飛鳥井とスプーキーEがこうやって対峙することになろうとは予想してなかったな。飛鳥井が、ああやって薔薇を手の中に実体化させて、人々に見せていくのは、すごく長い道のりになるだろう。しかし、スプーキーEは自決することで確実にその道のりを妨害した。こんなクリハンガーで終わりだなんて信じられない。ブギーポップは文字通り、人と話す時にも気まぐれに急に現れる(popping in)んだね(あのシーンはすごく笑えた)。ついに凪がこの事件に関わってきたね、そのうえ様々なキャラクターがついに完全に交わりだした、この章がやっと結末へと向かう手筈を整えた(ramping up)ように感じる。どんな道を辿るのか見るのが楽しみで仕方ないよ。ーーVery interesting episode. Each one seems to get better then the last on all levels. The two fights sequences were amazing and so much fun to watch and there was some great direction in the episode as well. I love that you can see what looks like the shadow of Imaginator in this shot of the chair before she actually shows up in the scene. Also this sequence of shots of Jin standing up to be covered by shadow when Suema calls him out on his behavior change, while he sits back down when he realizes how scared she is. Its such a great visual of his inner darkness coming out for a second before he gets control of himself again.
I was NOT expecting Jin and Spooky E to confront each other like that. Jin's come a long way if he can materialize a flower in his hand now to show to people, but Spooky E's suicide has certainly thrown a spanner on the works. I can't believe they cut out on that cliffhanger though. With Boogiepop literally popping in and out on a whim to talk to people (that was so funny), Nagi finally getting involved in everything, and all our various characters finally crossing over completely it feels like this arc is finally ramping up into leading somewhere and I'm excited to see what path it takes.
註:throw a spanner in the works =「物事の進行の邪魔立てをする、妨害する」ramp up =「上昇する、成長する、増加する、手筈を整える」
織機こそが、飛鳥井が探し求めていた「完璧な種」だとは全く予想してなかった。彼と谷口の避けられないであろう対決がどう転がるのか、見るのが不安だよ。ーーAgreed, the storytelling has definitely gotten more discernible since Ep1. The fight sequences were great; we knew that Taniguchi was going around beating up bad guys, but I really didn't expect him to be that capable. I really expected some standard self-defense stuff with some well-timed punches or something.
I certainly didn't expect Orihata to be the "perfect seed" he was looking for. I'm anxious to see how his inevitable confrontation with Taniguchi goes.
註:inevitable =「避けられない、免れない、必然的な、当然の」3,海外の反応
この展開にはほんとに驚いた。スプーキーE自身が言っていたけど、昔から長いこと自身を殺したいと思っていたなんてな。今までずっと彼の個性にこんな一面があったようには、全くみえなかったけど。でももし彼の生きる理由が、物事に対する強い憎しみだけだったのならば、彼がこういう考えを抱くようになってしまったのもある程度理解できる。ーーI was rather surprised with this actually. Based on what Spooky E said, he's wanted to kill himself for a long time now. It doesn't really seem like something that would be a part of his character up until this point but I can sort of understand why he is how he is if the only thing keeping him alive was his intense hatred for things.
註:up until the point =「今までずっと、の時点までに」
彼が、自身が普通に生殖活動もできない不完全な合成生命体であることに怒りを爆発させていたことを思い返せば、これは納得できるだろ。ーーIt makes sense once you remember the tantrum over being an incomplete synthetic lifeform that can't reproduce normally.
註:tantrum =「癇癪、怒りを爆発させる」
うおマジかよ、椅子の影なんてよく気付いたな。ちょっとしたことだが隠された素晴らしいディティールだ、この場面の演出に、どれだけ気を配っているのかを示しているな。ーーHoly crap, great catch on the chair shadow. A nice little hidden detail, really shows how much care is put into directing this
ブギーポップは、オレたちをこの作品へ惹き付ける(trolling)ために、このようにランダムに登場しているのだとしか考えられない。それでも彼女のことを愛しているけどな。次のエピソードでこの章が終わるのかどうかは分からないが、オレは最初の章よりも、この章の方が楽しめたよ。ーーI can't help but feel Boogiepop is trolling us with all this random cameo appearances. Still love her though. I wonder if the next episode will wrap up the arc but I have def enjoyed this arc more than the first.
