ユキ(いた......。 そうか... これがカケルの走る世界....... カケル、お前いつもこんな速度の中にいるのか......)
ユキ(なぁ、カケルよ... あんまり遠くへ行くな、お前の目指す場所は美しいよ、でも寂しすぎる、生きた人間には到底耐えられないほどに....)
残りの2エピソードで相当なへまをやらかさない限り、このアニメは私の全ての期間においてのトップの作品となるだろう。本当に素晴らしかった。ーーI was perfectly fine watching this episode.....until Yuki's mom called out to him. I've lost count as to how many times this anime has made me tear up.
As long as the last two episodes aren't completely fumbled, this will be in my top anime of all time list. It really has been phenomenal.
註:fumble =「手探りする、下手な手つきでいじくり回す、へまをする、しくじる、不器用に取り扱う」2,海外の反応
母親に疎外感を感じた頃のユキは、ワガママで未熟だったのかもしれないね... たった10秒程度のシーンで、これほどまでにキャラクターに成長を遂げさせるとは驚いたよ。素晴らしいものだ...ーーThat moment when you realize estranging yourself from your mom may have been selfish & immature... It's amazing how you could get so much character growth from just one scene that barely lasts 10 seconds. Good stuff...
たとえ意見の食い違いから親と距離ができてしまったとしても、結局は何が起きても親はあなたのことを心配してくれていることに気付くことになる、そんなすごく人情味溢れる物語にしてくれたーーIt really helps that a lot of it very human, like distancing yourself from your parents due to difference of opinions only to realise how much they care for you regardless of what happened
そうだね!これまでは、ユキの言動と、カケルとの会話から窺えるだけだった。今回の短いシーンで、彼の母親は何があろうと彼のことを心から支え、気に掛けてくれていることが分かった。そして彼の継父と妹も彼のことを応援してくれている... ❤️ ユキが、家族と再び繋がった瞬間だった!ーーYeah! Up until then we'd only gotten bits from Yuki's behavior and what he's told Kakeru. To find out in that brief scene that his mom seems to genuinely support & care for him no matter what, & that his stepdad and younger sister went to also cheer for him... ❤️ Here's to Yuki reconnecting with his family in the future!
小さな妹の「にいちゃん」という叫び声が、めちゃくちゃキュートだった UwU。彼は大学に入ってから家族とは一度も会っておらず、距離を置いていたみたいだ(これが私が回想から得た考えだけど合ってるかな?)そして、彼らはユキのことを応援してくれている ;_; ーーThat onii-chan shoutout from lil sis.. so freaking cute UwU. To think that he hasn't seen them since he started uni and that he distanced himself from them (that's what I got from the flashback?) and then they're there cheering for him. ;_;
あの継父も、ユキに対して特に憤りを感じている様子もなく、とても応援してくれていたよね。ユキがあの継父に不遜な態度を取っていたというわけでもないんだろうけど、少なくとも彼とのコミュニケーションが足りなかったのは確かだろう。ーーEspecially since the step dad doesn't seem to hold any resentment towards him and is being supportive too. Whether or not Yuki was actively a dick to the step dad, clearly he was at least almost non-communicative with him.
あの「ごめん」は効いたわ、あの一言がユキの成長と成熟を最大限に表している。ーーThat “I’m Sorry” was potent and the crescendo of Yuki’s growth and maturity.
どういうわけか、ここ最近のエピソードは、いくつかのドラマよりもずっと感動的なものばかりだ。ーーDon't know why but damn these last few eps have been very emotional more so than some dramas
ああ、すごく共感できる、このアニメはすごいよーーYh me too i can relate damn this anime is amazing
ユキ、お前は美しい男だ、お前の血まみれの靴を見てオレは泣きそうになったーーYuki you beautiful man, you almost brought me to tears with your bloody shoes
このチームのもう1人の常軌を逸した人間(madman)、あっぱれだ。ーーAnother madman in the team, that's admirable.
