



オレは今この物語にすごく興味を持っているよ、これより先も知りたいと思う。誰か、この後何が起きるのか教えてくれないか?ライトノベルにすると何巻になるの?すでに翻訳はされてる?ーーWhat an awesome show. Loved the soundtrack and voice acting, I'm always gonna remember Smug Boogiepop face. The part I loved about this was this show and the MC asked questions instead of lecturing people. I know this was from the start but still, I just loved how Boogiepop put everything to Shirou as questions and not just telling him what to do.
I hope now Takeda and Touka went on a lot of dates lol. It was funny too when Niitoki started calling Boogiepop just "Boogie".
Now, I'm totally interested in this story and want to know further. So can somebody tell me what goes after this ? Is it LN, which volume or chapter is it ? Is it translated already?

アニメは5つの小説をカバーしているね。最初の3話が1巻、4~9話が2+3巻、10~13話が6巻、そして14~18話が5巻の内容だよ。1~6巻まではすでに英語に翻訳されているよ、その中の4巻だけが今回アニメ化されていないね。アメリカの出版社セブンシーズは、毎月行われている読者調査で十分な興味があることが分かれば、続きを出版するかもしれないと言っているけどね。ーーThe anime covered five novels - the first three episodes were volume 1, episode 4~9 covered volume 2+3, episode 10~13 covered volume 6, and episode 14~18 covered volume 5. Volume 1~6 are the ones translated into English for now, so 4 is the only translated one that didn't make it into the anime. Seven Seas, the publisher in the West, said that they might bring over more if there's enough interest for it in their monthly reader surveys, though.

どうしてアニメでは、4巻はスキップされたんだ?お前はそれを読んだ?それだけ物語から独立してるのか?全体的なプロットに関わっていないのか?ーーWhy'd they skip vol 4 tho, have you read it? Is it some standalone thing and doesn't contribute to overall plot development?

ややその気はあるね。4巻はブギーポップがほとんど出て来ないし(ほんとに最後の方で、ちょっと出てくるだけ)、凪もほとんど出て来ない(ほんの少しだけ2回出てくる)。だから全体のプロットとは、繋がっていない感じだね。そしてそれは、オレの一番好きな翻訳小説でもあるよ。ーーKind of. Volume 4 is a story that has barely any mention of Boogiepop (only appears in one scene at the very end) and barely any mention of Nagi either (two short appearances), so it's a lot more disconnected from the overall plot. It's really good though, and probably my favorite of the translated novels.

面白そうだなーーsounds very good




ライトノベルの方が良いって言う人もいるけど、自分はアニメだけでも十分楽しめたよ。ーーYeah as if. Boogie is smug on default and sneers on every occasion...
I've gotta say, these were solid 18 episodes. All the way through. Music, plot, action, dialogues, mood... Damn. And Aoi Yuuki really killed it as Boogie, that girl is doing an amazing job.
Some say that LNs are better but for me, anime only, I was entertained enough.
註:sneer =「嘲笑う、冷笑する、嘲る」

ドヤ顔ブギーがベストブギーだよ。うん、かなり堅実なアニメ化だったと思う。たまに何が起きているのか付いて行くのが難しい時もあったけどね。また新しいシーズンが観られたらいいな。ーーsmug Boogie is best Boogie. Yeah it's been a pretty solid adaptation, sometimes it's tough to follow on with whats going on though. Hope we get another season.

オレは6つのライトノベルうち、5巻まで読んだけど、読む価値はあると思う。特に、アニメ化されなかった4巻は、個人的にお気に入りの巻だよ。ーーI’ve read 5 of the LN’s out of 6 and they’re worth reading, volume 4 which wasn’t covered in the anime is one of my personal favourites


「はぁ...」ライトノベルのファンとして、これはこのアニメの問題点の1つだよ...ーー*sigh* hence one of my issues with the show as a fan of the LNs...

でもオレは、彼のキャラクターが好きなんだけど。ライトノベルでは違うの?ーーI still like him as a character, though. He was different in the LNs?