註:troll =「誘い、釣り、駆り立てる」
オレを、声優の声の切り換えに一番感銘を受けているよ。全く違う人間に聞こえるけど、これでも同じ人なんだよな。ーーI'm most impressed by how good a job the voice actress is doing switching between the voices. You can really hear how different the personalities are, but still the same person.
ブギーポップの人格は、望みに応じてコントロールを奪取することができると考えてる。(でも彼は、差し迫った脅威を感知するか、秘密のヒントを与えるために、彼女の心に再び沈んでしまう前に一時的に浮上する時にのみしか現れない)ーーI think Boogiepop is much less of a self defense mechanism then she originally lets off.
I think the boogiepop persona is capable of taking control when it wants to. (But doesn't unless it senses imminent threats, or it feels like temporarily surfacing to give cryptic hints before sinking into her mind again)
正樹の戦闘は詳細に描かれていたのに、可哀想な凪(笑)ーーBoogiepop being subtle.
Masaki got the detail fight scene lol. Poor Nagi.
彼女の声が、ブギーポップから普通の女性校生の声に変わるのはスゴすぎ、ありえないわ!(insane)ーーHer voice switching from Boogiepop to regular school girl is insane!
註:insane =「常軌を逸した、正気ではない、狂気的な」
ホワァァァ、正樹の戦闘は真のご馳走だった、なんて滑らかでジューシーなアニメーションなんだ。もうこんな大乱闘することはないかな?そのことはちょっと気がかりだけど...ーーWhoaaa, that smooth, juicy animation during Masaki's fight was a real treat. And no time shenanigans? That actually makes me worried...
凪と正樹の戦闘シーンは素晴らしかったよ、こんなにうまくアニメ化してくれるとは予想してなかった。ーーNagi and Masaki fight scenes were great,I wasn't expecting it to be that well animated.
谷口家では、子供たちに一体どんだけすごいトレーニングをさせてるんだ?あの姉弟は2人揃って馬鹿強えじゃねーか。あんだけ強かったら、正樹がブギーポップを演じてたってのも、すごく説得力があるな。ーーOkay what kind of crazy training does the Taniguchi family make their kids go through? Both of them are ridiculously OP, so much so that Masaki actually makes for a pretty damn convincing Boogiepop.
末間(眼鏡の女の子)の読んでいる本の著者が、凪の父親なんだよな?ブギーポップは、人類に異常事態が起こっていて、どんでもないことが迫ってきていることを霧間の父親は気付いていたと仄めかしていたよな。彼は、自身の子供をそれに備えさせていたんだろ。ーーIsn't the author of the books Suema (glasses girl) reads Kirima Nagi's dad? Boogiepop implied that he's aware of the outliers in humanity and the weird shit that's going on. He might be preparing his children for that.
註:aware of =「承知している、気付いている、知っている」
冗談抜きで、オレは凪に踏みつけられたいーーNot gonna lie, I want Nagi to step on me
お主も好き者でござるな、オレはもうそのことしか頭にないぜ。彼女は完璧なカッコイイ女性(baddies)だ。ーーA true man of culture, that's the only I could think of when. She finished off the baddies
良いエピソードだった。それにクールな戦闘シーン。大満足だよ。ーーA good episode and a cool fight scene. Im fulfilled.
このエピソードは、ブギーポップまたは霧間凪が画面に登場すると、この作品が最高潮に達するということを再び証明した。ーーThis episode again proves that the show is really at it's best whenever Boogiepop or Kirima Nagi appear on screen.
