Neon Genesis Evangelion episode:4 Hedgehog's Dilemma





あれはほとんど逮捕だな。それとNERVのロゴの下に書いてる文章が興味深かった。”God is in His heaven. . . ”残りの文はロバート・ブラウニングの詩の通りなら”All’s right with the world!”だけど、詳しくは読めなかった。今のところ、この言葉の指し示す意味はさっぱり分からない。
ネタバレはされたくないけど、これからどうなっていくのかがすごく気になるよ。第4話の段階でミサトは超一流のベストガールだからね。他のキャラクターたちとも嫁戦争(waifu wars)は一体どうなるんだ?!彼女たちに会うのがとても楽しみ。
ーーFirst-Time Watcher (Sub)
The Shinji heart sign is a great contrast to his being found missing. Misato lies to the boys pretty effectively for someone who just shouted “Shinji-kun!” when opening the door. I think she really is concerned now, though she is very good at acting cheerful for an audience. Her “idiot” seemed honest.
How ironic that he’s on a loop line. He’s run away, but it’s meaningless. He’s just going to return. He plays the same tape over and over. He stops for a movie, which appears to be about the Second Impact and catastrophe. Yet people are sleeping, and a couple in front of him are making out. He seems fairly interested in the latter. . .
Shinji’s “yes, ma’am” response is very familiar. Just giving the answer you have to give to the people who have power over you. It’s a thoroughly defeated kind of defiance.
Aida (I think that’s his name) and his play acting out heroics. Ironic, considering he almost ruined a huge operation recently. The shot with red eyes is troubling.
The shots with Rei are interesting. It seems she’s not that unlike Shinji. She has no enthusiasm, and just goes along with everything too. Side note: Anyone else get the ASMR type sound vibes from Misato when she talks with Ritsuko? That voice acting.
Aida doesn’t understand what he wishes for. I hope that he never learns.
Shinji is kind of arrested. Interesting that underneath NERV is “God is in His heaven. . . “ The rest of the line from Robert Browning is “All’s right with the world!” But that line is obscured. Everything is not right, for now.
The shots with Shinji and Misato are intense. He’s in darkness and her face is obscured by the bright light behind her. She finally tells him to leave if he doesn’t want to do it. He’s only doing it out of a sense of duty or necessity. She wants him to choose it on his own terms otherwise it’s too much trouble. But is it too much trouble for the operation, or for her. . .
Not letting him say bye to Misato is brutal.
Tohji is a total idiot, but a good guy. Shinji’s punch seemed to clear the air for both of them. How did they know to meet him there.
Misato talking about the Hedgehog’s Dilemma and Shinji. It’s funny, she’s talking about Shinji, and it flashes to him briefly looking almost like her. She doesn’t acknowledge it, but I think she’s describing herself too. She started caring about Shinji, and she got hurt because of it.
That long look and then “tadaima”. Such a great shot. He could not deal with the weakness he felt for leaving, so he stopped. Seems like Shinji is finally starting to own his destiny, though he has a long way to go.
Don’t spoil me, but I’m very curious how the rest of this goes because right now Misato is top tier best girl territory and it’s just episode 4 haha. How are the waifu wars over other characters?! Excited to get to meet them.

ーーThat scene where Shinji is watching the couple getting frisky in the cinema has always stood out to me. The way his gaze focuses and expression tightens - it's just perfectly ambiguous what he's thinking about. Is he envious? Is he weirded out? Is he lonely or its something completely foreign to him
the way she pushes back actually strains a bit of credibility for me. Arguably she's doing it for his sake, but his rationale for piloting the Eva just to save Rei from having to do it makes just as much sense as anything. Why is it so important to only have an Eva pilot who WANTS to be an Eva pilot?
Misato probably wants to have her cake and eat it too – she needs Shinji to pilot the robot, but she wants him to want to pilot the robot, so she doesn’t feel bad about forcing him to.
How she handled this one is almost a sign of desperation, like she just doesn't know how to handle him.That makes a certain amount of sense..Misato's uncomfortable in the role of an adult caring for somebody else. The absurd pet she has as some kind of coping mechanism for her maternal instinct doesn't do her much good, either.
ーーShe also wants him to do what's best for him (run away from all of this), if possible. All her priorities around Shinji are in conflict with each other.