彼の態度が違うな。彼の行動と言っていることはほとんど同じだけど、それがどのように行われるかがかなり違う。彼はもっと穏やかで、厳格で、そして思いやりがある。それと、彼は決して笑わない(彼が時々やるあの奇妙な引きつった笑いを除いてね...。あれは本当は笑っているわけじゃないんだ。彼の表情が笑ったように見えるだけなんだよ)。このことは、小説の1巻における最も重要なポイントの1つだよ(アニメでは飛ばされた)。それはこのシリーズ全体に響いてくることなんだけどな。だから、最後にブギーポップが笑ったのは、本当に大きなことなんだよ。ーーHis demeanor is different. The way he acts and what he says is pretty much the same, but the way it comes off is very different. In the novels he's more clam, stern, and compassionate. He also never smiles (except for this strange lop-sided... thing he does sometimes. It's not really even a smile, but it's the closest thing he makes to it), which is key to one of the major points in the first novel (which the show skips) that resonates through the entire series. It's actually why Boogiepop smiling at the end of this is such a big deal.


アニメでは、あれをモチーフにし、あの表情を彼のサインとしているが、あの表情をどう解釈すればいいのかはっきりしていない、あるいは、文字として綴られていないから、あの笑顔が指し示す意味をスルーしてしまう。だから、視聴者はあれを”ドヤ顔”と解釈してしまうんだ。ーーThat "smug" look IS boogiepop's half-smile thing, or how the anime drew it. Its just the anime doesn't have the benefit of each character monologuing about how weird the expression is, how he never smiles, all using the same descriptions across narrators and books until its significance ingrained in the readers mind. (Also making it clear Boogiepop got it from Scarecrow's dying "smile")
The anime does get to make it a motif, its his signature expression, but how its meant to be interpreted or its meaning doesn't come through when its visual and isn't spelled out. So watchers run with "smug" or what have you.






















追記:かわいいgifを見つけたーーThey got this part really well.
And, it's the end. I want more. S2 adapting Peppermint Wizard, Embryo and Heartless Red when?
Also KoD/Shirou was the one that gave me the idea about what boogiepop really might be.
Edit: found this cute gif

ワオ、その2枚目の画像はまったく惚れ惚れするな。ーーwow that 2nd one is totally adorable.

歪曲王/志郎とブギーポップ/藤花は同じ性質を持っているようだね。彼らの進化は、別の人格として現れたみたいだ。ーーKoD/Shirou probably has the same nature as Boogie/Touka. Their evolution manifests as an alternate personality.



まぁ、これはオレの推論にすぎないけどね!ーーAs a fellow novel reader I slightly disagree, in the sense that I think that Touka is much more Boogiepop than Boogiepop realizes. Boogiepop thinks he's "automatic", but I don't think he understands his own nature nearly as much as KoD and Shirou understand their own. My own personal theory is that Touka actually has sort of two 'layers' of power: The first is to split her personality and create Boogiepop (and call him forth at will), the second is to identify threats to the world. Boogiepop thinks he's automatic, but he's not. Touka just [subconsciously?] calls for him whenever she needs something done / has something she wants to protect.
It's why sometimes she calls him forth (in the novels) even for things unrelated to enemies to the world, but merely to be frank and "not herself" for a second; for example when she needs to tell Kimura Akio to get over Kamikshiro.
That's just my theory, though!
註:call forth =「呼び覚ます、生じさせる、引き起こす、発揮させる」,
at will =「意のままに、自由自在に、自分勝手に」,

その推論気に入ったよ。オレはもっと広い意味で、歪曲王/志郎とブギーポップ/藤花を比較しただけだけど、お前の彼らは全く同じではないという意見には同意するよ。ーーI like your theory. I was just drawing a comparison between KoD/Shirou and Boogie/Touka in a general sense, but I do agree with you they're not exactly the same.


2期はいつなんだ?ーーTalking Instead of Fighting: The Animation
Season 2 when?

ブギーポップは、最後まで、自分の理想にこだわり続けていたと思う。ーーBoogiepop staying MOSTLY to her ideals till the end, I guess.

実際問題として、PVトレーラーでの、あの戦闘アニメーションは一体どこへいってしまったんだ?オレ的には、全てが「smug-hat-in-time-girl-talkの術」って感じだったぞ、結局あのトレーラーはただのクリックベイトだったのか。ーーFor reals though, where did all the fighting animation from the PV trailer go? I mean I'm all for the smug-hat-in-time-girl-talk-no-jutsu, but that trailer is just click bait.

オレもそれ思ってたわ。このPVの37秒のとこのシーンなんか何1つ無かったよな。ーーI would really like to know too, they never did this scene at 37 seg in the PV


全体的に見て、観る価値は十分あったと思う。素晴らしいアート、アニメーション、サウンドトラック、そして堅実なキャラクターたち。どのジャンルにも当てはまらない素晴らしい雰囲気をもった黙想的な作品だった。お前がいなくなるなんて寂しいよ、ブギーポップ!ーーMy biggest qualm with it is we never got any footage from this kick ass PV but I guess that was expected.
Overall, well worth a watch. Fantastic art, animation and soundtrack and some really solid characters. It doesn't quite fit into any one genre, it's just a contemplative show with a great ambiance. I'll miss you, Boogiepop!

