ーーMan this is probably some of the best anime original scenes i've ever seen. They add a lot to the story and do not feel like they are fillers at all.
The montage where we see thorfinn's progression as a warrior gave me goosebumps.
Edit: Also HOLY SHIT that soundtrack
ーーI LOVED that the showed him realizing that two daggers suits him better. And even before that his despair at his first kill. And yeah, that soundtrack.
Is it next Sunday yet?
そして今、彼は2本の短剣を持つことで、父親の記憶と、復讐という重荷あるいは戦いの重荷その両方を抱えている。それらは同じくらい重く、また子供にとって明らかに多すぎる。ーーIt's not just about what suits him. It's symbolic of how he's adopting the way of viking savagery.
Up til then, he held his father's dagger alone, it could be considered an heirloom even. There was an honor there, to hold his father's weapon alone and fight fairly, and an ideal, that his father's weapon alone would carry him through this ordeal.
Then, when faced with death, in order to survive, he has to take hold someone else's dagger. While he's already killed and thus betrayed his father's words, one could say it's in that moment he completely forgets his father's words about not needing a sword, gives in to baser instincts, and embraces being a viking who just takes what he needs.
So now, with those two daggers, he's carrying both the memory of his father and... the harsh weight of his pursuit of vengeance? Of war? Something like that. Both equally heavy and visibly too much for a child.
ーーDamn. What's with prime video and running depressing-ass anime. First Dororo and now this.
So good though.
彼らが出来の良いアニメを財政的に支援してくれることをうれしく思うよ。来期から始める『無限の住人』のアニメも同様に新鮮で素晴らしいものだ。ーーWell I'm glad they're funding some more mature anime, with the upcoming blade of the immortal adaptation as well nice breath of fresh air.
オイ、なんだと!?!?やった!!!オレの大好きなマンガがどんどんアニメ化されてる!!あとは『ファイアパンチ』さえアニメ化してくれたら、オレは幸せに死ぬことができるよーーhol up, what?!?! YAY!!! all my favorite manga are getting adaptions!! now I only need a Fire Punch anime and I can die happy
でも、残念なことに『無限の住人』を制作している人達は、2016年の『ベルセルク』を作った人達だよ :/ーーSadly people who worked on berserk 2016 will also be working on blade of the immortal :/
オレは、よくある異世界転生アニメよりも、もっと素晴らしい原作のアニメを見たいよ。ーーI'll take anime's with great source material over another generic isekai.
週刊ランキングを見るに、最近の異世界モノは、良いプロダクションと素晴らしい原作の両方がない限り、もとから異世界アニメ好きのオタクたちを作品のファンとして獲得することにさえ苦労しているみたいだ。平凡であることとセーフスペース(チートスキルを持ちでハーレム状態の主人公への自己投影)に対する歓迎が終わり、膨れ上がったこのジャンルの中から本当に価値のある作品にだけ称賛が与えられるようになったのは良いことだと思う。ーーLooking at the weekly ranking, it seems newer isekai have problem setting up their anime fanbase unless it have good production and excellent source material. Which is good because its time to stop celebrating mediocrity and safe space (self insert MC with hax skill surrounded with harem), and only give deserved praises to the gems from the bloated genre.
セーフスペース(safe space)とは、疎外感や圧力から解放されてありのままの自分でいられる場所のことです。視聴者であるオタクたちは異世界アニメの主人公を自分のセーフスペースとすることで、独りよがりな有能感に浸っていると指摘しているのだと思います。良い考察だと思いました。
よくある俺TUEEEE系主人公の異世界モノは、まだ観れるんだけど、最近放送されている作品は、主人公が何の努力もしないただのゴミ野郎なんだ。それらは大体内容が同じなだけでなく、ほとんどはアニメーションも滅茶苦茶ひどい(特に今期のは)。だから、見ていて何も面白くないんだ。ーーI can get down with a decent isekai with an overpowered MC but the ones that have been coming out recently have just been absolute trash with no effort put into them. Not only are they super generic but most of them (espeically this season) have fucking awful animation so it isn't even interesting to look at.
ーーI'll take an anime with great source material, don't care if it is isekai.
Still waiting for Re:Zero to blow people's mind again.
ーーam I the only one who thought that anime was impressively mediocre? like the incessant whining complete lack of ability to do anything the mc just made that show insufferable and made me hate subarus which made me hate the show more cause I like subarus.
and the story never seemed to progress ever. what with all the going back in time it just repeated bullshit ad nauseum maybe with slight changes but absolutely nothing was ever explained in enough detail that I even care what happens to anyone in the show....
