ジョージ「なんで.. もっと速く... もっと!」
ジョージ「熱かった... 4区を走ってきたオレより.. ずっと...」
ジョージ「分かってたのに.. 1秒でも、余分に稼がないといけなかったのに...」
神童の家族はホントに可哀想だった。自分の息子/兄弟/甥っ子があんな状態で走るのを見るのは、彼らにとって苦痛だったに違いない。それに、彼らはただ見ていることしかできないんだからね。でも今ではそれが全て終わり、彼も回復しているようで良かったよ。それとあんなコンディションで20kmを走り抜くなんて、素晴らしい功績じゃないか?彼の今いる場所が病室ではないことが驚きだよ。箱根駅伝の後半は、これまでよりもっと過酷なものとなるだろう。ーーI seriously felt bad for Shindo's family. It must've been painful for them to watch their son/brother/nephew run in that condition and all they could do is watch. I am happy that it's all over now though and he's now recovering. Also that was an amazing feat, doing 20km in that condition? I'm surprised he's not in the ER right now. Second half of Hakone is going to be tougher than it already is.
だからこそオレは、カケルたちが神童の家族の看病を断った意味が分からなかった。彼の健康を第一に考えるべきだろ。ーーWhich is why I thought that they refusing them to care him was bad and senseless. His health should come in first place.
カケルたちもよく神童の看病はしていたし、神童を家族の元に送るよりも、チームメイトがそばにいることを感じさせてあげたかったんじゃないかな、その方が楽だし。ーーThey're Taking good care of him too and they wanted him to feel his teammates were there for him too, instead of sending him off to his family because it's convenient.
我々視聴者は、すでにハイジに関して心配事を抱えているが、ハイジへの不安が更に大きくなるようまた1つ心配事が追加された。これによって各エピソードがより映えるようになる。ーーWe were already worried about Haiji, but sure, let's add one more worry log to the already building scared for Haiji fire. It's getting bigger each episode.
ハイジの脚..... 何か、何かヒドイことが起こるんだろうな。くそっ。ーーHaiji's leg.....It's gonna happen and it's gonna be awful to see. Damn it.
3話以降ずっと不安を漂わせてきたからね、ハイジの区間が本当に心配だよ。うー、不安で死にそうだ、ハイジが、カケルに自分の父親の話をした時、何か大きなフラグが立ったような気がした。神童の母親が泣きながら祈っていたのを見た時、私もあの家族につられてしまった、大泣きしちゃったよ。ーーI'm really scared for Haiji's section, especially since they've been building to this since episode 3. Ugh, the anxiety is killing me, I feel like they set up a huge flag when Haiji told Kakeru about his dad. The families always get to me, when I saw Shindo's mom crying and praying, I burst into tears.
註:get to me =「つられて影響を受ける、感動する、イライラさせられる」
あの家族の場面は、見ていてすごく辛かったね。あの反応は、決して大袈裟ではなくて、自分の息子が決意して大きな困難にぶつかっているのを見ている時のとても自然な反応だよ。とてもよく描けていた。ーーThe family part was absolutely awful to watch. It's not even in your face kind of thing but a very natural reaction to seeing your own son being so determined yet so sickly doing something. Very well done.
ハイジの脚はきっと大丈夫だと思うけど、それとは関係なく、カケルには彼に大きなリードを作ってくれると信じてるよ。ーーwhile i do think haiji's leg will kick in, i believe Kakeru will give him a good enough lead for it to be irrelevant
この大会は何人かの選手たちに大打撃を与えているようだ。つまり、肉体的にも精神的にも大きく疲弊させている。それでも、このレースが現実的なものに仕上がっていることに感銘を受けたよ。選手の1人がゴールラインに達したあと倒れたんだぞ。そのことを考えるとちょっと恐ろしいな。ーーI have to admit, watching one of the Jou twins running is kinda thrilling.
Seems this competition is taking the toll out of some runners though. I mean, physically and mentally, it's exhausting. Still, I'm rather impressed by how realistic they made the competition. Hell, even one of the runners collapsed after reaching the finishing line. That's almost kinda scary to think about.
