黒田「こんなんじゃ、正義の味方なんて程遠くって... あいつは『なれる』って、言ってくれたのに...」
黒田「お前は.. 何だ...?」
黒田「泡みたいにすぐに弾けて消える... 死に際の儚い願望だ... ずいぶん不気味だがな.... 」
4話一気に来たなーーThat 4 episodes dump
オレの理解はこれで正しいのか?今日、一気にこの作品が4話放送されたのか?これはこの作品ではよく起こることなの?興味深いけど、今朝4つのエピソードのスレッドが立ってるのを見て混乱したよ。ーーAm I understanding correctly? 4 eps dropped for this show today? Does this happen often for this show? Interested but seeing 4 ep threads this morning was confusing to me.
botが勝手に先のエピソードのスレッドを立てちゃったのかと思ったよ。ーーI thought the bot just had a stroke.
この作品は全18話なんだけど、1クールしかないんだ。だから制作は、1週目に1話と2話を放送し、第6巻に該当する4エピソードを今日まとめて放送することで、18話を13週に収めたんだ。ーーThe show is 18 episodes long but also 1 cour. So they turned it into 13 weeks for 18 episodes by doing episodes 1 and 2 on week 1 and then dropping 4 episodes adapting volume 6 today.
なるほど。説明ありがとうーーI see. Thanks for explaining
霧間凪は最高の女の子だ。彼女は沢山の敵をやっつけ、そしてついに、彼女とブギーポップのバックストーリーが見れてうれしかった。今回、彼女たちが協力して敵をやっつける場面を味わうことができたね。そして次の章でも、彼女たちには最強のタッグチームを組んで一緒に戦ってほしい。ーーIt's so insane to me that there were five episodes of Boogiepoppu this week. They basically aired what'd normally be considered half a cour in two days and given the series' tone, in the sense that it can be a lot to take in (especially all at once), that's a very unusual move. I'm not sure something like that ever happened before because it just seems too good to be true to get so many new episodes at once. Anyway, I'm very glad they did it because I've been high on this series ever since it started and this was a strong arc, arguably its best.
Kirima Nagi is the bestest of girls. She kicks all kinds of ass and I'm happy there's finally some backstory on her - and Boogiepoppu too. I hope this was just a taste of them wrecking shit together and that they'll form the world's most powerful tag team in the next arc.
オレは先週『SHIROBAKO』を観たばかりなんだ。この4つのエピソードを観た時、頭に、全ての人間があらゆる仕事を終わらせるために、スタジオを走り回ってる姿が浮かんだよ。尊敬する!ーーI watched Shirobako last week, and when I saw that 4 ep release all i could think was in every person in that studio just running like crazy to get everything done. Respect!
『ReLIFE』も一気に放送されたよね!一気観したの覚えてるーーRe:life also had a full release! I remember binge watching it all in one go
註:binge watch =「一気に見る」
ああ、あれは良い一気観だった。ーーyeah that was a good binge watch.
この制作スタジオは、スケジュールを守りつつ、良い仕事をしてくれた。彼らはこの4話を一気に放送することを発表し、そしてこのために計画を立て、仕事のスケジュールを作ったんだ。アニメーションの粗さと、若い藤花の頭の形が変だったのは気になったけど、それに不満を言うべきじゃない。Blu-rayでは、それらが修正されることを強く願っているけどね。これがオレがアニメのBlu-rayを買う理由の1つだからな。ーーThis studio did a good job of keeping up with their schedule. I heard that they announced this 4 episode release to be coming, so they planned for this and made a schedule that would work with it. You could tell the choppy animation and weird shape of young Touka's head, but nobody should complain about that. I DO hope the blu-ray release fixes that stuff though. This is one of those animes that I WOULD buy the blu-ray for.