また本当に素晴らしいエピソードだった。それと今までで一番分かりやすいエピソードだったように思う。我々が求めていた飛鳥井 仁/イマジネーターの未来の計画がはっきりと明らかになったな。このエピソードでの飛鳥井の素晴らしさを評価するために少し時間を貰ってもいいか?彼は非常に上手に敵対者の役を演じていたし、あのスプーキーEとは次元の違う力は正直恐ろしく感じた。彼の演説はそこに重きを置いているようだった、そして末間を脅迫した時の彼の言い回しは才気があり華麗だった。この章における最高キャラクターとは、まさしく彼のことだ。
古き良き霧間凪が帰って来た。彼女の役割は未だに不確定な部分があるけども、少なくとも彼女はOPで着ているのと同じスーツを着ていたな。彼女と正樹の戦闘シーンはどちらも絶対的に素晴らしかった。唯一の問題点は、その量が少なすぎたということだな。少なすぎたと言えば、今回はブギーポップの出番がたった1回しかなかったな。たったの1回だ。それなのに、なぜオレを生きるのだろう :(
ごく最近、第1話を観直したんだけど、実際すごく興味深かった。ブギーポップと竹田の会話は筋が通っていて、ブギーポップが何をしているのか、彼女が人類の問題(people's problems)を解決する存在ではなく、人類の機能、役割(people's job)を果たす存在なのだということが、よく示されていた。彼らの会話をもう一度聞き直してみることを強くお勧めするよ。ーーAnother really great episode and I feel like this might be the most comprehensible episode so far. We got a much needed infodump by Jin Asukai/Imaginator which clearly lays out his plans for the future. Can we take a moment to appreciate how great Jin was this episode? He played the role of antagonist so well and it was honestly terrifying how much power he had over Spooky E. His speech seemed to have weight on it and the way he threatened Suema was brilliant in his own right. Def best character in this arc.
E in Spooky E stands for electric. Of course, it does. Can we also appreciate the soundtrack this episode? It was so good I love it.
We have good old Kirima Nagi back and her role remains sort of uncertain but at least we got to see her suit from the OP. The fighting scenes from her and Masaki was absolutely awesome as well and my only problem is there was too little of it. Speaking of too little, we got ONE line from Boogiepop today. ONE. why even live :(
I rewatched the first episode quite recently and it's actually really interesting. The conversations by Boogiepop and Takeda actually makes sense and they do well to show what Boogiepop actually does and how she isn't the one to fix people's problems, that's the people's job. Highly recommend just watching the conversations by them again.
これは新しい情報ではないぞ。1話か2話前に彼自身で言っていた。ーーThis is not new information, he said so himself an episode or two ago.
スプーキーE「き.. 貴様!まさか...」
スプーキーE「計画... だと?」
憎しみを失ったスプーキーEの行動を見るのは興味深かった。憎しみを取り除かれた彼は自害してしまった。統和機構と彼らが作り出したものが何を感じているのについて多くが語られた。まだ色々な詳細が分からないままだということは感じずにはいられないが、今までのところ、この作品が大好きだよ。オレはいつか、小説を読むかもしれないな。ーーInteresting to see everything spooky e did was out of hatred. When he had his hatred removed he just killed himself. Speaks a lot about the towa organization and how some of their creations may feel. I cant help but feel as though we are missing some details here and there but I'm loving the series so far. I might pick up the novel at some point.
註:can't help but =「せざるを得ない、せずにはいられない、つい~してしまう」
もし興味があるのなら、絶対に小説を読むべきだよ。お前が興味を抱いている事柄は、まさに小説で描くのに優れている部分だ。オレはこのシリーズに登場するキャラクター全員がとても面白いと思っている。そしてその多くが、アニメではうまく描き切れていない。小説の翻訳版が『Seven Seas Entertainment』からこれ以上出版されないとしても、オレは他の人達と一緒に、ファン翻訳(fan-translations)に取り組んでいくことにしたんだ。翻訳は少しづつ進んでいるよ、ゆっくりだけど確実にね。ーーYou definitely should pick up the novels if you're interested. The kind of stuff you're curious about is exactly the shit that the novels excel at. I find all the characters in this series really interesting, and a lot of that isn't really on display here. I've also been picking away at doing some fan-translations along with some others, so even if Seven Seas doesn't release any more, we've been working at it a bit. Slowly, but surely.