註:madman =「常軌を逸した人、狂人、血迷った人、気違い」
彼がこんな情熱を見せるとは完全に警戒してなかったよ、だって彼はいつもそんなに気にしてないって様子だったからさ。でも、もしそうだったら、靴は絶対にこんなことにはならないよね TT_TT
ーーHe got me completely off guard with such passion, especially cause he is always the one to act like he doesn't care. Those shoes would certainly not be like if that was the case TT_TT
彼らの努力が報われて欲しい。ーーWith how hard he and Prince and everyone just want them to make the top 5.
This may be one my favourite group of characters in an anime.
I want their efforts to be rewarded
自分は10年以上陸上をやっているけど、自分のシューズに血を滲ませるためには、どれだけハードに走ればいいのかなんて想像もできないよ。なんて狂った野郎なんだ。ーーI've run track for over a decade and I cannot imagine how hard i'd have to run to bleed through my fucking shoes. What a fucking madlad.
ユキの靴についていたのは全部血か?holy shit man ーーWere Yuki's shoes all bloody? holy shit man
ああ、でもこれは表現を誇張したんだと思う。小説を読んだ友達が自分に教えてくれたんだけど、彼の足にできていた血マメが破れて、彼の靴下とシューズを通して血が漏れ出していたということらしい。ーーYeah, I imagine they might expand on it later but my friend who read the novel told me the blisters on his feet burst from all the running and bled through his socks/shoes.
そんな話は今までアニメで出てこなかったけどな。数カ月も走った後の段階では、新しく買ったシューズが足にフィットしなかったということでもない限り、出血したりはしないはずだ。オレはあれが泥だと思ったんだけど、お前の言う通り小説で血と書いてあるのなら、あれは血なんだだろう。ーーThat's something they didn't speak about until now in the anime. At that level, after so many months of running, you shouldn't bleed anymore, except you bought new shoes that don't fit. For me it was dirt but if you say in the novel it was blood, then it is blood.
自分の理解では、彼はこの区間を2番目の速さで走り切り、皆が彼のペースが速すぎると言っていたから、下り坂で彼の足の爪とマメが避けてしまって、それで出血したんだと思ってたよ。ーーMy understanding is that he ended with the 2nd best section time, and since everyone was saying he was going too fast, i think that the blood may come from blisters and his toenails ripping apart since it was downhill after all.
たぶん彼は悪いシューズは履いていたんだろう。ーーI won't argue too much on that since it's a detail, but if you ever run regularly during one year, to the point you reached a 3 minute pace for 20 kms, your feet are ... fit (pun intended) or say used to run. period.
As for the downhill argument, it's downhill on 20 kms, but even if it's only one kilometer downhill, it doesn't changed the fact he ran one long year with a pace on 5 kms that is probably the same as his pace now downhill for 20 kms.(I meant 3min/km, obvisouly)
If for whatever reason he had blisters before the run, it should have been foreshadowed (I could have missed it) and again, I'm just talking from experience : I never had this kind of problem while running except : I had new or bad shoes .
Maybe he had bad shoes.
またまた素晴らしいエピソードだった、そしてああ、ユキはとんでもない男(beast)だ。彼の足は血で濡れていた。何度も繰り返し言うようだけど、この作品はマジで素晴らしいよ。彼らが走る姿はとても感動的だ。ーーAnother amazing episode, and damn, Yuki is a beast. He got his feet bloody.
I feel like a broken record but this show is seriously amazing. It's so inspiring watching them run.
註:broken record =「(傷のついたレコードのように、)同じことをを何度も繰り返していう人」
あと残すところ2話となった、何か更に大きなものがやって来るのではないかという予感がある。それと、あの双子はいつもこの作品に、ユーモアを添えてくれるね笑。全員が、この物語の中で1つに結びつく運命にあるような気がしているよ。ーーSeeing these guys prepare and run for their very best at this stage really is inspiring now.
With just two more episodes left, I predict there may be something bigger that may come. And lol, those two twins really bring out more humor in this show just like always. It kinda feels like destiny is connecting everyone together in this story.
ユキのことが大好きになった、彼をお気に入りキャラクターのリストに入れないとな。ーーThis episode seals it. This is a masterpiece show.
Yuki's probably my favourite character in this show. He's so caring of everyone and ran incredible down the hill. He secretly admires Kakeru and his way of running, i never knew but it's so satisfying to see that he found something he strives for.