来生真希子、進化!! ..... フィア・グール

宮下藤花、進化!! ..... ブギーポップ


若い頃の藤花は、ブギーポップになる前でも、とても落ち着いた声で話していた。それでオレは、このことに関する物語もあるんじゃないかと思っている。ーーKisugi Makiko SHINKA!!! ..... Fear Ghoul
Miyashita Touka SHINKA!!! .... Boogiepop
I have been wanting to say this for a while, haha
Also it should be somewhat obvious by now that Boogiepop/Touka is actually an MPLS. Boogie is basically a Touka with a weird mix of Scarecrow's last words/wishes (Shinigami, Superhero, Judgement, his favorite clothes, bubble, the odd 'smile' etc).
Younger Touka even before speaking with boogie's voice was quite calm. So I feel like there is a story for that too.
たとえブギーポップが、ある特殊な能力を有していたとしても、それは定義されているものではない。彼の能力は明らかに、超人的なことをするものであり、MPLSたちが持っているような非常に限定的な能力とは関連性がないだろ。ーーGonna chime in and say that Boogiepop is fundamentally different from anything labeled an MPLS, so I've never considered them one.
If Boogiepop actually has any specific power, it's never been defined; they're clearly capable of some superhuman things, but nothing connected to the kind of very specific powers MPLS all have.
MPLSは多用な能力を持っている。ブギーポップの能力が、ある能力と異なっているからといって、それは彼がMPLSではない理由にはならないよ。ーーMPLS have all sort of powers. The fact that Boogiepop's abilities seems "different" doesn't mean he's not a MPLS.
しかし、彼らが持っている能力は非常に限定的だろ。特定の証拠に基づいた議論というよりは、このシリーズを全て読んだ感想としてだから、絶対にそうだとは言わないけど、上遠野浩平は、ブギーポップが何者なのかについて、意図的に定義することを避けているように思える。ーーThey all have very specific powers, though. Boogiepop doesn't. I dunno, it's more of a feeling I get from reading through the series as a whole than a specific evidence based argument, so I ain't dying on this hill, but Kadono definitely seems to be purposefully avoiding defining what Boogiepop really is.
オレも最初はそう思ってたけど、読み進めるにつれて、彼にも他のMPLS達と共通する部分があると感じ始めたよ。ーーNot really. For example, Suiko is stated to have the power to predict death, but we also see her seeing the future and having the ability to show that future to others. She also was able to keep lingering in the world after death in some sort of ethereal form. So their powers aren't really as specific as you say.
At first I thought that way too, but as I keep reading, the pieces started to fit together.
藤花のMPLSとしての能力は、ブギーポップという独立した人格を呼び出すことだとも考えられるな。後の物語で、その類の前例が確かに見られる。ーーSuiko's powers are also incredibly poorly defined, yeah.
I could see Touka as an MPLS whose power is to summon the entity known as Boogiepop. There's absolutely precedent for that sort of thing in the later mythology.
凪「だ.. 誰だ!?」
・ブギーポップとエコーズが会話をしていた場所は一体どこで、そしてあそこで何が起こっていたのか、まださっぱり分からないーーThat is how you do an achronlogical story. I feel like with these last few episodes they finally got their crap together. It was interesting, engaging, has you think and tells a good story without jumping around needlessly.
Seeing more about the world, such as various hospitals and drugs and more info on the Towa organization was really nice and added a lot to my appreciation of these stories rather then them feeling a bit like they are in a bubble. Seeing how everyone got together and in a way Scarecrow really set of EVERYTHING was such an interesting point for the show to make. The music and direction was also a great step up from previous arcs as well, the music was engaging and interesting and the camera actually had a lot of use and a lot to day with more engaging shots and angles to help tell the story, rather than it being so flat like before
Four episodes at once while trying to track characters etc fried my brain a little so I don't have a whole lot to say, but some random points from my notes for this episode in particular:
Should have started a counter for how many light posts were broken in this arc alone
Nagi is great, the way she baited the doctor out to the pool not to mention how it basically caused the doctor to start falling apart
That whistle is the CREEPIEST thing when you can't see Boogiepop at all. Why the fuck was that not in the first arc
I remember people saying Boogiepop was meant to be a lopsided smile, not a smug smile and that definitely came across today too
I still have no idea what the fuck was going on with where boogiepop and echoes are hahaha
ちょっと脱線しすぎてしまったかな。凪はコッコイイ奴だ。彼女は素晴らしいキャラクターだし、彼女のバックストーリーも素晴らしかった。ーーThere were some great themes here. While I don't think watching them was as engaging as they could have been, I really enjoyed thinking about them, and the delivery of all in one go is absolutely the best for this series.