I think her telling him to leave is her trying to resolve this internal conflict by pushing some responsibility onto him and away from her. That way she just has to react to his choice instead of both of them just miserably doing their job and following orders.
I don't even know if she wants to give him some power over his own life, if she's just looking for a way out of this problem, or a mix of both.


I’m a few days late on this rewatch, but hoppin on now. I previously watched subbed, so this time I’m giving the (new) dub a shot.
Some random musings (hope you don’t mind screenshots):
It might be worth pointing out that this says Shinji-chan’s room. I wonder if that was intentional to reinforce how meek, and sometimes even helpless, Shinji is?
Misato lied to Toji and Ida, and told them everything was fine, but immediately afterwards showed her frustration. Very much in line with her outwardly cheery, but inwardly troubled character
The train scene: Shinji by himself, keeping to himself, head down, people coming and going, eventually all disappearing around him, and he’s left alone at the end. Sound familiar?
And he ends up, what do you know, alone in a movie theater. You get the sense when he’s watching the love-dovey couple, he’s not happy, sad, or anything. More curious, even bemused, at this foreign concept
The sound, lighting, even the “camera” movements of this scene do a nice job at showcasing the internal turmoil Shinji is experiencing. The whole thing is a quite unsettling
Shinji displayed a concerning combination of apathy, fatalism, and a twisted “sense of duty” in this scene. I can see why Misato has mixed feelings about him running away
This feels less like a “Yay we’ve found the missing child!” scene, and more like “we’ve located the fugitive”
I really like this shot of Shinji sitting alone in the dark, with a very clear divide separating him and Misato (in this case just her shadow)
After that “feel-good” punch scene, Shinji showcases what he probably does best: self-loathing. Everything is his fault. He should’ve been the one to get punched (again)
I made a 48 second .GIF of the last scene for you guys to enjoy
註:reinforce =「強化する、補強する」、meek =「大人しい、素直、神妙」, turmoil =「混乱、騒ぎ、不安、動揺」, apathy =「無感動、無関心」, fatalism =「運命論、宿命論」


ところで、鈴原トウジと相田ケンスケだ。トウジは名前で相田は姓だよ。ーーIt's Toji Suzuhara and Kensuke Aida btw - Toji is a first name Aida is a last name.
You. I like you.
このGIFのことがありえないくらい好きだーーI can't believe I fell for that
ーーYeah, very much so. So much so that I was surprised they just took Shinji back and didn't beat the crap out of him or "disappear" him.
ああ、彼らはただ家に連れ帰すにしてはあまりに厳つく、鋳型にはめたような個性のない顔をしていた... そして、まるで幽霊のように朝靄の中から現れた。もしくは、大きなものの裏に潜んでいた影がシンジを捕まえにきたようだった。
ーーYeah they really hammered the harsh facelessness visuals home with the agends..The way they emerge from the morning fog like ghosts. or how he is captured in shadow, dwarfed by that imposing logo.
ーーThat last scene is actually my favourite scene in this whole anime. I'm kinda disappointed there's no gif.
ーーIt reminded me of the scene in haruhi where it's a still shot of Nagato in the club room with the radio and people talking in the background. Tho I suppose this came first.
ーーIt's just an endearing way for Misato to refer to him, I'm pretty sure.
I have to disagree, with the annoyed expression he makes then immediate cut afterwards to him laying on a couch outside (implying he did so because of watching them) it's pretty clear that seeing them reminds him of his own loneliness.



ーーFirst Timer back for the fourth time
The OP is seriously beautiful. Spoiler free (at least as far as I know), incredible songs, and incredible visuals. Absolutely in love with it, and I will continue raving on it for the rest of the rewatch.
Bed Head Misato stilllllll cute!
Ohhhh, he's been skipping school. Don't know why I didn't realize that last time, oh NVM he ran away. Welp, I'm sure he'll be back.
I also realized, yesterday, I accidentally called Tohji's VA Bryce Papenbrook when it is actually Johnny Yong Bosch. I guess I was getting my Danganronpa MC's confused. That said, I'm really glad that Tohji and Ida came to help Shinji out with school and to check on him, looks like he does have friends. Also, "Dude, she was such a hottie." I feel ya Tohji...
Wow, Shinji has been on this train a while. Have to expect his back would be sore after sitting hunched like that for so long. Poor guy is really messed up it seems.
