「殺されたいなんて言い出す資格を得るには、少なくとも本気で生きてからでなきゃ、ということさ」オレは最近、つらい時期を過ごしていたんだ。だから、この台詞は胸に刺さったよ。ブギーポップは、オレのお気に入りのキャラクターだよ。彼は時々、オレが必要とする知識を与えてくれるからね。ーー“I order to have the right to asked to be killed, you have to actually live first” I’ve been goin thru a rough time lately. this line hit me in the chest, though. Boogiepop is my favorite character in a while because they drop this knowledge that I really need to hear sometimes.
この作品は時折、すごく良い言葉を与えてくれることがある。その台詞もオレの記憶に残ってるものの1つだよ。ーーThis show does have some pretty good quotes, occasionally. That's one I'm sure to remember.
苦痛に悶え苦しんでいる重病の末期患者に、それを言うのはやめておけよ。ーーJust don't use it on a terminally ill patient suffering through agony.
註:terminally =「末期的に、終末的に、最後に」
ああ、とても多くの良い言葉があるよね。この作品が終わったら、どこかでそれらの言葉をまとめてほしいよ。ーーYeah, it has quite a lot of good quotes, hope they get compiled somewhere after it ends.
うん、この作品には、とても印象深いセリフがいくつかあるよね。ーーYeah there are some very memorable lines in this series.
まだ観てないのであれば、ぜひ『物語シリーズ』を観てみてくれ。ブギーポップに似たお前が気に入りそうな哲学的な人生観がたくさん聞けると思う。ーーIf you haven't yet, you should watch the Monogatari Series. Has a lot of philosophical and life values similar to Boogiepop which I think you'll like
オレはそのシリーズを何度も観ようとしてきたんだけど、スクロールして探してるうちに何を観ようとしてたのかいつも忘れちゃうんだよね。今日から観始めようと思う、思い出させてくれてありがとう!ーーI've been meaning to start that series but I always forget when I'm scrolling through searching for something to watch. I think I'll try and start it today, thanks for the reminder!
オレは『NHKへようこそ!』をお勧めするよ。オレはこのシリーズをとても落ち込んでいた時に観たんだけど、「オレは1人じゃないんだ」という慰めになった。ーーI would also toss Welcome to the NHK in that list. I watched that series at a time when I was extremely depressed and it gave me some comfort in an "I'm not alone" way
羽原「何を言ってるんだ... こいつは.....」

第1話のマンティコアによく似ていた(寺月が矢ではなく、首を切られたところ以外はね hahaha)。

これだけは絶対に言っておきたいんだけど、宮下の姿に化けた歪曲王が、トンネルに入っていく前の、竹田を弄ぶあの短いアニメーションはメチャクチャ綺麗だった。ーーGotta love when a character in this huge cast dies... to a character we haven't seen or heard of before. I admit to spending way too long trying to figure out if he was already on the sheet, if I missed him, or if he was just new
Um, okay, moving on. Episode thoughts!
This one lost me a bit. Lots of dense dialog with a pretty bland presentation, and I admit a lot of it was just how overall disinterested in the show I am at this point but yeah, not a whole lot to see. The sudden flash of seeing him decapitated before it actually happened was cool, much like Manitcore back in Ep1 (except this guy actually died to decapitation, not an arrow hahaha).
Also I had a little laugh at Boogiepop saying "I kill people". One person, You managed to kill ONE person Boogiepop, hell even Echoes managed to kill one person and he did it by accident.
Typical sci-fi anime office
The only other thing I have to say is that short animation of the King taunting Takeda in Mitashita's form before going down the tunnel was just beautiful
註:bland =「物腰柔らかな、人当たりが良い、愛想が良い、平然とした、無頓着な」,taunt =「弄ぶ、嘲る、愚弄する、冷やかす、なじる」
ブギーポップは、今までに死んだ人間の数を正確に数えるべきだな。ーーBoogiepop actually should have a decent body count by now though.
註:body count =「死者数、戦死者数」
それじゃあ、これにも興味を持ってくれないだろうけど、お前はキャラクターチャートを作る際に、それぞれの関係性が分かるよう書くことを考えてくれないかな?オレは、何度か彼らの会話の中で話題に上がっている、志郎と一緒にここに来るはずだった女の子が誰だったか完全に忘れてしまった > .<
それに関するブギーポップの小さな解説はすごく楽しめたよ、「君のその気持ちが金でないとするなら、この世の中に輝けるものなんか何にもないんじゃないかな。」ーーThen I'm sure this will also not interest you, but have you considered doing some relationship-lines for the character chart? Just cause I super don't remember which girl Shirou was supposed to be meeting up with and they've referenced her a few times now > .<
As for the episode, I kinda saw it coming that "turning their pain into gold" was basically gonna be coming to terms with whatever their issues were and becoming a better person as a result, but that's just cause that's how self-reflection is supposed to work, both irl and as a trope.
