ。ミサトはシンジを世話することによって、よりモチベーションを高めていく。レイは感情的な繋がりをもつことでより利用しやすくなる。彼らをさらに効果的に使えるようになる... 将来的にシンジをレバーとして使うことで、より簡単に操れるようになるということだ。
ーーMy cynical side thinks that his plan is to get him to bond with Misato and Rei, who are both his pawns already. (Misato as a subordinate who will ultimately follow orders, and Rei as a faithful follower who may have a romantic or sexual interest in him). Shinji is intimidated by his father, but he has tried to leave twice. Give him emotional connections to Misato and Rei though, and he'll do exactly what he's told in order to preserve those connections.
He's bonding and getting more committed as a pilot, but at the same time this makes him completely subject to his father without him really knowing it.
The reverse is also true - Misato is becoming more motivated by caring for Shinji. Rei could use more emotional connections as well. They should become more effective. . . and more easy to manipulate by using Shinji as a lever in the future.
ーーHmm that would make sense even if it makes a little bit too mustache twirling ..But on the other hand Misato was the one that sugested taking care of Shinji without and (apparent) input from Gendo who had him assigned to a Rei like flat all by himself..Also Shinji developing interest to Rei at the school and Ritsuko giving him her card ,proping him to go to her place seem devoid of Gendo's meddling ,at least at first glance..They dont give us uh cues to arive at such a conspiracy i think ,even if its realistic to a level
ーーMaybe Gendo is just the kind of guy who gets a gigantic office and doesn't bother decorating it just to show off how huge it is. Ever consider that?
But yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head. Gendo's so distant even towards his staff. He's rarely ever shown near anyone aside from Fuyustuki (his second in command) and the only time he's been shown to be having fun was when he spoke to Rei last episode. I think Gendo doesn't really feel the need to interact with people much. So far everyone's handled the 3 Angel battles just fine without him having to say much other than making Shinji pilot. He can just leave the planning to Misato while he's busy playing poker with some shady old men in a dark room.
ーーWithout all the dark foreboding stuff around him, this would be excellent delegating work. He doesn't need to micromanage people; they are all pretty competent and can do things on their own. Still, can't help but think this goes beyond "competent manager" haha.



ーーFirst Timer back for the sixth time.
I decided to rewatch yesterday's episode in preparation for todays, as I want to appreciate it more.
I say it daily but I really don't get tired of this OP. I've been listening to it on my drive to work as well. I should mention how good the OST is in general, all the songs have been really good and stand out. I'm excited to listen to the OST in it's entirety when I am done with the show.
Shinji got into recovery fast. Meanwhile, this Angel looks to be drilling straight into NERV HQ. What's their plan here? And I mean both sides, Angel and NERV.
"Psychologically speaking he is fine" haha yeah sureeeee Shinji is. Maybe by his standards because he is unconcious.
They're performing a country wife blackout to power this gun, genius move Misato. That's crazy.
Shinji waking up and just getting a debrief from Rei was pretty funny. Poor kid, he goes through a lot. I don't see why he's needed, it seems like Rei alone would be enough to shoot a sniper rifle from the mountain.
Ah, so Shinji did wake up. What a good boy.
Oh, I guess I didn't think that someone would have to hold the shield. Also yeah Shinji, we get it, you are dreadfully overwhelmed and underprepared but go get 'em champ. They really need better combat training.
Wow, really cool seeing all the lights go out. I have to wonder if the world would even be possible to do that in this day and age. So much more relies on electricity now. I'm sure the whole situation isn't feasible, but even if it was, it's a cool thought.
Rei is interesting. She's heartless, like she was made literally just to pilot an EVA. I really want to hear more of her backstory. When she was retrieved by Shinji, she opens up a bit and I really hope that is the start of a friendship.
The amount of power in those shots was crazy. And oh man, it definitely worked, the whole crazy plan, and it went as well as it could have it seems. Rei isn't seriously hurt it seems, NERV HQ is safe, Shinji is only crying instead of full on mental breakdown. Good day at Neon Genesis Evangelion I'd say!
ーーThey actually said that he is fine physiologically speaking, as in his physical health, not psychologically.
ーーI’m pretty sure (at least in the dub) they say psychologically, but they clearly mean it in terms of piloting an Eva. They even say like that he’s within the parameters or something.
They aren’t asking how he’s feeling, they’re asking if he can
ーーI'm watching 1080p Blu-ray RAWs with ripped Netflix subs, and they definitely say physiologically. The dub script is mostly identical to the subs from what I've seen, but there have been some reported errors, such as Ritsuko saying 0.000000% (never saying 1) in the first episode.
オリジナルの吹き替え版では、同じだったよ。ーーIm watching the original dub and its the same.
自分の記憶が正しければ、Netflixの吹き替え版では”心理的に”と言っていたよーーI watched the Netflix dub and IIRC they said "psychologically"
それが吹き替え版の間違いってことなんだろーーThat would be an error in dubbing then.