あのおばさんの顔に涙が流れ落ちるシーンよ....。トルフィンは数人の人間を殺しているところだったが、彼女はトルフィンのために泣いていたと思う。この子は、今の彼になるのに、一体どんな人生を送ってきたのだろうか?とーーThe scene with the old lady's tears streaming down her face, man. He had just killed a couple people, but I think she was crying for Thorfinn. What kind of life has this kid led to turn him into what he is now?
オレが一番印象に残ったのは、トルフィンが一瞬だけ自分の家族のことを思い出し、その後すぐに人殺しモードになってヴァイキングに戻っていった場面だな。マジで最悪だった。ーーWhat got me the most is when he remembers his family and then immediately goes back to him going back into killer mode and joining the vikings. It's fucked up man.
あの女性とその娘がトルフィンを保護した場面を見て、トールズがアイスランドの自分の村を守った場面がフラッシュバックしたな。しかしトルフィンは寝返り、彼女たちへの恩を仇で返した。あのイングランドの村を守れる唯一の人間を殺し、彼女らを海賊の手に渡した。ーーWhat got me was thinking how the lady and girl protected Thorfinn, the flashback to his family made me think how back in Iceland Thors protected his village, but then Thorfinn pays them back by turning around and killing the only people who could protect the English village and delivering them into the hands of pirates.
5人がかりで戦ったにも関わらず、1人の子供に殺されたように奴らにヴァイキングの侵略を撃退することなんかできないぞwwwーー5 people who got killed while ganging up on a child are not going to be able to repel an invasion of vikings lmao.
註:gang up =「組織されたグループとして行動する、群がって襲い掛かる」, repal =「退ける、撃退する、寄せ付けない、はじく」
ーーWhat made the vikings so horrifyingly effective was their ability to show up without warning, murder everyone, and shove off with the loot before the king's men could organize any kind of response.
Those men were scouts for the king, and were the only real chance the village had of surviving. Thorfinn killed them to prevent them from calling reinforcements, and now the villagers have no hope of reinforcements who can run the vikings off before they steal or destroy everything.
彼女はイングランドに住んでいたデーン人をイングランド人が皆殺しにしたことを知っていた。彼女は、この子供は全てを失い、他に行くあてのない子に違いないとそう思ったんだろう。ーーShe's knows that the English killed all the Danes living in England. She's thinking it must be a kid that lost everything and had nowhere else to go.

ーーShe saw this grumpy boy turn into that war machine. And that happened after her own son died.
2枚目の画像はブチ切れてるアルミンに見えるーーLooks like angry Armin in the second picture
ああ、彼女はデーン人を殺した王様を好きではないと発言していた。そして今回のラストで、彼女が兵士たちを殺すトルフィンを見た時、王様の対応が違っていれば、彼は人殺しなんかにはならなかったかもしれないと思い、さらに悲しみを深めたことだろう。彼女は、トルフィンを大虐殺の生き残りだと思っていた。そして、トルフィンが最終的にこんなことをする人間に育ってしまったのは、彼に何か恐ろしく酷いことが起こったからに違いないと確信した。ーーYeah, she already said that she did not like that the king killed them, so in the end, when she saw him killing all those soldiers she was probably more sad because she knew that if it wasn't because of the king's actions Thorfinn will not have been a killer, as she probably assumes that he is a survivor of that massacre, and she was aware that something terrible must have happened to him to end up in that kind of role.

ーーI already liked it after the first 3 episodes, but this is just getting better and better. Love the solid dose of depression every Sunday.
Poor kid, he looked completely deranged until he noticed the woman who took care of him.
トルフィンがクソ野郎と言うつもりはないが、村人たちの目の前で男を殺している彼は残忍に見えたよ。友達と楽しく遊ぶべき子供が、兵士を殺しているのを見て悲しい気分になった。ーーI don't mean for this to be an asshole to Throfinn, but he looked like a savage when he was killing those guys in front of those guys. It was really sad to see from a kid who should be having fun with his friends instead of killing soldiers.
註:savage =「残忍な、獰猛な、殺伐とした、凶暴な」
ああ、すごかったな!!アニメ化したらトルフィンが弱弱しくみえるんじゃないかと心配していたけど、今はその心配はなくなったよ。ーーyeah that was great!! I was worried he was gonna look wimpy in the adaption but those worries are gone now.