あのPVは間違いなく、俺たちが観たものよりも、『Boogiepop Phantom』のアップデート版を作りたかったような感じだな。別にそれは悪いことじゃないんだけど、それをPVの映像の1つとして使うのはちょっと釣り臭いよな。ーーThe PV definitely seemed like it wanted to be an update of Phantom rather than the honest to the source material adaptation we got. Which isn't bad but for them to use that as one of the PVs is a bit bait and switchy.

うん、この作品は全体的に楽しめたけど、あのPVには少し騙された感じがする。ーーyeah enjoyed the show overall but feel little bit tricked by PV


あの炎の男と念力を使う男は、ライトノベルの他の章で登場するのかな?ーーYeah, that PV hyped me up and, while I did like the show overall, I was really disappointed I didn't see a lot of what was depicted.
Are the firey guy and the telekinetic guy from other parts of the LN?

自分の予想では、この作品はこれで終わりじゃないと思う。登場人物たちが皆、すごく前向きな視点を持っているから、いつかそれを観られる日が来るんじゃないかと思ってる。ーーMy guess is they aren't done with the show. It has a pretty positive viewing for each one, so I imagine we'll see it.






自分は正直、この作品を9/10にしようと思ってたんだけど、このエピソードが全ての章をとてもうまくまとめ上げてくれたから、10点を付けようと思う。自分は本当にこの作品が大好きで、来ないかもしれないけど、2期を願っているよ。ーーWell shit, I enjoyed this episode too. Not gonna lie, I was feeling less than optimistic that they would wrap up this shaky arc well but man, I left the episode with a smile in my face and wishing for a lot more episodes.
It has not been the strongest arc but this episode was really great in my opinion. We got some answers to who the King of Distortion was which I thought was really cool and honestly pretty logical. Tanaka was obviously the most affected after his girlfriend's death and the whole sequence with Boogiepop when they were floating in the air was amazingly done. And at the end where he fell down, letting go of his guilt and accept his suffering to turn it into gold was pretty good.
I also loved how they wrapped up the Kei Niitoki mini arc. She finally let go of her crush with Takeda which was really nice to see. No tears or any shouting like most anime do. Just acceptance. The moment she shaked Takeda's hand and wished him goodbye was pretty nice to see.
And damn, that whole sequence from the German orchestral music started playing was really cool where it became BGM to everyone AND US VIEWERS AS WELL waking up and all of our main characters started interacting with each other down the stairs.
Lastly, that finally sequence with Boogiepop and Takeda-san was a beautiful conclusion with a callback to the first ever meeting on the school roof. In that first episode, Boogiepop left Takeda telling him that there were threats in the city. In the final episode, she told Takeda that the threat is gone. Love moments like these.
I honestly thought that I was going to give a show a 9/10 but this episode wrapped everyone's arc so nicely that I might give a 10 now. I just truly loved this show and I'll hope for a season 2 that might not come.

そうだな、志郎が自分のしたことを受け入れて、地面に落ちていく場面は本当にうまく描かれていた。2期を願っているよ。オレは今のとこ、アニメしか見てないけど、長い時間、都合の悪い部分を隠されて騙されたような感じがするよ。少なくともオレは、いくつか章で何が起きているのか分からない部分があって少し混乱した。ーーYeah him accepting what he had done and falling like that was done very well. Hope for a 2nd season. I'm an anime only for now but feel like a good bit may have been glossed over at least for me in some of the arc's what was going on is still a little confusing.
註:gloss over =「うわべを飾る、都合の悪いところを隠す」

敬はまだ竹田を完全に諦めたわけじゃないと思う。彼女は「OK、これで終わり」ってなったわけじゃなく、自分の欲求が満たされない感情やフラストレーションを手放し、健康的な癒しのプロセスを行うことができたんだ。ーーI think that Kei isn't really entirely over Takeda yet, and it's not that she's just like, "ok, that's over", but that she can let go of the emotions of embarrassment and frustration that she was turned down and can move towards a healthy healing process.


オーマイガー、彼女ははっきりと言ったぞ!オレが次に読むライトノベルは決まったも同然だ。ーーOMG, she said it, she literally said it! Well, I guess I know what LN I'm going to read next now.