Shinji seemed to be having a reawakening (of the sexual kind?) In the movie theater. Odd scene.
He was freaking the fuck out from the Cicadas, haunting with the colors and the cacophony of noise on that scene. I really love scenes that utilize a bunch of different shades of the same color.
Shinji has a lot going on in his poor little head, and I have a feeling we have barely scratched the surface. Very excited to see more of his trauma.
Sort of feel like Ida is a mirror of Shinji, if Shinji wasn't fucked in the head. I like the kid though, hopefully he keeps his head up when shit inevitably goes down.
Damn, Misato snapped. I understand though, it's gotta be frustrating. I also understand Shinji, it's a lot to ask from him. God, this show does such a good job of understanding each character and their point of view.
PUNCH HIM SHINJI, EVEN IT OUT! Hahaha WAITTT! Oh damn, solid hit Shinji. More than I expected.
Man, I feel so bad for Shinji. He knows his flaws, but doesn't know how to fix them. Who knows if he even can. I'm not in the camo of "get in the fucking robot, Shinji", and I don't know if I will. Because although he can be sort of whiny, I understand him.
That was a good fakeout, blocking Shinji from view with Misato. And a very long hold on them looking at each other. I'm glad Shinji has realized that this is his "home", at least at the moment. Although Misato can appear uncaring, she cares for Shinji more than anyone else has, at least in my point of view.
Well, Shinji is clearly recovering, or at least realizing that his piloting of the EVA allows people he cares for to continue on. I find it funny how his first 3 friends are a 30 year old hottie who is his boss, a kid that punched him in the face (twice), and Ida who enjoys LARPing as a soldier. Interesting crew at the moment, but I like every character so far.
そんなにこのOPを愛しているのなら、オリジナルの絵コンテと庵野がアニメーターに渡したラフスケッチを観るといい.. めっちゃ笑えるし、面白いよ
ーーHere if you love it have fun with the original storyboards and rough scetches Anno made and gave to the animators..Its very funny and interesting
She really doesnt have that much of a competition at this stage tbh
ーーThat was a very interesting video! Really cool stuff, thanks for that.







エヴァンゲリオンは冒頭からかなり内観的な描写が多い作品だけど、今回はそれが全く砕かれ分割され(break up)なかった最初のエピソードと言えるだろう。一部の人はこの回を以前よりあっさりしたエピソードだと感じるかもしれないが、私はそうは思わない。私がエヴァンゲリオンで最も気に入っている部分は、キャラクターの掘り下げ方と、視聴者にシリーズの様々なポイントで、彼らの頭の中を読み取らせるというやり方だ。アニメは視聴者にインスタントな満足感を与え、視聴者の頭に大量の情報を詰め込むことだけに終始することがよくあるため、こうやって時折、キャラクターの視点に立って物事を見る時間を与えてくれるのはとてもありがたい。
Evangelion has been introspective pretty much from the opening moments, but this is the first episode that doesn't really break that up at all. Some people might find that this makes the episode feel more dry than those that preceded it, but I'm not one of them. The thing that I like most about Evangelion is how it does these deep dives into its characters and really lets you get into their heads at various points in the series. Anime is so often focused on instant gratification and just overloading your synapses with so much information that occasional moments of just letting you work through things alongside the characters are genuinely appreciated.
As ever, Eva tends to let a lot of things go unsaid. Having interpreted Misato's scolding as more or less an order to go away, Shinji obliges. Misato is so detached from him that it's unclear how many days have passed before she even notices he's gone. He could have very well left the day after he was chewed out, but it's only five days later that him being missing is noticed. In the meantime, Shinji has no idea how to actually rebel, if he's even really doing that, and he's just wandering the city. He could have gotten on a train out of town if he really wanted to leave, but he's content to get on an intra-city line that just loops around it. It's the illusion of running away because he doesn't actually have the courage of his convictions necessary to disengage.
Even so, on the ground level of the city, he doesn't really engage with it at all. He's overwhelmed by it and, as ever, shuts himself off from the world with his headphones, constantly cycling between track 25 and track 26, never progressing, never ending. He takes in a movie, but is more interested in watching a couple make out in the nearly-empty cinema than the docu-drama he paid to see. The human condition fascinates him, as does the idea of actually connecting with someone, but he has no earthly idea how to actually do it. Humanity is this thing to observe from afar rather than something for him to actively participate in. Even here, though, there's a real sense at how empty Tokyo-3 is for a major city. It's still too much for him, but crowds are sparse, the train isn't ever really packed, and the city streets are largely devoid of life even if they're filled with colors and lights. And so, he flees to the surrounding countryside.