ーーFrom the previous episodes, it seems that Rei treats herself worthless. An example is her room that shows how pathic her life, and she considers herself like that.
Also, Shinji told her that her life isn't pointless in this episode. She starts to smile because Shinji cares about her.
Also, Rei has a cute smile, and I find it very adorable.
レイとシンジは共通点が多いみたいだなーーIt seems she and Shinji have a lot in common, then.
ーーShe seems more apathetic than feeling worthless. She's just doesn't care too much about most stuff. She cares a bit about Gendo and seems to trust him… and that's it (for now).
ーーMaybe if a giant alien octahedron attacked us we would have to manage






Evangelion is at its absolute best when the action, character drama, and psychological aspects of the series all converge. Episode 6 is among my favorites in the series for how well it blends all of that together in a climactic showdown. The final stand against the fifth Angel provides both an intense action sequence and completes the initial formation of one of the most interesting relationships in all of Eva: that between Shinji and Rei. It's a relationship that, to say the least, didn't get off on the best of steps. Nor, honestly, does Shinji have a great comeback when Rei gives him the mission briefing and he again shows his hesitance in the face of her resolve. But one thing Shinji is actually pretty good at is empathy and caring about others and that is what ultimately forms the basis of a bond between the two Eva pilots.
However, as a bonus to this already pretty great core, the development of the plan to take on the Angel via sniper particle rifle provides some new insights to Misato and builds out her character as operations manager. It gets down into how cool she can be under pressure and how quick on her feet she is when the situation demands. The episode does a great job of communicating urgency with a strict time limit and no immediate way to combat the Angel. The core conflict is less "throw an Eva at it" as it had been for the prior two combat encounters and more about formulating and executing an actual plan in the limited time they have to take it down before it drills its way into the Geofront and NERV HQ. As such, it does a great job of highlighting Misato's importance beyond just being one of the people who commentate on how well or poorly the Evas are doing. Further, it leverages NERV as an organization beyond the few named characters upon whom the weight of the world falls.
That, plus the need to take all of the energy resources of the entire country to get this one shot at taking the enemy down, really drive home this sense of collective action. Even if the ultimate responsibility for actually taking the shot does, again, fall to Shinji, before he even wakes up you have this sense of how hard everyone's been working to have a plan of action for when he does wake up. They have everything in order just so, thanks to Misato's ability as a manager, with the only remaining problem being convincing Shinji to get back in Unit 01 after he very nearly died not even a day before. This falls to Rei, who mechanically describes the logistics of the plan and gives Shinji a new plug suit and his meal. We don't get to see Shinji regain his resolve after he does another show of pity seeking, thoughtlessly saying Rei hasn't had the terrible experiences he has when she had been so brutally injured a month before. Rei wants nothing to do with it, saying only she'll take on the burden of Unit 01 if he won't. That he can just stay in bed. But he doesn't. He can't, not after that.
Shinji, at this point, can only really admire what he sees as Rei's mental strength, because she has no apparent fear of death, but he eventually senses something wrong with he way of thinking. She got back in Unit 00 after that terrible incident, spurred on only by what she calls her bond. Not just to the Eva, or to Gendo, but to everyone on Earth she's been tasked with protecting. It's something she places a lot of meaning in because she thinks that's all she has. That it's all she's good for. The way she says goodbye to Shinji, both when she leaves intending to pilot Unit 01 and after their discussion before the battle, using "sayonara," indicates a level of finality. That finality is what disturbs Shinji, but it was hardly unintentional. Shinji won't die, Rei says, because she'll protect him. When the Angel foresees the attack and preempts it, causing the shot to miss, Rei defends Unit 01 and Shinji without hesitation as he reloads the rifle. For him, that second shot is less about saving himself or saving humanity than it is about saving the person who's put her life on the line for his own. It's an amazingly tense sequence, waiting for the rifle to cool down and waiting for the aim to line up. Maybe Rei thought she was going to die on that mountain, her fate sealed even before the mission started, but Shinji was determined to save her.
The second, successful, shot had barely been fired before Shinji acts to try and assure Rei's safety. In a clear parallel to his own father's actions a month prior, Shinji uses his Eva and then his own hands to get Rei out of Unit 00 as quickly as possible. When he finds her safe, his emotions get the better of him and he starts to cry, befuddling Rei. She doesn't really understand humans, or her own humanity, well enough to have a sense of how to react in a situation like this. She thought she was sacrificing herself but didn't have to die. Someone who she had spoken to for the first time only the day before is shedding tears of joy that she is alive. Scolding her for thinking all she has is being an Eva pilot. She can't comprehend that someone would place that much value in a life – her life – that she was more than willing to give up. That all of this is overwhelming to Rei, who can only apologize for not being able to respond, is rather depressing all on its own, but Shinji is able to communicate his own feelings in an uncharacteristically straightforward way. It's a happy moment, so she should smile.







