つまり、晶をスコアを1-1の状態にして、ハルオと一夜を過ごしたかったというわけか。しかし、ここで生じている違いは、日高は、ハルオと徹夜でゲームをしたかったわけではなく、別の何かをしたがっていたという点だ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ーーThat actually went waaay better than I was expecting
It's because you kept on doing nothing! That's what you've been doing that's making people mad!
Oh shit even Akira is going on the offensive now too!
Akira teasing Haruo is adorable!
So Akira wanted to make the score 1-1 and spend the night with Haruo too. Although the difference here is that Hidaka wanted to play with something else instead of just playing games all night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'd totally play this game
ーーReally impressed with Oono's maturity when she saw them together, and equally relieved that Hidaka felt so guilty over her actions because she should be. Not to mention that Genta is legit the only person in this series who can't land a hit on Haruo who is a walking punching bag. It's hilarious how this show doesn't take him seriously.
このシーン、一瞬下の字幕が何か関係しているのかと思ったけど、今見ると日高が暗闇でテレビを観て眼精疲労になってしまったかのように見えるな XD
ーーFor a second I thought the subtitles were relevant for the scene but now it just looks like Hidaka is experiencing eye strain from watching TV in the dark. XD
>>日高は、ハルオと徹夜でゲームをしたかったわけではなく、別の何かをしたがっていたという点だ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
日高はハルオのジョイスティックが欲しかったんだーーShe wants dat joystick
ハルオが女子2人と朝帰りしたことを知ったあの輝いてる少年(Shiny-boy = 土井のことです)の反応が面白くて、そして適切だった。
ーーI like how Oona didn't throw a fit or anything; she accepted that she has a rival, and wants to win fair and square.
It's cute that she got jealous of Hidaka, and spent an innocent night with Haruo as well. She will not be one-upped by another girl!
But the final round is here. And neither of them are going to back down. They have accepted each other as rival love interests for the same guy, and are about to fight for him.
Shiny-boy's reaction to finding out that Haruo and the 2 girls didn't come home that night was hilarious, and appropriate.
This show is such a gem.
ーーWell, the cliffhanger from the previous episode went way better than I expected. Oono isn't stupidly jealous, thus proving she's best girl. As proxy for Hidaka and Oono, Oono's sister and Haruo's mother punch him because violence is hilarious.
Oh, and I guess Oono *is* jealous; to the point where she gets angry at Haruo for **fucking picking female characters**. Jesus Christ.
For all my gripes, Haruo's night with Oono was *very* wholesome. If you contrast that with Haruo and Hidaka's nightmare of a night, I'm really unsure how one perceives HidakaxHaruo was better.
If you couldn't tell, for me, the love triangle is the weakest part of the series for me. Still looking forward to next week's episode, though.
ーーAnd they're also doing a pretty neat Final Fight reference. Makoto alternates between punching Haruo and punching the air, just like Haggar's infinite combo. Haruo's mom appears to be using Guy's combo.
On top of that, the reference also works as a call back to early in the series, when Akira used Haggar, and Haruo used Guy when they played together.
ーーAkira is satisfied with how her plan went. Hidaka was straightforward but Akira is also playing strong. What a bliss. Seeing Akira's smile after Haruo thanked her for everything pleased my heart. Makoto also spent a great night. Staying at friend's home let you see how different families can be from yours own.
Russian stage. That reminded me how often games in my country were pirated and weren't even translated from Japanese. You needed to click randomly and see what happens after that. Unforgettable experience.
「いつもの俺なら、このカルロスを使うところだが... この女にうつつを抜かすとしよう」
「このパツキンの姉ちゃん選んじゃいかんの!? 大野だってさっきルシアって女を使ったじゃんよぉ!」
「なに?大野がこの姉ちゃんを使うってか? 持ちキャラのハガーさんが泣くぜ...」
「なんでそんな今日は女キャラばっか使うんだよ? 大野の中に眠る女としての自我が目覚めたか?」
「あいたっ! 痛い!痛い!」
「おっ、なになに次はガイってか? これ1人用だぜ?」
「なんだやれってか? 連続で『ファイナルファイト』ってキツいぜ? ていうか、何で新しいものから古いものの順でやらせるんだよ?」
ーーAt first I was with a impression that Oono wanted to improve her girlish side, like the moment she just wanted to watch Yaguchi playing Final Fight, like Hidaka did in the past. This was also why I thought Oono called Hidaka in the first place, for her to indirectly teach her way of doing these things, all because in Oono's eyes, she's losing Yaguchi with a trait only Hidaka has, and the same happens in Hidaka eyes, but in this case is all about being a pro in games.
Well this would be my first impression when at the end of the episode Hidaka revealed that was all a big competition set up by Oono. Should I even dare to gamble that Hidaka will finally won one time agaisnt Oono? I think that would be great for the upcoming episodes, seeing Hidaka suffer again will pretty much destroys her completely and I don't think I would take one more episode with her suffering.
