ーーWhat a fantastic episode! I just love how before the OP they show us how Mizusaki became fascinated with the flow of movement, which translated into her love of animation, from an early age.
I love how shocked Asakusa looked when she won an argument against Kanamori..
Today's End Card.
ーーHer fascination with movement reminded me of Leonardo Da Vinci's anatomy sketches. And she was making studies at a very young age.
「あ! あ、あの、太陽なんですが、こっちだと西なんで夕日になっちまうんです。整合性つけたくて...」
ーーI love the first 4 minutes of this episode. At first I thought they were just showing us how Tsubame got interested in animation by observing everyday things like her grandma yeeting tea off the cup to watching herself make movements during etiquette class and making figure sketches of herself, her teacher, and her classmates. Then they reveal she wasn't just learning about movement for her drawings but to also help out her grandma who has having problems moving was sweet. She really is a grandma's girl.
And as expected the Robot Club wants to be the Seiyuus for the anime. Why wouldn't they, especially since this is basically their President's childhood dream.
This guy is really being a pain. Although to be fair, Asakusa isn't really the best at communicating with people so the blame is also on her for not being firm on what she wants and needs for the backgrounds.
Just like Kanamori, this annoyed me too. There's no point in asking for the Art Club's help if in the end Asakusa will be doing it herself anyway. And this just adds to her workload! If this keeps up, they might not even be able to complete the project in time.
Using a rocket launch to show that the little details make the overall animation look better is just great! I do admire Tsubame's passion of creating these tiny details but the cynical me is thinking that she'll probably have a hard time surviving within the modern anime era. I guess that would depend on what studio she'll work for and what kind of project it is. She'll be a perfect fit for a studio like KyoAni though.
そうかな? :( 古き良きセルアニメを観て育った自分からすると細部たちは、とても好きな要素の一つだったけど。しかしデジタル作画に移行した理由もよく理解できる..(しかし残念なことに、それはアニメ業界全体の給与や仕事量を助けることにはならなかったようだ)。自分はそういう細かい所にまで注意を払ってそれに感謝している人間の一人なので、誰かが細部に気付くことが水崎にとってうれしいことだと聞いた時は、すこし心温まる気持ちになったよ。
ーーRight? :( Part of the things I loved when growing up with old fashioned cel animation anime though was all the little details. But I do understand why they moved on to doing things digitally. (Although it sucks it didn't seem to help the overall pay/workload among the anime industry.. bleh) I'm one of those that really appreciates and pays attention to that stuff so it did make me feel a bit warm and fuzzy when she was going on about how it makes her happy for anyone that does recognize those things as well
『超時空要塞マクロス』の細やかなアニメーションは子供の頃のオレの心を鷲掴みにしたよ(それと、『ロボテック』も)。ドッグファイトやミサイルの打ち合いなどは、時にすこし現実的ではないと感じることがあっても、それでもとても素晴らしいものだった。DAICON Ⅳのオープニングの空を舞う剣と爆発にも同じものを感じる。オレはただ椅子にもたれかかったまま”wow”と声を漏らしていたよ。
ーーSome of the details in Macross caught me as a kid (well, Robotech). Stuff like the dogfighting and missiles were incredible, if sometimes a bit unrealistic. The sky swords and explosion in Daicon IV gives me the same feeling, I just sit back a bit further in my seat and go "wow".
ーーI think that's 100% intentional. Most animators probably got into the industry because they want to animate—to bring things to life on paper (traditional or digital). That's why they still work in the anime industry even if they could make more money with a regular job, or even in a different entertainment industry that has better working conditions. Even video games seem to be better (or at least better paid).
Mizusaki's passion is a blessing and a curse. It's why people animate but it's also what makes those working conditions "viable", because others can abuse that passion. There's also probably something to be said about her idealistic approach and how most animators don't have that luxury. They have to work on stuff—even if they don't like it—to pay for food and rent.
ーーHe was being an ass and his co-artist knew it. Asakusa specifically mentioned about the car not being a part of the frame (indicated by a yellow shading in the rough sketch) and he did not follow the instruction.
ーーThis episode is pretty much a collection of all sorts of water animation:
Pouring tea (laminar flow)
Light and shadow changes of tea spinning in cup
Tea flung out of the cup into droplets
Rain flowing off the buildings
Water dripping out of hair
Water flowing down transparent roof
Light and shadow changes of water in buckets
Various animation of water and waves in the bathtub in response to objects in the water (particularly hand-cupping water and letting it flow out)
The wobbly effect of being behind flowing water
Squirting water turning into a spray
Various effects of Asakusa's little boat interacting with the water around it
Spray and wave effect of Asakusa's boat flying off and landing in the water
Water drop springing off a leaf
In all honesty, the actual rocket launch and smoke effects aren't nearly as awe-inspiring as the little water effects in the first half of the episode.
あれは層流ではないーーit's not fucking laminar flow god damn
ーーWater is notoriously hard to animate and Studio Science SARU is effectively dabbing on us this entire episode.
ーーWell it's one of their favorite motifs, they based two whole movies around exploring different types of water movements after all. Those being Lu over the Wall and Ride Your Wave.