あの双子はとても陽気で面白かったね hahahaha
神童は文字通り命の危機に瀕していた、そして彼と、彼のチームメイトと、彼の家族の戦いを見るのは信じられないほど大変だった。順位を気にする人よ、彼の犠牲は間違いなく強く心に訴えるものがあったし、そしてそれは非常に大切なものだ ;_; またまた感動的なエピソードだったよ。ーーMan the twins are so hilarious hahahaha.
Shindo literally risked his live and it was incredibly tough watching him, his teammates and family struggle. Who cares about placement, his sacrifice definitely strenghtened the moral even more and that's invaluable ;_; Yet another moving episode.
たぶん私は、まだその理由が分かっていない。この作品の何が私にこんなに訴えかけてくるのか... なぜこんなにこのチームのことが好きなのか。
この作品はもっともっと多くの人に見られるべきだと思う... MyAnimeListで観ている人が13000人しかいないなんておかしいーーTell me again why this show isn't bigger?
The investment into these characters is a beautiful thing. I haven't been this connected to a cast of characters in a long time.When Joji and Jota obsess over Hana, I feel that.
When Prince proves his worth, I feel that.
When Shindo Pushes himself to the finish line because he can't let himself or his teammates down, I feel that.When his family watches him run in agony and scream at the tv and pray, I feel that.
When Kakeru tears up as he watches his friends determination, I feel that.
As they all push eachother to grow and support eachother as friends, I feel that.
I feel kings need for a better future, I feel Nico-senpai's need for self improvement, I feel Haiji's intense desire to understand just WHY we run in the first place.(and his wiley, devilish way of bringing everyone else with him)Then there's yuki and musa and Hana,and that adorable freaking dog.
Maybe I just havent figured it out yet. Why this appeals so much to me.. why I love this group so much.
but I still think this show should be way bigger... 13000 on MAL is a disgrace.
おそらくその犯人は、スポーツアニメがニッチなジャンルであるという固定観念だな。そして、弱ペダのような作品がこの固定観念を強めている。ーーThe likely culprit is the stereotype that sports anime is a niche genre for boys. And shows like Yowapeda work overtime to reinforce that stereotype.
この作品はスポーツの現実的な側面を描いているのに、残念だな。厳しい練習と感動的な戦いが、それを保ち続けているよ。ーーPity because it does an amazing job at showing the real side of sports. The hard work and emotional battles it takes to keep going.
自分は、5話からすごく良くなり始めたと思う。それ以前は、自分にとっては面白く感じなかった。ハイジのことが全然好きになれなかったし、王子はいつ死んじゃうんだろうと思って観てた。ーーI felt that ep 5 was when it started to get really good. Before that, it was a huge hit or miss for me. I didn't like Haiji at all, and kept thinking Prince is going to drop dead at anytime.
デビルハイジがベストハイジ。これは客観的な事実だ... :P
確かにそれくらいから、間違いなく良くなってきたね :) ーーDevil Haiji Best Haiji. This is an objective fact... :P It has definitely gotten better and better since then though :)
神童の場面を見ている時、彼の家族と同じ気持ちだったよ。ーーI felt the way Shindo's family felt when watching his part.
今回、我々は神童の家族だったーーToday we were Shindo's family
誇り高き一族!ーーA proud family!
神童「みんな.... 待ってる...... から....」
カケル(仲間.. 目標.. 自分のため.. 意地と誇り.. わからない、きっと誰にも)
...神童さーん!!ーーHE DID IT.
もし神童が元気なまま5区を走っていたら。10位以内に入れたかもしれない。ーーImagine a healthy Shindo-san running section 5. Top 10 gonna be shaking.
それと最後のカケルとハイジのシーンもすごく良かった!私はずっとハイジが一番好きだったけど、カケルのことも同じくらい好きになってる。これまでの彼の成長を見てきてるからね。ーーJesus. I said in last week's discussion thread that that episode was the first one to get me teary-eyed, but this one straight-up crushed me. I was not prepared for Shindo's section.
I also loved Kakeru and Haiji at the end! Haiji has been best guy this entire time for me, but I'm really growing to love Kakeru as well. I love how he's developed at this point.
註:straight-up =「真実の、正直、その通り、本気で」22,海外の反応
この作品は、前期ですでに私のアニメオブザシーズンに輝いているけど、おそらく今期もその座を手にすると思う。こんなにキャラクタリゼーションを楽しめるアニメシリーズは、しばらくぶりだよ。ーーI wasn't prepared for his section either. I imagined i was ready for it but was wrong. It was so hard to see Shindos family and knowing how his section will look...