トルフィンのことをポジティブな意味でsavageと言っているのではないと思うぞ。あんな非道な行為を称賛するような人間は、トールズから人生訓を学ぶ必要がある。ーーI don't think the guy called thorfinn a savage in a positive light. You guys out here praising this shit need Thors to teach you some life lessons.
お前が返信した相手は、トルフィンの残虐性がトーンダウンすることで、この物語へのインパクトが失われてしまうことを危惧したんだと思うぞ。たしかにトルフィンの残虐行為は、褒められたものでも素晴らしいものでもないが、この物語と彼のキャラクターにとって重要な要素だ。たとえ、その見た目が良くなかろうと、トルフィンの残虐さがアニメ化で失われなかったのは良いことだ。ーーI think the poster you responded too was worried they would tone Thorfinn down because doing so would lessen the impact of the story. Thorfinn's desent into brutality isn't admirable or a good thing, but its an important part of the story and his character. It's good to see that the adaptation didn't water down Thorfinn's cruelty, even if it isn't pretty to watch.
あの女性が姿を消すと、トルフィンの感情も消え去ってしまう演出は素晴らしかったーーThe way she disappeared and him shutting off his emotions was brilliant
オレは真剣にヴァイキングが通り過ぎざまに彼女を刺し殺すのを予想してたけど、こっちのほうがより良い選択だったかもしれないね。ーーI was seriously expecting some viking passing by to nonchalantly stab her, but this may have been a better artistic choice.
実際には、そうなったのかもしれないけど、トルフィンは、まだその手に握りしめている小さな思いやりという感情を押し込め、その光景を見ないことを選んだ。--That very well may have been what actually happened, but he just chose not to see it in pushing away what little compassion he's still desperately managing to hold onto.
ーーThe broken comb in the end, broke my heart.
And then the ED.
このエピソードは何が起こるのか予想がついたけど、そのことがよりあのラストを憂鬱とさせた。トルフィンがあの家族と一緒にいるつもりはないことは、もちろん分かっていたけど、あの母親がトルフィンの残忍さを目撃してしまったところは悲痛だった。そして、最も悲しい場面は、アシェラッドがトルフィンを上出来だと褒めた場面だと思う。その場面は、彼があの海賊たちのただの成行きで一緒にいる同行者ではなく、冷酷な殺人者になりつつあることを示している。ーーThis episode was really easy to predict, but that made the ending more depressing. I think we all knew that Throfinn wasn't gonna stay with them, but the fact that she had to see how ruthless he is just made it worse. I think the saddest part is when Askeladd actually complimented him. It show that he's becoming more and more of a ruthless killer, just like the pirates he hangs out with.
ああ、あの2人がトルフィンを川で見つけた時、これからどうなるのか分かっていたけど、それでも彼女が、凶暴化して兵士たちを殺しているトルフィンを目撃する彼女を見るのは辛かったよ。ーーYeah, right when those two found him in the river I knew how that was going to go, but still, it hit hard seeing her reaction when she saw him going berserk on those soldiers.
トルフィンは助けてくれた人の手を噛んだ。戦争で最も苦しむのは、いつも無防備な民だ。ーーHe basically bit the hands that fed him. Defenseless civilians always suffer the most in war.
彼女は、絶望的な状況に立たされている自分の村のことよりも、トルフィンのことを思って泣いていたような印象を受けたーーI got the feeling she was crying more for Thorfinn than the realization that her village was doomed
彼女が言っていた通りさ。男たちの喧嘩に女子供が付き合ってやる義理はない。ーーIt's as she said. Women and children aren't obligated to get involved in a quarrel among men.
しかし、付き合わずに済ますこともできないんだよなーーThey also can't choose not to.
「子供が海賊なんて普通じゃないよ」と言っていたように、彼女はトルフィンに何か事情があることを分かっていた。そして、彼女は直接その目で、トルフィンが人を殺すところ目撃した。ーーEspecially if she was equating him to her lost son John, which is what she called him, and they could've been the same age.
She said "usually kids aren't pirates" so she knew something was wrong with him, and then she saw first hand how much of a killer he was.
註:first hand =「直接、じかに」38,海外の反応
加えて彼女は、トルフィンが最後の男を殺す前、彼の目が狂犬のそれから無垢な少年のそれに変わるのを見た。トルフィンは、はるか遠い存在となったわけではないのに、それでも自分自身を押し殺さなければならないことを彼女ははっきりと悟った。ーーPlus she saw his eyes go from a mad dog to an innocent youth's when it was just between him and that last guy. She can clearly see he's not too far gone, yet he finds himself forced to kill.