I did enjoy Boogiepop's little explanation about it tho, "If that's not gold, then nothing in this world glitters."
註:trope =「言葉の綾、修辞、比喩」12,海外の反応
志郎の彼女は、2話でマンティコアに殺された直子だよ。あの場面で視聴者に思い出させるために、一瞬でも、彼女の死体か何かの回想のショットを何枚か挟むべきだったな。ーーShiro's girlfriend was Naoko who was killed by Manticore back in episode 2. They really could have done with a quick couple of frames flashback to her corpse or something for a reminder there
そしてなぜ、志郎はラストで洗脳されてしまったんだ?彼も合成人間ということか?いやでも、彼にはちゃんと母親もいるしそれはあり得ないか。あれは恐らく、歪曲王が行っている実験の解決策が分かったせいなのだろうか?その答えは来週までお預けみたいだな。ーーSo it was just all about finding people who could fight the Towa Organization! Well, no wonder he tried to recruit the Imaginator even when he was still outside!
And why did the boy looked mindbroken at the end? Is he perhaps an artificial human too? Wait, no that would not make any sense as has a mother and all. Maybe that was because he was the one who deduced the solution of the test that The King of Distortion made? I guess we will have to wait for that answer next week.
全部オレの推測だけどーーI think the kid IS the King of Distortion. He's a Synthetic Human that was sent to find out the reason for the tower. So he's working for Towa trying to protect the organization. And in fact, that kid is probably "Eugene".
Just my guess
面白い推理だね、考えもしなかったよ。真相はどうなんだろうか。ーーthat's an interesting theory and one i hadn't thought of, wonder if it's true.
志郎は今、現実世界で異世界転生を果たしたんだ。こういう状況になっても、お前はビル・ゲイツのことを100%信用しないのか?そんなのあり得ないだろ。思うに、歪曲王とは志郎の存在自体であり、彼は自分の目的を果たすために、ビル・ゲイツの計画に乗っかって利用しているんだよ。(そして歪曲王の目的とは、人々の抱える心の問題を解決することで、(ギリシア神話の登場する触れた物を全て金に変える)王・ミダースになることだと思う)ーーI think the kid just got next level validated by the guy. Imagine you're some loser nerd and then Bill Gates dies leaving behind this weird tower. It's this huge attraction and everyone goes inside.
Everyone falls asleep, and then your friend wakes you up but has no clue about anything. You then serve as the intellectual backbone of the investigation, such as finding hollow places in walls etc... Suddenly you get to the control room and Bill Gates lets you in on this huge conspiracy and declares you to be the chosen one simply due to the fact that you managed to find this room, even if you don't know it yet/nothing in your life proves it yet.
My man just got Isekai-ed IRL. Like there's no way you don't 100% believe Bill Gates at that moment right? Now I think the King of Distortion is his own entity and just bandwagoned onto Anime Bill Gates' plan to use it for his own purposes. (Which i think he wants to king midas people by fixing their emotional problems)
しかし実際のところ、彼は謙虚な性格に思えるぞ。ーーWell the archer boy already had a honor of shooting Manticore through the head, it's not really out of question for him to imagine himself as a crime-fighting superhero.
But he actually looks kinda humble to be honest.
それで... 結局、歪曲王は一体どこからやって来たんだ?そして彼はどうやって健太郎のいる現実世界に姿を現したんだ?唯一の論理的な解釈は、歪曲王は健太郎が(無意識のうちに)創り出したものであるということだ。
最終回で一体何が起こるのか、見るのが待ち切れないよ。ーーJust taking it logically...
Kentaro reached the top of the tower. Assuming Teratsuki knows what he's doing, that means that Kentaro is evolved past humanity. No obvious indication of what his power is.
We see at the end of the episode that the Shirou who was with Kentaro was probably the King of Distortion, but they were both in the real world and not the dream world (it's mentioned repeatedly that only things the dreamer has seen before can appear in the dream world).
So... where did the King of Distortion come from, and how is he appearing in the real world with Kentaro? The only logical explanation is that the King of Distortion is created (subconsciously) by Kentaro's power.
I can't wait to see what happens in the last episode.
註:subconsciously =「無意識のうちに、潜在意識に」19,海外の反応
志郎も塔のてっぺに辿り着いているのだから、すなわち彼も、進化した人類である可能性があるよな。おそらく、健太郎は普通の人間だよ。彼は、志郎とずっと一緒に行動していたから頂上に辿り着けただけなんだよ。このエピソードで健太郎が志郎に、「お前の彼女、見る目あったんだな」と言っていたのを覚えているか?あの台詞は、志郎が特別な存在であることを示唆していたんだと思う。ーーShirou got to the top of the tower as well so he could be the evolved one. Maybe Kentaro is just a regular human and only got to the top because Shirou was with him the whole time. Remember how Kentaro praised Shirou this episode, saying his girlfriend had good taste? I think that was hinting the one who is special was Shirou all along.