I love how all the characters are developed. The first part of the series was already strong in terms of characterization with such a large main cast and it really pays off right now. Every single section provides a payoff that fits the characters arc and bring up different emotions in the viewer. Be it the classic underdog story in Oujis section, how Joji/Jota feel about each other (i.e. different strengths) and about Hana or Shindos sacrifice for their common dream and his relationship to his family.
It already was my AOTS last season and will probably take it this season as well. Been a while since i saw an anime series with so much enjoyable characterization.
註:payoff =「利益を生む、効果をもたらす、清算する」23,海外の反応
でも、これ以上ハイジのバックストーリーを見て悲しい気持ちになってしまうのはイヤだな。今の彼が、高校よりも良い場所にいて、そして純粋に走る喜びを見つけてくれたことをうれしく思う。ハイジがあの膝を抱えながら自身の区間を走ることについては、まだ楽観視できないと思うけどね。ーーI may as well have been a member of Shindo's family during that sequence because I was sobbing just like them.
Haiji is my adopted anime son of the season. The goodest boy.
That being said, I genuinely don't think I've ever adored any bunch as deeply as I do these ten. They're all phenomenal! Even the characters who haven't gotten much shine (though some might get more focus in the next episode), have developed steadily along the rest of the group in more subtle ways, and it's shown enough for me to just fall in love with all of them.
I wish Haiji's backstories would stop hurting me, though. I'm glad he's found such pure joy in running and is in a better place now than he was back in high school. I'm still not feeling too positive about Haiji running his section on that knee, though :/
註:adore =「敬愛する、熱愛する、崇拝する、あがめる」24,海外の反応
ランニングアニメで泣くことになるとは思わなかったな、しかし私たちはここに辿り着いた。この男の子たちは皆私の息子であり、彼らには守ってくれるものが必要だ。ーーI never thought I would cry over a running anime, but here we are. All of these boys are now my sons and they need to be protected.
第1話を観始めた時は、自分もランニングで泣くことになるとは思ってもみなかった。ーーWhen I started episode one I would never have expected myself to cry over running either.
何かの作品を観て泣く時はいつも、喉の奥がむずむずしてきて少し涙目になるぐらいだけど、今回は、神童を見守るみんなを見て、激しく泣いてしまったよ。カケルが泣いていたのが最後のトドメになったね、それで自分も我慢できなくなってしまった。ーーUsually when I say a show makes me cry, I mean I get a tickle in the back of my throat and maybe a bit teary-eyed. Today, I was actually sobbing watching everyone watch Shindo. In fact, Kakeru tearing up was the final straw that made me lose it.
註:final straw =「最後の一撃、トドメ、きっかけとなる出来事」
言っておくけど、もし死にたくなかったら、現実では神童みたいに走ろうとするなよ。ーーi have to say, don't ever attempt to run like Shindo in real life, unless you wanna die
Holy shit、今回は今までのこのシリーズで最高のエピソードだった。神童があんなにフラフラになって倒れるところは見ていて辛かったーーHoly shit this was probably the best episode in the whole series. Damn the feels seeing all of Shindo's hard work come crashing like that
彼らがこのレースを棄権するとも思ってなかったけど、まさか神童がこの危機を乗り切るなんて予想してなかった。彼は間違いなく、全力を尽くした者の1人だよ、下手すれば王子よりもね。ーーI expected them to not have to cancel the race, but din't expect Shindo to pull through this hard, hes definitely the one who tried the hardest even more than prince.
ジーザス・クライスト、あれは泣いてしまったよ。それは決して感動的で褒め讃えるようなことではなかった、あれは一体何なんだ。このエピソードは全体を通してずっと心が張り裂けそうだった。そして、彼の家族の顔を見るのは辛かった。ーー"Demonstrating he has the strongest will in the country."
Jesus Christ, I teared up to that. If that's not some inspirational praise, idk what is. This whole episode was gut wrenching and the look on the families faces hurt so much.