ーーMrw I realize Thorfinn went against his father’s principles to not needlessly kill others.
註:Mrw =「My reaction when」
理想 = 続かないものーーIdeals = not kept
トルフィンは彼の母親と姉に再会する時が来るのだろうか?彼は復讐することよりも、家に帰ることを考えるべきだ。ーーI wonder if he's ever reuniting with his mother and sister, or not? He should rather focus on getting back home, rather than revenge.
それは今回のラストが指し示しているだろ。彼も家族との再会を望んでいる。しかし、何よりも彼はアシェラッドを殺すことを強く望んでいる。ーーThat's kinda what the ending was supposed to be saying. He wants to reunite with his family, but he has the need to kill Askeladd first before anything else.
最後のトルフィンの表情が多くを物語っているーーThe look on Thorfinn's face at the end says a lot.
彼の心に暗い影が落ちた、ここからは下り坂だーーHe's done giving a fuck, it's all downhill from here.
そこに叫びはなかった。彼の中のすべてが冷たくなっていってしまったようにーーThe lack of screaming said a lot. Like everything has just gone cold inside him
彼は、彼の父が望んでいた道から遠くはぐれてしまった。でも、彼はいつか自分の道に戻ってくるのではないかと思う。ーーHe's straying so far from the path his father wanted him to take I wonder if he'll find his way back.
彼の父親ももとは残忍な人間だったからな。トルフィンも2、30年後に「ああ、これはあまりに酷すぎる」と気付き、父のように殺しを止めるだろう。ーーHis dad was a savage too so he probably has like 20-30 more years to realize "Oh shit this is fucked up" and stop killing like his dad did.
そうなるとは思うけど、トールズはトルフィンに自分のようにはなってほしくないと思っている。トールズは人殺しは悪いことだと気付いたがそれはあまりに遅すぎた。そのせいで、彼は自らの過去の行いに縛られてしまった。トルフィンが、トールズが彼に望んでいたような人生を送ると思うが、トルフィンが正しい道に戻ってくるのに2,30年はかからないと思う。ーーThat's true, but Thors doesn't want Thorfinn to turn out like him. Thors realized killing was wrong, but he realized it too late, which is why his past came back to haunt him. I'd say for Thorfinn to live the life Thors wanted him to live, he has a lot less than 20-30 years to get back on the right path.
この父にして、この子ありーーlike father like son.
2,30年後ではないだろ。彼の父親はかなり若く見えたぞ、おそらく30代後半かそこらだろう。彼が戦うことをやめたのは、きっと20代だよ。ーーNot 20-30 years. His father seemed pretty young, probably in his late thirties. He must have stopped fighting in his twenties.
トルフィンが家に帰ることで、彼自身、またはヴァイキングたちが、その引き金になると思う。自分の手で家族を殺すか、家族が強姦されることを選ばなければならないという現実に直面することが、彼が正しい道に戻る引き金になるんだと予想する。このエピソードで登場したあの家族は、トルフィンに躊躇いとフラッシュバックを引き起こした。彼を人間/健全に保っているものは、彼の家族だけなんだ。ーーI think the trigger will be when he returns home, on his own or with the vikings. Coming face to face with the reality that he has to kill/let his family be raped will be the trigger to put him back on the right path. That family in this episode already made him have flashbacks and hesitate, so the only thing that keeps him human/sane is his family.
ヴァイキングが略奪したり強姦したりするのはイングランド人に対してだけで、同じ民族の人間にはそんなことしないぞーーVikings only pillage and rape english people, they don't fuck with their own
彼らは間違いなくお互いに略奪しあっていたけど、強姦したり奴隷にしたりはしてなかったと思う。ーーThey definitely pillaged each other, just not a lot. I don't think they raped or enslaved each other though.
正直に言って、トルフィンが兵士を殺していた時の顔と一番最後の顔は、あの女性がトルフィンを解放してあげたいと思っているその人生から、彼を解放してやることが決して不可能であることを表しているかのようだった。ーーHonestly, that face and the face where he kills the soldier shows that if her ever wants to escape this life he has, it will probably never happen.
トルフィンのあの表情は、一瞬だけ現れて永遠に消え去ってしまう光の欠片のようなものだ。それ以上深く絶望する必要はないよ。ーーIt's like a sliver of light that momentarily surfaces, but then is extinguished forever. It doesn't get more despairing than that.