あのラストショット(志郎の目が歪曲王の目になっていた)で、塔の頂上にいたのは健太郎だけだ。健太郎とずっと一緒にいた志郎は、本物の志郎じゃなかったんだと思う。健太郎はずっと歪曲王と一緒に行動していたんだよ。ーーThe final shot with only Kentaro at the top of the tower (after Shirou does the King of Distortion eyes) makes me think that the real Shirou was never with him, it was Kentaro seeing the King of Distortion the whole time.
それは辻褄が合っていないと思うぞ。寺月が、統和機構と戦える特別な人間や、何やかんやについて話していた時、志郎にカメラが寄っているカットが沢山あっただろ。ーーI think that's just inconsistency. Notice how while Teratsuki is talking about special people that could fight Towa and whatnot, there are a lot of close-ups to Shirou.
註:inconsistency =「矛盾、辻褄の合わないこと」
Stairway to Heaven

ジョジョでは、ただ夢に終わったものだ。ーーThings Jojo can only dream off.
君は『引力』を信じるか?ーーDo you believe in gravity?
輝けるものは金だけだ。ーーAll that glitters is gold.
註:All that glitters is not gold.「輝くものは、すべて金ならず。」外面に気を取られて、本質を見誤るな、という意味の慣用句を文字っています。
羽原「何がって全然説明になってなかったろ!?ただここに閉じ込められたことと、全員が眠り込んだことの理屈しか通らない。どうして.. どうしてこいつは.....」
うおっ、最後のあの顔に、思わず不意を衝かれたよ。ーーDamn that face at the end caught me SO off guard
しかし..... それは全て羽原(あのカッコイイ髪型の男)の夢の中の出来事だった。そして、彼以外の登場人物は全員歪曲王だったんだ。そして、以前のエピソードで、羽原がハッカーであることが明らかにされている、つまり彼は統和機構を晒し者にすることができるんだ。そしてそれが彼の歪んだ夢なんだ..... これ以上は何も分からない。ブギーポップはこれをどのように終わらせるのだろうか。ーーSo according to teratsuki(the guy who made the moon temple) what he wanted to do was find the special people among all the people that might get trapped in the temple. Special people in his idea are people who are able to emotionally except their true selves(like the girl that has excepted her true kindness) and people who are able to escape from their distorted dream states. So then these people go to the top most security location(because no way to get out) and finds the messege by teratsuki. So his video explains what is secretly happening in the world and gives the person or people the password to basically stop this whole thing, so basically if the person or people decide that what teratsuki is doing is right they would not enter the password and end all this but stay put until many more people come up their and find the truth and some idiot will enter the password and end this. The special people will band together to attack the towa organisation(expose it or something), how because they are special in some way.
But.....Did all of this happen in Habara's(dude with cool hair) Dream state and the other guy was just the king of distortion. Also previously we saw that habara was a hacker that EXPOSES organizations, so him having to deal with EXPOSING the towa organization is his distorted dream state...... I just don't know anymore. How is Boogiepop going to even end this.
ムーンテンプルを建築した寺月は、彼を殺した者ユージンが、ムーンテンプルの謎を突き止めようとしていると予言していたから、歪曲王の正体はユージンなんじゃないかと考えてる。歪曲王は、機械的な物に干渉することができないから、このパズルを完璧に解いてくれる人間を必要としていたんだ。そして、健太郎がそれを解き明かしたことで、歪曲王ことユージンは、ついにムーンテンプルが建設された目的を知ることに成功した。それで今、ユージンは志郎を装って協力するフリをする必要がなくなったというわけだ。これがオレの予想だよ。ーーI think the creator of the moon temple predicted that his killer, Eugene, was going to try and figure out what was the point of the moon temple, so Eugene is actually the king of distortion. Now, the king of distortion can't interact with mechanical things so he needed someone to complete the puzzle so he could find out WHY moon temple was created, since Kentaro finally figured it out, Eugene no longer needs to keep playing along as Shirou. At least that's what I think it's going on.
良い推理だね、それが真実なのかどうか確かめるのが楽しみだよ。それと自分は、金に変えるということについて興味を惹き付けられている。ここで統和機構の情報を得ることになるとは驚いた。ーーGood theory look forward to finding out if it's true, i've been curious for a while about this stuff about turning to gold. Getting the info about the Towa Organization was surprising.
彼らがいる夢の世界は本当に奇妙だね。ブギーポップは、彼らの理想の体現者としていつものように戻って来た。このエピソードはまさに、この章のラストパート、フィナーレへと向かっている感じがするね。このラストは一体どうなるのか、そして歪曲王の真の目的は一体何なのか、強く興味を掻き立てられているよ。ーーPart 4 of the King of Distortion arc.
That dream world they're in really pushes the boundary of bizareness. Boogiepop is back yet again to express their ideals as usual. Felt like the episode is building towards its finale and last part of the arc. I'm really curious to see how it'll play out and to see what King of Distortion's real agenda is in this show.