ミサトに称賛を送りたいね。彼女は未曽有の事態を実にうまく乗り越えてみせた。使徒の反撃もあり、しかも成功する可能性はわずか8%にしかないにも関わらず(もっとも、アニメの世界においては可能性が低ければ低いほど、逆に成功する確率は高くなるのだが)、半完成状態のライフルと日本全体のエネルギーインフラをどこの強い反感を買う(blowing up = 怒らせる、爆破する)こともなく(使徒を除く)わずか半日で繋ぎ合わせた。
I gotta hand it to Misato. She managed to acquisition an untested, half-built rifle and get Japan's entire energy infrastructure linked together in like half a day without anything blowing up (besides the angel), despite the angel shooting back and just an 8% chance of success (granted, the smaller the odds in anime, the more likely something is to succeed).
I'm not quite sure that Rei has any reason at this point to feel close to Shinji, despite Shinji telling her that he's there for her. It seems like Rei just likes Shinji's similarity to his dad.
ミサトがベストガールだ。違うという奴はオレと戦うことができるぞーーMisato is best girl, anyone who thinks otherwise can fight me.
それはその通りだーーThat is exactly right
当然だろーーAs expected.
お前はファンの80%を敵に回したと思うぞーーI think you're up against like 80% of the fanbase.



ーーAs a Misato (and Mari) man, it feels weird thinking about how I used to be THAT Rei guy the first time I saw the series.
オレはこの作品にはベストガールはいないと思うんだが、それはおかしいか?ーーIs it weird that I feel like this show just doesn’t have a best girl?
ーーI can't argue with that. I mean so far she has been sort of a quirky character the type to usually become a fan favourite but we are also seeing the more serious intelligent side of her. I really liked the way she took control of that whole situation without hesitation. She also is the only one to call out about Shinji when he gets shot. So far I think she is probably the only character I properly like (apart from the penguin of course)




6.「綾波はまだあれにのって怖い目に遭ったことがないから、そんなことが言えるんだ」おい、シンジ、お前レイにはじめて会った時の彼女の怪我を忘れたのか?Haha レイが初号機に乗るのはいいアイデアではないみたいだね。
8.レイはすごく謎めいているな、心理戦はいらないから思ってることをそのまま言ってくれ笑 それと、”さよなら”なんて言わないでくれ。オレはその言葉が嫌いなんだ。
9.あのオペレーション全体がすごく素晴らしかったので、書き込みをやめることができなかった笑 あの鏡面の3D型の使徒も素晴らしかった。そして、シンジは作戦中に破壊されてはいけないという使命を持っていた。
ーーFirst timer sub
Didn't get the time to watch this one earlier, but I've been waiting eagerly all day lol. Just gonna try typing this post out as I'm watching. Alright so for some thoughts:
This is one damn aimbotting weird mirror 3D shape angel thing lol.
It just seems strange that this Angel has basically everything it needs to go right to their headquarters and attack them, someone or something has to be controlling them or designing the Angel's just for these assaults. This shape thing seems too convenient for this situation.
So clearly Shinji isn't getting physically hurt, but the amount of damage he must be taking mentally is probably insane.
Misato is planning what I was thinking, it seems like the only thing they can do is a long range high-powered assault. Also I gotta say, Misato's voice actor fits the character perfectly in my opinion.
Taking all of Japan's power for this shot, this seem like it's going to be awesome.
"You haven't had the experiences I've had in it yet." What, Shinji do you not remember seeing the condition Rei was in the first time you met her? Haha. It does not seem like a good idea having Rei pilot 01
So do other countries not give 2 shits? I see lights on in other countries while only lights in Japan goes out, meaning that the other countries are at least still functioning at this point. Unless it's everyone vs Japan, but that's getting kind of crazy maybe, just throwing my thoughts out there.
Why does she have to be so cryptic, just say what you mean instead of playing these mind games lol. Also, goodbye? "Don't say goodbye, I hate goodbyes."
Okay so that whole operation I couldn't stop watching to type something lol. So that operation was awesome, that mirror 3D shape angel thing was awesome and Shinji finally had a mission where he didn't get wrecked in the process.
Rei seems easy to please, force open that door and smile!
Alright so that episode was awesome, love the operation part of it and I'm wondering what kind of Angel is going to be coming next, because it seems to be anything goes at this point.
他の国と電力が結ばれてないんだろう。島国だからなーーI don't think they could link in the power from any other nation, being an island and all.








ーーAnd people give Shinji shit for not wanting to pilot the Eva.
Misato only said she would need most of the country to power this thing.
Angels are certainly unique and unpredictable. One second you're fighting some standard monster designs. Then suddenly you're being attacked by a fucking polygon.
ーーOh I was wondering what the other countries thought of the Angel situation altogether. Like do they have to fight too? Or are the Angel's just targeting Japan so the other countries are ignoring it? Guess I'll see as the show goes on :D
ーーWe see bubbles in the LCL-filled entry plug when Ramiel's beam hits him - he's getting boiled in there. Although this is the first fight it's happened in, Shinji took some physical damage there.
I'm 99% sure that if Rei had a more assertive personality and Shinji wasn't an invalid that had just woken up, she would have slapped him for that line or at least gone on a tirade about it.
It's probably because Japan's power grid isn't connected to those other countries.
And try to not get your hands burned.