Superpowers are feelings, not abilities. I really loved this message. The boy that sent Nagi's father the message at the start of this series had the impressive ability to bring out the potential in others, bringing out the humanity in Mo Murder to make decisions of his own accord. Nagi was the superhero of this arc though, and her power was simple: money a sense of justice, and not fearing the outcome of her actions. This was nicely contrasted by the villain, whose power was not the thing to be feared, it was fear itself.
I kinda liked the Freudian refutations from the psychology aspect. Fear Ghoul kept misreading Nagi's feelings, constantly considering them love, when they were more along the lines of respect. It was a nice thematic contrast - the villain was wrong, yaknow? As somebody that finds Freud's methods and conclusions rather offputting, I love the association of his mindset with being wrong. Nagi was looking for father figures, not people that resembled her father to fall in love with, and that was a recurring motif of this arc: both Scarecrow and Mo Murder, though these are also people who she wants to funnel her justice through.
So, let me get this straight, Boogiepop is Scarecrow? That's a cool twist, and explains why he is so keen to look after Nagi on her justice conquest. Again, the whole fatherly thing I just mentioned references that, and is kinda sweet.
Maybe I'm getting on a tangent. Nagi's a badass. She's such a great character, and seeing her humble backstory was great.
彼は案山子からインスパイアを得ている(あの外見、黒田はブギーポップを死神と呼んでいたが)。しかしながら、ブギーポップが何であるかは、文字通り解釈次第だろう。オレは、ブギーポップは案山子だとは思わないな(彼がもっているいくつかの特性から考えてね)、でもそれは、最終的にお前次第だ。ーーHe was inspired by Scarecrow (outfit, him calling Boogiepop a shinigami,); however, what Boogiepop is litterally is up to interpretation. I don't feel like Boogiepop is scarecrow (especially given some of Boogiepop's other traits), but that's up to you ultimately.
でも自分は、あの探偵の魂が、何らかの方法で藤花の身体に乗り移って、ブギーポップが創り上げられたんだろう、とも考えていた。ーーI guess that Boogiepop is NOT scarecrow but was definitely inspired by him, I mean you can notice how Touka speaks with the weird boogiepop voice when she speaks to mr.detective, it is definitely already boogiepop
BUT i also had the thought that maybe somehow the soul of mr.detective transfered over to Touka's body and thus Boogiepop was created
まったく、このシリーズはすごく良いな...ーーOmfg this series is so good...
それと音楽も良いよな、10話を視聴していてBGMが流れ始めた時、思わずその曲を鼻歌で歌ってしまって、しばらくの間、スケアクロウの話を聞いていなかった瞬間があったよーーAnd the music man, while watching episode 10 I honestly stop lisening to what the Scarecrow was saying for a moment when the background music began, because I started sing that tune.
牛尾憲輔の音楽の素晴らしさは、言葉では言い表せないな。オレはまだ、『DEVILMAN crybaby』を視聴していないんだけど、『聲の形』と『リズと青い鳥』とそして今作『ブギーポップは笑わない』のサウンドは全て非常に華麗だった。ゆったりとしていて、まぐれなトーン、それとランダムな静寂がうまく融合している。
オレは、牛尾が音楽を担当しているからという理由で、ブギーポップを観始めたんだ。しかし、アニメそのものも実に素晴らしい出来だった、そして音楽がさらにその価値を高めている。素晴らしいーーI have no words left to describe Kensuke Ushio. I’ve still yet to watch Devilman Crybaby but his sound in A Silent Voice and Liz and the BlueBird and now BoogiePop were all brilliant with the slow, herky-jerky tones, and the random silences he incorporates.