Then the family cheered him on at the road. Fucking hell, that let the waterworks free.
I love Yuki, about to put him in my favourite characters list.
エピソードに挟まれるこういったキャラクター達の短いちょっとしたバックストーリーが、この作品の評価をさらに上げている、ほんとにスゴイよ。今では、ユキが私のお気に入りのキャラクターになった。今回は、私は今まで観てきた作品の中で一番お気に入りのエピソードだったよ。ーーIt's crazy how these short little backstories of the characters in these episodes makes you appreciate the show so much more. Yuki is easily my favorite character now. This was probably one of my favorite episodes of any show of all time.
原作の素晴らしさが示されてるよね。あらゆる構成(build-up)が、これらのエピソードを卓越したものにしている。本当に傑作だよ。ーーGoes to show how good the writing is. All the build-up enables these episodes to be so remarkable. Truly a masterpiece.
註:remarkable =「優れた、卓越した、注目に値する、特筆すべき」
『舟を編む』を観てみて。同じ著者の小説がアニメ化されたもう1つの作品で、こっちも素晴らしいから。ーーWatch Fune wo Amu. It's the only other work from this writer adapted into anime afaik, and it's fantastic
おお、その作品は、数週間前にここで他の人にお勧めされて観たよ。すごく気に入った :) ーーOh, I just watched it a few weeks ago die to the recommendation of some other Redditor. Really liked it :)
ジーザス、ニコのバックストーリーは、競技をやってきた全ての人にとって痛切に共感できたことだろうーーJesus Nico’s backstory hits close to home for anyone done with their athletic career
註:close to home =「痛切に、強く身に染みて」
しかし25歳や26歳くらい(彼が何歳なのかは知らないけど)というのは、アスリートにとって最も輝かしい期間じゃないのか?ーーbut isnt 25 or 26 (im not sure how old he is) like the prime time for an athlete?
プロであれば、間違いなくそうだろうね。しかし20代前半というのは、膨大な数のアスリート達が自分の才能の無さや怪我のために、それ以上競技を続けることをやめる時期でもある。ーーFor pros, absolutely. The early-mid 20’s are also the time a vast number of athletes stop having the opportunity to be competitive anymore, either due to inability or injury
ハイレベルのトレーナーやメディカルスタッフがついていない限り、ほとんどのアスリートの身体は劣化し始めている時期なので、一度壁にぶつかるとそれ以上競技を続けることができなくなる。たとえどんなに手を尽くそうと、改善されるのはごく僅かだろう。それでも大学卒業後も競技を続けるのは、スポンサーに目を付けてもらった人だけだ。そして多くの人達が辞めてしまう理由は、低いレベルで競い続けるとモチベーションを保つのが難しくなるからだ。ーーDue to most athletes bodies degrading without high level trainers and medical staff, they can't find the drive to continue after they hit that wall. Most improvement is minimal at best despite any effort you expend. Only the guys who sponsors see worthwhile continue past college, and the reason a lot of guys stop is that it's hard to motivate yourself when competing on lower levels.
通常20代後半という年齢は、身体能力がピークに達する歳だ。問題は、ニコチャンのように運動やダイエットによってきちんと健康を維持せずに、喫煙によって脱線してしまった場合だ。一旦そういった悪い習慣に陥ってしまえば、そこから戻ってくる方法はほとんどない。ーーUsually mid-late 20s is when people actually hit their peak physical years. Problem is that Nico kind of derailed himself by smoking and not maintaining proper health by exercising and dieting. You develop those bad habits at that time then theres almost no way of coming back.
彼が自身の区間で成功を収めたことをうれしく思う :) ーーNico gives me strength on the days I just want to go back to bed instead of getting up to go to the rink or gym for practice.
I took 8 years off and I can related to the joy of returning to my sport. Also the struggle.
I'm glad he had success in his section :)
(未練は全部... この道に置いていくんだよ!!)
キングは何か問題を抱えているみたいだ、uh oh spaghettios ーーYoung Nico was everything I could have wanted, and Yuki running after Kakeru was cute. Its amazing how all these race episodes are ending up absolute classics.