The rest of NERV is largely taking this in stride. Whether it's because they know the security service will eventually find him or because he really is disposable in their eyes, the dehumanization of the pilots is palpable. Maybe it's because they have no choice but to use children as pilots that they have to distance themselves from those children's humanity. It's the only way the adults using them as tools can cope with that guilt. While, once again, Misato concerns herself with the emotional and whether it's actually better for Shinji to stay far away, his seeming replacement in Rei is scanned and observed and analyzed as though they're sizing up an interchangeable part rather than a human being. Misato is at least putting up an image of being worried, but she's also concerned with saving face. She's minimizing whatever role she had in driving him away, lying about where he is to Kensuke and Toji, and rationalizing how little she's engaged with seeking him out and mending their relationship. He rejected her and that's the end of it in her eyes.
It's out in the fields surrounding Tokyo-3 that Shinji meets with and actually engages with the first person he can really call a friend in Kensuke. Kensuke, like Shinji, has lost his mother, but is so taken with the idea of the military and Evas that he play acts a soldier in a drama for kicks. While it's from a position of ignorance, he admires Shinji for at least having the ability to fight. All Kensuke has are these toys and the knowledge that he's impotent in an actual fight; unable to resist as Shinji is silently taken back into NERV custody. Shinji only knows how to do things for others, largely at the direction of others. Like Ritsuko said in episode 3, that's how he copes with life. When he says he doesn't really think he's suited to piloting Eva, but he feels inclined to do it anyway for the sake of the people around him, Misato chews him out because of what it says about his own mindset.
The gulf between "I want to do it because I care about protecting those around me" and "I'll do it because if I don't someone else will be in this position" is vast. There's a certain seeking of pity in the latter that infuriates Misato. He's trying to absolve himself of any agency, but what Shinji is consciously thinking is more along the lines of trying to be what others want him to be. He's not doing anything for himself; he's just putting on faces to try and meet others' expectations of him without a clear vision of what he himself wants to be. It's why he's so generally obedient, because he thinks that's the way to get others to care about him. "Come." "Get in." "Leave." He didn't want to get in the robot, but because that's now his role he tries to adapt to it. He tries to be the hero he's ostensibly supposed to be, but as he says, it doesn't come naturally to him. It's this passivity that will get him killed, as Misato says, because he has no real sense of self, let alone a sense of self-preservation.
This gap between Shinji and Misato is the first real instance of the titular hedgehog's dilemma. As the two of them become emotionally connected, they don't really know how to connect with each other or what to expect from each other. Shinji shows deference, which annoys the assertive Misato, while Misato's anger drives Shinji away. It's about managing the distance from each other, trying to find each others' place in their own lives. The shallow relationships from the hero's welcome in episode 3 are absent at the train station. The people who come are Toji and Kensuke, the people who built an actual investment in Shinji, even if their relationships started from a place of mutual hurt, be it Toji's sister or Kensuke's jealousy. That mutual pain, delivered to Toji's cheek, is the basis of an actual friendship. Likewise, Misato and Shinji had hurt each other, but they discovered through that pain that they actually do care about each other. That's why he wanted to stay and why she sought to bring him back.
註:introspective =「内省的」, gratification =「満足させること、喜ばせること、満足すること」, alongside =「そばに、並んで、並列して」, scolding =「叱責する、がみがみ言う、小言をいう」, chewed out =「こっぴどく叱る、叱り飛ばす」, content to =「~して満足する、~に甘んじている」, engage with =「噛み合う、ぴったりはまる、関与する」, sparse =「まばらな、希薄な」, flee =「逃げる、逃れる、避難する」, in stride =「うまくこなす、楽々と処理する、柳に風と受け流す」, dehumanization =「人間性抹殺、非人間化」, interchangeable =「交換可能、置き換えできる」, save face =「顔を立てる、体面を保つ、面子を保つ」, passivity =「受動性、無抵抗、消極性」, self-preservation =「自己保存、自衛本能、自己防衛」, deference =「欽慕、敬意、尊敬」, assertive =「断定的な、言い張る、主張型」