ーーOone doesn't need any improvement on that, though. At school, everyone but Haruo regards her as the perfect princess and, considering her education, when it comes to traditional Japanese feminine values, Oono outclasses Hidaka by miles, but that's not what got them close.
As she got closer to him, Hidaka dropped the whole "I'll watch you from the back" side in favour of sharing his hobby with him and competing as an equal.
Edit: I recon Oono wanted him to play Final Fight(the SNES version is exclusively single player) because she was already enjoying herself.
ーーYeah, but my point is from Oono perspective alone, I think in her eyes she was losing to Hidaka because despite her being good at games and shares a hobby with the MC, in the end he still "stayed" with Hidaka this whole time despite Oono clearly outclasses her, at least in games. She was probably thinking "what's so special about her that makes Yaguchi stick to her every damn time?"
ーーShe has no reason to think that either. By the time Oono came back to Japan, Hidaka was already starting to play video games herself but Haruo still ditched her to play on the Street Fighter tournament in episode 8.
So far, the only three things that managed to distance Oono and Haruo were her family(both when she left for the US and when Moemi prohibited her), Haruo studying to get in the same school as her, and now, when the Hidaka and the Mizunokuchi crew kicked him out to Shibuya right after as Haruo kept missing the times when Oono came around.
The most Hidaka actually managed to influence Yaguchi and Oono's relationship was by pushing him away from the arcade both girls frequented. She has been consistently losing to Oono throughout the whole story. Oono is just establishing her dominance.
13分55秒ごろ、ハルオが初めて晶と一緒にファイナルファイトをプレイした時のことを思い出した瞬間、画面上に現れた文字が何かしらの理由で翻訳されていなかったのに気付いた。あまり重要じゃないのかもしれけど、すごく大きなものだったよね。あれは、「Back to (one's) origin」という意味だよ。この場合は、1人プレイなのにも関わらず晶がスーファミ移植版のタイトルをハルオにやるように言ったことを指している。晶は晶なりのやり方で、ハルオと小春との関係に先立つ2人が共有している長い歴史を遠回しにハイライトしたかったんだ。隣に並んでアーケード版のこのタイトルをプレイしたことが、彼女にとって初めての誰かとの共同経験だったからね。たぶん単純にゲームで遊んだことだけじゃなくて、ハルオに過去の色々なことを思い出させたかったんだろう。このエピソードの後半で、ハルオが何やら彼の観点から感情を述べそうになってたけど、前述した回想シーンに戻ったところで、突然、真となみえのおふざけパートに割り込まれてしまった。そこで矢口家へと視点を戻すなら、なみえがハルオの父親を好きになった昔話をしていたところに戻したほうがマシだったと思う。それがちょっと不満だったかな。
ーーI noticed for some unknown reason the text on the screen at around 13:55 when Haruo recalls the moment he first played Final Fight together with Akira went untranslated but actually that part is considerably, if not crucially important. That reads: Back to (one's) origin (原点回帰). In this case that sheds some light as to why Akira insisted Haruo play the SNS port of the title despite it being a single player game. Akira wanted to highlight in a typically roundabout Akira fashion how they share a history that long predates the one between Haruo and Koharu since playing the arcade version of the title next to each other was the first co-op experience she had with someone, presumably not only in gaming but rather in anything at all. Although Haruo himself sorta put these sentiments in words from his point of view later in the episode, the aforementioned back to the origins flashback scene cuts rather abruptly to Makoto and Namie shenanigans before it resumes. I believe it should've driven the point home better if they would've had Namie mention her own origin story of love with Haruo's dad there rather than before. That's a minor gripe from me tho.
Edit: Nobody's talking about Koharu's mom??? She's such a top-tier MILF!
ーーSeeing Ono being with Yaguchi playing games like the good old days was nice but man, it just reminded me of poor Hidaka.
Can't believe Ono goes 1-1 now because honestly can you even call Hidaka's Shibuya escapade a win? Goddamnit, my heart's hurting for poor Hidaka and my head is telling me that Ono's gonna win at the end and crush poor Hidaka.
今回は大野が盛りだくさんだった... できれば彼女に喋ってほしいけどな、そしたら事がもっと順調に進むだろうし。最終的には彼女が喋るようになるのを望んでるよ。
ーーLots of Oono today... which made me hope she talked, everything would be so much easier, hopefully she does eventually.
ーーThe only words I want to hear from her are "I love you too".
"Yes, I will" would be even better. But that's too much for them for now.
矢口は幸運な男だなーーYaguchi is one lucky bastard.