King seems to be having problems, uh oh spaghettios
註:uh oh spaghettiosとは、後悔や落胆を表す時の間抜けな表現。「oops」と同じような意味。元ネタは『ザ・シンプソンズ』34,海外の反応
私はほとんど泣きそうになったよーーNico is so relatable if you are over 25
it almost made me cry
彼は25歳なの?そんなこと考えもしなかったけど、オレはこのアニメが始まった時にちょうど煙草をやめたんだよな。オレは27歳だけど、彼のキャラクターにはすごく共感できるよ、このエピソードの喜びでオレはずっと泣きっぱなしだった。まるで自分が走っているように感じたよ。彼が抱いている様々な感情は、他のトップクラスのアニメのキャラクターの心理描写よりも、ずっと良く描写されてる。とても良い。ーーRight? I didn’t even think about it but I quit smoking when this show started, just coincidence, but I’m 27 and I relate to his character to well that I started tearing up during this episode of joy. I want to go running. I feel like running, and his character is portraying those emotions much better than some top tier anime are able to portray their characters emotions. It’s so good.
禁煙おめでとう!ーーCongrats on quitting!
あと残すところはキング、カケル、そしてハイジだけとなった。キングは自分の欠点を受け入れなければならない。さもなければ、彼はゴール前に燃え尽きてしまうだろう。カケルは大胆な宣言をして、区間新記録を狙おうとしている。実力的に十分狙える可能性はあるが、そのせいで彼は自身を見失ってしまうかもしれない。ハイジは明らかに心配な膝の問題を抱えている、そして彼はきっと最後のスプリントで、チームに残された希望を一身に背負うことになるだろう。ーーKing is a very competitive person by nature, the person he's trying to keep pace with is someone who has antagonized his friends and team for their entire journey to Hakone, and he just lost a place for the team after Yuki and Nico got him ahead. King is probably the most likely person to get swept up in the pace of another runner and overexert himself at this point.
All we have left are King, Kakeru, and Haiji. King has to be able to accept his own shortcomings or he'll end up burning himself out before he finishes. Kakeru just made a bold declaration and is looking to set a record, which is within the realm of possibility but it might distract him. Haiji obviously has his knee to worry about and he'll be bringing home the hopes of the rest of the team in the final sprint.
つまりハイジが最後ってことだよね?彼は、脚の怪我が悪化して二度と走れなくなる前に、みんなが全力を出せる機会を作ってあげようと、自分が最後に走ることに決めたような気がする... そうならないことを、ほんっっっとうに心から願っているけどね :( 彼らに勝ってほしい!!!ーーSo Haiji is last right? I feel like he decided to go last because he wanted everyone to have a chance to go at it before potentially injuring himself and not being able to compete... reaaaally hope that doesnt happen though :( I want them to succeed!!!
その考えは、彼らのオーダーが発表された時に、私が一番最初に思ったことだ。優勝が目標だったのかもしれないけど、でもそれは現実的ではない。主な目標は、箱根駅伝にチームで出場し走り切ることだった。もしハイジが1区を走って膝を壊してしまっていたら、残りのメンバーは出場者ではなく、ただの見物人になってしまうからね。ーーThat was my first though when their order was initially shown. Winning might have been a target but not a realistic one. The main goal was to participate and do it as a group. If Haiji had been the first and his knee had given up everybody else would have been a bystander instead of a participant.
註:bystander =「傍観者、見物人、居合わせた人」
ふぅー、あの瞬間ひょっとしてキングが倒れたんじゃないかと思って焦ったよ。それと、このエピソードの副題が、ニコチャン先輩の内心のモノローグになってるのはすごく素敵だね。でも私は、キングが榊のことが憎いばかりにムキになってしまい、そのせいで苦しんでしまうのではないかと心配しているよ。ーーPhew, for a moment there I expected to see King collapsed on the ground. And I'm glad the episode title ended up being the result of some really nice inner monologue from Nico-chan-senpai. But I am a bit worried that King will run like he holds a grudge against Sakaki and suffer because of it.