ーーI want them to talk about fire! I heard that it's also another animators nightmare, I really would like to hear their point of view about it
ーーDavid Productions did an amazing job on the recent Fire Force anime. It would be nice to see the girls discuss the trials and tribulations involved in the process.
ーーIt's been a while since I've seen it but I think ponyo had a bit of water effects if you are looking for more
ーーScience SARU also animated an entire feature length film with insane water effects called Lu Over the Wall
ーーThe animation style in Yuasa's works has become much more fluid in recent years, it's interesting how this has been accompanied by actual fluids showing up more. Lu and Ride Your Wave are obvious names to drop here, but even Night is Short had some really cool liquid animation inmidst all the drinking going on in that film.
Personally I haven't really been a fan of what that has done to the characters, but this show (and Night is Short, for that matter) is actually great in that regard while still having beautiful liquids, so I'm a happy camper.
誰が言ったのか分からないけど、やっと誰かが現実的な疑問を呈するところを見られてうれしいよ ಠ_ಠ
ーーI don't know who did it, but I'm glad to see someone finally doing the real questions ಠ_ಠ
まったくその通りだ。この疑問はオレもすごく気になったーーfor reals tho. i resonated with that question
ー理事長 プラヴィン・ラル, "惑星の社会史"(シド・マイヤーズ・アルファ・ケンタウリ )
ーー"Once a man has changed the relationship between himself and his environment, he cannot return to the blissful ignorance he left. Motion, of necessity, involves a change in perspective."
— Comissioner Pravin Lal, "A Social History of Planet" (Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri)
I think Mizusaki took this mindset and decided to devote her life to it. Hence why she cares about every little detail.
Also the bit with her grandma was wholesome as hell.
ーーIt's kinda like buying a 144hz monitor for the first time, there's no going back.
ーーI wasn't expecting to see a SMAC quote in this thread, but I'm happy to see one anywhere. It fits so perfectly with this episode too.
ーーTsubame has cemented her position as my favorite. Her passion towards details, even though nobody may care, is an idea that makes me pay even more attetion to all the subtle things I tend to ignore in anime.
最初の頃は水崎のことをそこまで気に入ってはなかったけど、しかし、ここに来て本当に大きな存在となってきている。もちろん彼女のことを嫌いだと思ったことは一度もなかったけど、浅草のダサかわいい過集中(adorkable hyperfixations)や金森の抜け目ない現実主義が初期の頃から愛おしかったように、彼女の情熱とカリスマ性も本当に愛おしく感じるようになった。
ーーTsubame was my least favorite at the start but she's really grown on me. Not that I ever disliked her or anything but her passion and charisma have really endeared her to me the same way Asakusa's adorkable hyperfixations and Kanamori's shrewd realism did from the start.
ーーShe almost felt like best girl bait at first being a model and all but has since established and differentiate herself as her own character.
ーーThat actually reminds me of the dynamic in A Place Further than the Universe. Yuzuki felt like she was a full on plot device at her introduction and it took a while for her to start feeling like a character distinct from the story. I think that giving Tsubame her individual moments of basically flavor text back story helped push her through the gate earlier.
ーーI agree with Kanamori, I instantly liked her and thought she was necessary so the other two don't go off the rails.
I think my least favorite is Asakusa, due to her inability to firmly plant her ground, although I get why she is like that, and that doesn't mean I dislike her
ーーMizusaki explaining things reminds of putting glasses on for the first time. I didn't even know you could see every individual leaf on a tree and how they move.
水崎のパーソナリティの魅力をとてもよく説明できている意見だと思う、同意するよーーThat is a beautiful way of explaining the appeal of her personality, I agree.
ーーComics artist George Perez used to be hyper detailed that way. He once did a cover for New Teen Titans that was set in a forest, and he took the time to draw every individual leaf in the frame seperately.
ーーNow that's dedication, that is a man who is passionate about what he does.
件の絵はこの『New Teen Titans #13』の表紙だと思う。
ーーI believe the cover in question is New Teen Titans #13.
視聴者はそんなこと気にしないかもしれないし、ひょっとしたら気付きさえしないかもしれない。しかし、細部はその絵を芸術にする... あるいは良い芸術にしてくれる。
ーーIf there's any secret to art, it's to present more info in one work than any person can process at once. That's what gives a work its depth of meaning (bringing people back for more), and its variety of meanings (causing people to debate what it's about).
The audience may not care, or even notice, but the details are what make it art... or good art.
ーーI always liked her well enough, but this is the first episode where I thought she was really cool.
ーーTsubame is the anime personification of the Eizouken animators.
I'm sure they are thrilled to be part of this project.
ーーMizusaki had been my favorite character since episode one for reasons I couldn't identify myself. This episode sort of locked it all in place though. That cold open was fantastic.
ーーAnother great episode! Especially the final minutes: Mizusaki describing the power of Animation (and Asakusa the Water Sound Supression System of a Rocket) were fucking awesome!
ーーThe episode ending was very punctual with Mizusaki tossing the tea. It was a representation of her complete understanding of motion and animation.
ーー“i have to proclaim “here i am!”, to the people who can appreciate each individual movement!”
yes this is me, i am people