ファイナルファイトの3とタフは最高傑作だけど、FF4が登場してないのが悲しいなーーJust wanna say Final Fight 3/Tough is the GOAT and i'm still sad there's no FF4
註:GOAT = the greatest of all time =「史上最高の」
大きないびきをかく人と同じ部屋で寝ることに対しては、自分も同情できるよ。ーーI too can sympathize with sleeping in the same room as a loud snorer.
オレも同じようにいびきがうるさい奴を知ってる。デカイいびきをかく奴がいた夜は、地獄(pandemonium)という言葉でも足りないほどだと思う。 XD
ーーI know some fellas like that too but I think "loud snorer" can't even start to describe the pandemonium that night was. XD
ーーI am the loud snorer
Seriously though look into CPAP, it's great
註:CPAP = Continuous Positive Airway Pressure =「経鼻的持続陽圧呼吸療法」機械で圧力をかけた空気を鼻から気道に送り込み、気道を広げて睡眠中の無呼吸を防止する治療法。
「なんだよソレ!? 萌美先生もいなかったから、大野の気晴らしに付き合ってただけだよ!」
「男を家に置いて黙って出てゆく.. これはもう行くところはひとつね」
真とハルオママのギャグが笑えるーーThe gag of Makoto and Haruo's mom is hilarious
彼女たちは物事を最も速く進める方法は、絶えずハルオに発破を掛けることであると知っていて、そして2人はそれが大好きなんだ。ーーThey know the fastest way to progress this is to constantly give him shit and they're loving it.
このアニメ全体を通して2人の掛け合いがすごく面白い。ーーTheir whole relationship through the anime is so funny.
よっしゃ、ついにトゥルーエンドが現れたぜ。お姉ちゃんとママはここ最近ずっとコメディを提供してくれてるね XD
ーーThe night at Ono was fun but I really wanted to hear the story about how the mother met her husband too. I'm sure it would be pretty interesting too. It could be a new sitcom material. Oh, wait...
Oh yeah, finally the true ending is appearing. The sister and the mother are carrying hard the comedy for a while already. XD
Also, I wonder if they can really solve the things with another arcade match, so far it only lead to more irresolutions.
このエピソードの大野はマジで可愛かったな(もちろん、彼女の沢山の暴力シーンとバランスを取るためのものではあったけど)。それと、ハルオママと真の行動が本当に面白かった。2人ともすごく笑えるし、物語を先に推し進める手助けになってるよねーーOono was so cute this episode (balancing out with a whole lot of violence of course). I really like the dynamic of the mother and Makoto, it's both very funny and helpful for moving things forward
註:balance out =「帳尻を合わせる、バランスを取る、相殺する、釣り合う」
ーーThe lines were amazing "I dont wanna cheat on my sega saturn for playstation" , "Why didnt you let me pick the blonde girll". The mother was "I feel sorry for the winner, my son isnt even a consolation prize".
大野がこのエピソードの流れを大きく変えてたね!すごく良かった。彼女がベストガールだという事実を固いものにした。けれど... 彼女は変な方法で矢口を家に連れ込んだね。
ーーOono straight up flexing this episode! I loved it. Really solidifies the fact that she is the best girl. Even though...she used rather strange tactics to get Yaguchi into her house.
The battle for Yaguchi next episode! Gah! This show really doesn't get enough love from the rest of the anime community. Such a shame. This is probably one of the best romance/drama's I have seen. The characters are just so good.
Also, Yaguchi's Mom and Oono's sister are fucking hilarious.
ーー"Listen. I get it. I'm in love with the lug too."
Rookie blunder. Check first!
I wish we had these in the US
That's a fancy gaming setup
So content ❤
Looney Tunes sneak, haha
Nice! The artists going the extra mile here
"We have the technology. We can make her faster. Stronger. Better."
大野の姉ちゃんとハルオママがこのシリーズを前に進めてるーーOono's sister and Haruo's mom are carrying this series
ーーThis was a cute, feelings on the table moment in the past episode by Hidaka, but Ono has no words for the deep out pouring of Hidaka’s confession. It was cute having a non speaking girl portray her feelings in a different way, but after witnessing a confession by another girl to the guy I guess you love your still silent?.
If this plays out the way it should, Ono lost an episode ago and he only really knows the feelings of one person who confessed. I’m sorry, Ono’s terribly cute,her character had great potential and now on the second season she needs to talk about her feelings or bow out. ( put up or let the Hidaka love him the way She couldn’t) No communication, no relationship and that’s life in the real world also.
ハルオはお姉ちゃんルートに向かうのが正しい選択だと思うぞ。そして大野と日高は百合ルートへと向かうんだ ;)
ーーOh hell yeah! Shit is getting intense!
Maybe he really should just go the older sister route and let Oono and Hidaka go the yuri route ;)
Only kidding, I actually want Onoo to win, but I just like Hidaka a lot as well. Please let her be happy at the end as well.
(Also, Onoo totally about to demolish her)