うん、オレもキングに関しては同じことを感じた。彼らは自分のペースで走ることを、ずっと強調しているからね。そしてオレは、彼が榊と競い合って疲れ果ててしまい、順位を落としてしまうのではないかと心配しているよ。そうならないことを願おう!ーーYeah I feel the same about King. They keep putting emphasis about running at your own pace, and i'm worried he'll get worn out competing with Sakaki and will drop places. Let's hope not!
キングならきっと自分のペースを守ることをに気付き、良い仕事をしてくれるはずだ。そして榊は序盤に急ぎ過ぎたために、失速することになるだろう。すべて順調だよ。ーーKing will realize he must keep his pace and will do the job while Sakaki will fail because he went to fast at the beginning. All good.
あの赤いツンデレ(red tsundere)は、トップクラスの熟練したアスリートだぞ、しかも果てしなく強い動機を持っている。キングには考えに一貫性がないし、すぐ弱気になる。でも、我々は皆、彼がこの区間で自身の悟りに達するであろうことを知っている。ーーred tsundere is a professional athlete at top form, motivated to no end. King is inconsistent and easily discouraged. But we all know he reaches his own enlightenment during the section)
註:discouraged =「弱気になる、気を落とす、落胆する、がっかりする」
赤いツンデレは熟練したアスリートである他の選手たちよりも、比較的速い速度で走っていると言っていた。それが伏線だと思う。まぁ来週になれば分かることだ。間違ってるかもしれないけど。ーーIt was said that red tsundere was running relatively faster than other top form professional athletes. I think it's foreshadowing. But we will see next week. I might be wrong.
側道から名前を叫ぶ母親に驚いたユキ、その瞬間。「雪彦ーー!」Woaaaaah ! それは、先週の神童の家族を見るのと同じくらい感情を揺さぶられたよ。
そしてあの赤髪のクソ野郎(あいつの名前なんか覚えたくもない)は、足を故障して走れなくなってしまえ。若すぎる、速すぎる、愚かすぎる。キング、お前はペースを保つことに集中すべきだよ。強くあれ!そうすれば最後に報われるはずだ。ーーThat moment when, to Yuki's surprise his mom called his name on the side of the road. "yukihirooooooo!"
Woaaaaah ! It was as emotional as seeing Shindo's family last week.
and yes Nico, me too : "I love running".
I hope and bet red-hair shit boy (I don't want to remember his name) will collapse toward the end of his leg. Too young, too fast, too stupid. King should focus on keeping the same pace : stay strong! It will pay in the end.
9区でのカケルと藤岡の対決を見るのが待ち切れないよ!!!!ーーFinally! Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru went up to 8.03!
I really love how their thoughts and flashbacks are presented in each section while they are running. It's very sentimental and meaningful that I don't care anymore if they will not win. I think it's not the destination but the journey that counts!
Can't wait to see Kakeru vs Fujioka in their section!!!!!
註:destination =「目的地、行き先、送り先、到着地」47,海外の反応
それと、もう十分わかっていたことだけど、榊はまたまた癪に障る野郎だった。ヒドイ言い方かもしれないが、オレはこの箱根駅伝に、自分の態度に問題があるということを彼に解らせてやって欲しいと思ってる。いけキング!ーーThe end is near, but I'm loving it.
Yuki's section was great. For a moment he was running so fast that he got a glimpse of Kakeru's image and world, almost being swept along by it, but he was able to maintain his focus, being only two seconds short of winning his section! I wish we had more insight about his family situation too, but it seems he resented his mother for starting again. Which is really unfair, but even so she was there to root for him, together with his sister and his stepfather. It was beautiful, I can see him getting closer to his family now.
Hirata's section was another joy. It was poignant, but it was also filled with gratitude and love. He had a passion which burned, but was doused by his coach. "It wasn't his fault" I guess, but his meeting with Haiji and the others allowed him to run one more time to his heart's content. To the point that I got happy for him. And the episode title was precisely about these two saying goodbye to this beautiful world after giving everything they had to it. Poignant, but realistic and moving.
And it took long enough, but Sakaki showed up to be insufferable again. This may be awful to say, but I find myself hoping that this race would teach him a lesson, he has an attitude problem. Go King!