ーーThe meme is alive

ああ、それは良いものだーーyeah that's some good stuff

推奨:Seven Seasは、毎月、ライセンス供与を受けられる範疇で、人々が興味を持っているものを調査している。彼らは今現在、英訳版のブギーポップの小説を6冊出版している(そのうち5冊は今回アニメ化されていて、4巻はアニメでやっていない)。それで彼らは、この調査で興味を持っている人が十分いるという結果が出たら、この小説の続きの出版を検討していると言っているよ。ーーRecommendation: Seven Seas has surveys every month to see what people are interested in as far as licenses go. Right now they only published the first six novels in the west (so the five novels the anime covers, plus novel #4 which wasn't in the anime), though they also said that if there's enough interest for it in those surveys, they might consider bringing over more of the novels.
註:「Seaven Seas(セブンシーズ・エンターテインメント)」とは、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルスに本社を置く出版社。2007年より、それまで北米市場で紹介が進んでいなかった日本のライトノベルの英語版を刊行している。

そうなのか!ひょっとして、その調査へのリンクを持ってる?ーーOh, I see! Do you by any chance have a link for that survey?

彼らのwebサイトでいつでも確認できるよ!一番右上にあるよ(分かりやすいから見逃すことはないと思う)、そこの画像をクリックすれば、調査フォームに飛べるからね。画像は月に何度か変更される。ーーYou can always find it on their website! You'll see it in the top right corner (you really can't miss it), and if you click on the image it'll link you to the survey form. They always replace it a few days into the month.


翻訳者のAndrew Cunninghamには、またセブンシーズで出版するために働いてもらわないとな。彼は小説の翻訳を専業としている人の中では、最高の翻訳者の1人だよ。彼が素晴らしい翻訳者だよ、彼自身、作家としてものすごい才能を持っているからね。ーーAlso, I have to plug the translator for the Seven Seas release, Andrew Cunningham. He's one of the best translators in the business, specializing in novel translations. He's such a good translator, because he's a pretty damn good writer in his own right.

ちょっと待て、彼らは全ての小説の出版を計画していたんじゃないのか?こうなっているということは、彼らはその計画を中止したのか?ーーWait so they werent planning on publishing all novels?, or is this just so they dont cancel it?

セブンシーズは、2006年に北米で何作かのライトノベルを持ち込んだ。彼らはブギーポップの1,2,3巻と6巻を翻訳したのだが、売り上げが思わしくなかったので、それ以上の出版はストップしたんだ(彼らは4,5巻はバックストーリーとして北米で刊行したいと思ったから、一旦スキップしたんだよ)。ブギーポップのアニメ化が発表された時、彼らは、これは4,5巻を翻訳するのに良い宣伝だと思ったんだけど、ここでも売り上げの問題があった。もしこれが全然売れなかったら、もうこれ以上続きを刊行する意味がなくなる。だから、彼らはもっと続きを読みたいと思っている人が十分にいるということを知る必要がある。ーーSeven Seas originally brought over some of the novels to the West back in... 2006, I think. They translated novel 1, 2, 3 and 6 and then stopped because the sales weren't what they expected (they skipped novel 4 and 5 because they at least wanted to bring the backstory novel to the West too). When the anime was announced, they figured that'd be enough of a publicity push to translate novel 4 and 5 too, but there's still the problem of sales - if it doesn't sell, there's no point in bringing over more. So they need to see that enough people are interested in more of it.

そうだったのか、オレはもう彼らにブギーポップの続きを刊行することを提案してきたよ。彼らが出版した2冊のオムニバスは、すでにファンである人たちからしか読まれない可能性の方が高いかもしれないけど、「ああ、全然売れなかった」という結果にならないことを願うよ。すごく素晴らしいハードカバーで販売された『放浪息子』のことを思い出すな。作品の知名度が低かったから、高い金額を支払って買おうとする人が全然いなくて、売り上げが伸びずに出版中止になっちゃったんだよな。ーーohh, well I've already suggested they continue boogiepop, I hope they dont say "oh well it didnt sell well" when they published 2 omnibus that more likely than not would only be read by people that already are fans, kind of reminds me of Hourou Musuko that was sold in this super good hardcover releases, but of course people are not that willing to pay that much for something they know nothing about, and then was cancelled because of low sales

このシリーズの続きが気になるから、いずれライトノベルを読むつもりだよーーgonna miss this series, plan on checking out the LN's eventually