I started watching BoogiePop solely because Ushio was behind the sound, but the anime is actually great and the music elevates it to must watch material. Sheesh
統和機構の合成人間たちのせいで、エコーズは地球に送られる羽目になったのか?霧間凪があの探偵と出会う前から、彼らはあそこにいたのか... それとも霧間凪の進化と、彼女の”超人(彼女は無敵だよな?)”への変化のせいなのか?それと統和機構の真の目的は何なんだ?オレの辿り着いた考えではこうだ、彼らはエコーズを見つけ、彼をコピーすることで合成人間を作り始めた、理由はよく分からないけど、人類の進化を促すためか、あるいは世界をコントロールするために... でもそれ以前は、どうやって合成人間を作っていたんだろう?そして「進化を止めようとしている」とは、どういうことだ?彼らが人類の進化を止め、普通の人間を超えた能力を持つ人々を抹殺しようとしているのであれば、どうして薬物を使って人間の進化を加速させようとしているんだ?それと、ブギーポップとエコーズは、あの時一体どこにいたんだ?パラレルワールド?夢の世界?ーー
I'm not sure if I get it... What did Boogiepop meant by:
"If Kuroda Shinpei hadn't tried to save Kirima Nagi in the first place, you and Manticore would've never happened upon our world."? (Btw, is Boogiepop really from our world? I have thought he is an alien spirit or something...)
Wasn't Echoes sent to the earth because of Towa organisations's artificial humans? They were there way before Kirima happened to meet the detective... Or was it because of the evolution of the Kirima Nagi and her turning into "superhuman (she's invincible, isn't she)"? And what exactly is Towa organisation goal? To this point I have thought they found Echoes and started to create artificial humans by copying his, I don't know what, in efforts to evolve humanity or to control the world or something... How come they were creating humans before then? And what's with that "trying to stop the evolution"? Why would they make drugs fastening the human evolution if they are trying to stop it and eliminate everyone with abilities exceeding those of normal humans...? And where the hell was Boogiepop and Echoes all the while? Some parallel world? Dream?25,海外の反応
ブギーポップとエコーズがどこにいたのかに関しては、小説では、次にアニメ化される5巻の出来事と関係があるね。ネタバレを避けるために、その解説をカットしたんだろうね。ーー I think the implication is that they were both held prisoner in the facility that Kuroda destroyed, and escaped in the aftermath. I took a look, but this line isn't in the novel, and I think it's a little early for them to be released--I don't think they were actually at large for four or five years--so I'm not sure that was the actual intent here, but it's what I got from the Japanese.
As for where Boogiepop and Echoes are, this has something to do with the events of the fifth novel, which they're animating next; they cut the explanation to avoid spoilers.
註:at large =「逃亡中の、野放しの、一般の」
註:at large =「逃亡中の、野放しの、一般の」
お前が言っている施設とは、RS20TTUのことか?それで、もう一つ訊きたいことを思い出したんだけど、彼はなぜその施設を破壊したんだ?エコーズを助けるためだったのか?それとも凪を救う薬を手に入れるためだったのか?後者だった場合、わざわざ破壊する必要はないと思うんだが...ーーYou mean facility RS20TTU? That's another thing I forgot to mention. Why did he destroyed it? Was it because he wanted to help Echoes? Or was it because he needed to secure the drugs for Nagi? In that case there would be no need to destroy it... right?
彼は、連中に自分が何の薬を盗んだのか知られたくなかったんだよ。だから彼は、あの薬を他の薬と一緒に丸ごと盗み出し、その痕跡を隠すため、さらに施設ごと爆破したんだ。自分の行動から凪へと繋がる手掛かりを消すためにね。ーーHe doesn't want them knowing what drug he took. So he takes a bunch of other drugs--the ones by his body--and blows up the facility to cover his tracks, and avoid anyone tracing his actions to Nagi.