オレにとってあれは非常に感動的なものだったよ。神童は5区で勝つことはできなかったけど、彼は全ての人から多くの尊敬を集めた。2番目にゴールした男のことなんて誰も覚えていないよ、でも間違いなく、全員の記憶に神童の走る姿は刻み付けられた。ーーThat was a hugely emotional line to me too. Shindo may not have won Section 5, but he earned respect all around. Nobody'll remember the guy who finidhed 2nd, but they'll sure remember Shindo.
そして彼らは、神童のことを”最後にゴールした敗者”とは記憶していないだろう。彼のことはヒーローとして覚えているだろう。ーーAnd they’ll not remember Shindo as “the loser who came last”. They’ll remember him as that hero who kept on going.
ハイジ「親父は悪い人じゃない... ただ、陸上バカだ。俺は考える余地もなく徹底管理のもと毎日毎日走らされて、そして....」
このエピソードの雰囲気がすごく良かった(私がこのエピソードを視聴してからすでに2時間経ってるんだけど、まだ心が張り裂けそうな気分だよ。神童 ;____; )。このアニメの制作は、神童の戦いを、彼と彼のチームメイトの視点だけでなく、彼の家族の反応と観衆とアナウンサーの実況も交えて見せていたね。それと、神童の走る区間の前に、ジョージが、ハナが小田原にいた件についてずっとやるせない気持ちになっていた最初のシーンもすごくすごく好きだった。ああいう些細な出来事がたくさんあることで、テンションが高まり、そしてこのエピソード全体のムードを彩っている。監督は神童を止めようとしていた。彼の母親は祈っていた。彼の家族のシーンはとても胸が痛んだよ、なんせハイジが第2話で神童をチームに引き入れようとした誘い文句は、「家族とはあまり会えないんだろう?テレビで自分の息子が箱根駅伝で走ってる姿を見たら喜ぶだろうなぁ。」だったからね。
そしてもちろん、『風が強く吹いている』には今週もしっかり泣かせてもらったよ。ーーI loved the atmosphere of this episode (and by love I mean that it's been two hours since I watched the episode and I still feel torn up over it. Shindo ;____;). The way they showed Shindo's struggle not only from his perspective and his teammates', but also through his family's reactions, the crowd and through the commentary. I really really liked how we first get the scene where Hana gets Odawara and Joji is basically inconsolable, before they cut to Shindo running. There were so many little things like that, that heighted the tension and contributed to the overall mood of the episode. The coach trying to stop him. Random passers-by stopping in front of the broadcast. His mom praying. The scenes with Shindo's family hurt so much, especially since Haiji's sales-pitch way back in episode 2 was basically "You don't get to see your family much, right? How about you run the Ekiden, then they'll get to see how well you're doing on TV!".
I also have to touch on the Haiji stuff at the end of the episode. During the beginning of the show, there were a lot of us that wondered if Haiji's manipulative ways would come back to haunt him, and I feel like they have in a quite literal way in the form of Haiji's guilt. That said, I don't think there's any doubt that the boys are doing this for themselves at this point. If anything it was Shindo's pride that pushed him to the finish line, more than anyhting else.
And of course, Run with the Wind had me crying once again this week.
ハグしよう! ( づ ◕‿◕ )づ
ハイジは皆を巧みに操っていたけど、彼が罪の意識を垣間見せたことは、彼が根はいい人ということを表している。そしてそのことで、私は彼のキャラクターがより一層好きになったよ。ーーHave a hug! ( づ ◕‿◕ )づ
However manipulative he'd been, Haiji's guilt shows he's a good person at heart, and I love his character all the more for it.
ありがとう!ヽ( ; ▽ ;)ノ
100%同意だよ、ハイジが全てだね。ーーThank you! ヽ( ; ▽ ;)ノ
100% agreed, Haiji is everything.
ハイジは自分が観てるアニメの中でのサン(son)オブザシーズンだね、彼は常に(そしてこれからも)自分にとって最高の男の子であり続けているよ。それとこのエピソードで、彼の過去を明かしてくれてすごくうれしかった。ハイジとカケルのラストシーンがすごく良かったよ。ハイジが自身に罪の意識を認めたことをうれしく思う、それと彼に対しカケルが親愛のこもった感謝の気持ちを表明したのを見れてすごく幸せだった。確かに、彼らは最初、走ることを強制されたかもしれない、でも彼らは皆その中に自分なりの意味を見つけ出した。そして彼らは、その意味を発見できたことに感謝している。ーーShindo's section was so powerful. I was so moved by his perseverance. That combined with the audience's reactions, his family's tears, and the team's emotions had me sobbing. This show really understands how to handle heavy-hitting scenes in a way that leaves a profound impact on the viewer.
Haiji is my adopted anime son of the season, so he's always been (and will always be) the goodest boy for me, but I'm really glad they addressed his past actions in this episode. I love the way that last scene between him and Kakeru played out. I'm glad that he acknowledged his guilt, and I'm even happier at Kakeru's endearing response of gratitude. While they may have been "forced" to run initially, they've all found their own, personal meaning in it and are grateful that they were able to discover that meaning for themselves.
私はこのエピソードを見て泣かないと自分に言い聞かせた。それは大きな嘘だった、大いに泣いたよーーI told myself I wouldn't cry this episode. Big lie, big tears
おお!ラストのあのユキの眼を見たか!Holy shit!完全集中モードだ、彼は今まさに、大きな何かをしようとしている気がする。
いつもチームメイト達のそばにいるカケルが、ゆっくりベストボーイ候補になってきているよ。あのベストボーイハイジでさえ、自身のことを疑う瞬間があった、でもカケルはそばにいて、彼のことを勇気づけてくれる!ーーYo! Yuki's eye at the end there! Holy shit! Full concentration mode, i feel like he's about to pull something big.
We've seen how close he is to Shindo and he's going to full give himself for what he just saw. I also expect a slippery downslope to force runners to take a backseat and maybe someone going all out (and luckily not falling) will help Kansei catch up. Yuki's a smart dude, i'm sure he'll find the best way to approach the situation and get Kansei back into the running.
Kakeru is slowly becoming a best boy contender as well, always there for his teamates. Even Best boy Haiji himself had a moment of doubt and he was there to cheer him up!
ユキは雪の中でこのレースを走ることになる。古臭くて安っぽい(corny)と言っていいほどロマンチックな(poetic)展開だけど、彼の静かな眼差しは、驚くべきことが起こる予見を私に物語っている。ーーYuki running his leg of the race in the snow. Almost so poetic as to be corny, but his dead stare tell me it's going to be amazing.
註:corny =「陳腐な、古臭い、安っぽい、つまらない、聞き古した、感傷的な、メロドラマ的な、センチな」
彼の名前にも「雪」という字が入ってるよね?ーーIs his name written like snow?
そうだなーーYes it is
神童が死力を尽くして繋いだトーチの炎が、いまユキのもとで燃え上がっている。ーーI think I'm going to end up crying again.
Yuki fanning the flames of the torch Shindo worked so hard to pass onto him.
今週のエピソードがやって来たぞ、神童は、初めて走った時の王子よりも悪そうだった。あのおじいちゃん監督でさえ、車の外に出て彼の側を走りながら心配していたね。当然のことながら、彼らは最後の場所に戻って来た。それと、あの双子とハナちゃんの状況は、漫画『桜蘭高校ホスト部』を彷彿とさせたな。ハイジの父親は、ひょっとすると、カケルのいた高校の監督よりももっとヒドイ監督だったのかもしれない。だって、自分の息子を、脚が壊れるまで走らせる監督を想像してみてよ。神童が走っていた場面の、オレたちはなぜ走るのかという考えは、この作品のチームスポーツの1つの本当に素晴らしい観点をオレに授けてくれた。『ピンポン』がソロスポーツアニメの王なら、チームスポーツアニメの王はこの作品だね。ーーThis weeks episode flew by, Shindo looked worse than Prince did the first time he ran.Even the old coach was concerned enough to get out and run beside him, understandably they're back in last place.Also the whole twin situation reminds me a bit of the Ouran Highschool Host Club Manga.So Haiji's dad was a coach, who it seems might somehow have been a worst coach than Kakeru's, imagine running you own kid so hard it messes up his leg.Shindo's thought on why they run, really made me think how this show is such an awesome view on team sports.If Ping Pong is the king of solo sports, this is the king of team sports.
今回のエピソードがすごく良かったし、これから彼らがどうやって遅れを取り戻すのか楽しみにしてる!高熱を出しながらも完走した神童にはとても感動したよ、なんて強さだ。ーーReally liked todays episode and I am looking forward to how they are going to get back up! Shindo managing to complete the race with fever really moved me, what a strong will.