註:excel at =「~において優れている、秀でている、抜きんでている」
安らかに眠れ、太ったピカチュウよーーRIP fat pikachu.
Ok、それでブギーポップは一体どこにいるんだ?このアニメのタイトルにまでなっているのに、これまでの8話で、オレ達は彼について何も知らないぞ。このアニメは基本的に正樹と織機の話だ(文句を言ってるわけじゃない)。ーーOk, but where the fuck is Boogiepop? We have its name in the title of the anime but so far, with eight episodes, we know nothing about him and the anime has been basically about Masaki and Orihata (not that I complaining).
あのマンティコアの事件に関しては、ブギーポップのワイヤーではなく、矢によって終結したと思っている。それは、普通の人間が、自らの力で逆境を克服/解決できるように、彼らを奮い起こさせ、影で策動する(pull the strings)存在の意図的な作用の一部のように見えた。
それはOP全体でも見てとれる。初めて見た時はちょっと気付きにくいが、あのOPの戦闘でのブギーポップの役割は、ワイヤーで凪をサポートして、パンチできるようにすることだ。ーーIMO with how the man-eater problem ended not by Boogiepop's wires but by the arrow, it seems that part of the intended function of the entity is (if possible) to pull the strings needed to enable a normal person to overcome/solve the adversity that summoned them.
It's kinda the whole OP. The way it's edited makes it a bit hard to notice the first time, but Boogie's role in the OP fight is to support Nagi via wires and enable them to make the punch.
註:pull the strings =「陰で糸を引く、陰で人を操る、策動する、裏から手を回す」26,海外の反応
それは深読みしすぎじゃないか。ブギーポップはパーティに遅れてきてオシャレに登場するのが好きなだけだ。しかし彼の役割は常に、世界の敵と戦うことだ。ーーYou're reading too much into it. Boogiepop just likes to show up fashionably late to the party. But his role is to fight the enemy of the world as always.
ブギーポップは、人々の言動が、どう未来へ帰結するのを分かっていると言うわけではないけど、この作品は、我々に、原因と結果を我々に見せるように、作為的に出来事を描いているよ。ーーWhen talking to Imaginator, rose guy explicitly says the meeting/conversation with glasses girl was the push he needed to confront his mind-suppressed cousin. That directly led into rose guy confronting/failing to convert Spooky E.
Glasses Girl would not have interrogated the rose-teacher without that push from Boogiepop.
An interesting note is that Imaginator seems completely unaware of Boogiepop's influence in that circumstance.
Same thing with the man-eater. Bow kid would not have stepped up and taken the shot without Boogie's earlier words.
I'm not saying that even Boogiepop is aware of the future consequences of their words/actions, but this show is very deliberately laying out events to let us see the cause and effect.
ブギーポップは文字通り、志郎に助けを頼んだだけだ。彼を操ったわけではないよ。ーーIt's the other way around. Boogiepop didn't want Suema to get involved in any of this. The fact that Jin took out Spooky E is coincidental. Boogiepop would never use Suema to push Jin's buttons. Suema is Touka's friend after all, and besides, it's not Boogiepop's style to manipulate others. He's against that kind of things, actually.
Boogipop literally asked Shiro to help him. He didn't manipulate him.
飛鳥井が、末間との交流で深刻な影響を受けたということを明確に表すためだけに、少し誇張された会話も挟まれていた。特に、これはアニメ化だから、思い付きでやったことではないはずだ。ーーI'm intentionally looking at this from an action --> reaction standpoint and removing intent from the equation. From the perspective of a butterfly effect, which is notorious for good intentions/honest mistakes resulting in dire consequences.
The way the episode presented that series of events made it clear that Boogiepop's sudden message to Suema had a big impact on what Suema did / said.
The show even had a bit of hammy dialogue just to make it clear that Jin was seriously influenced by that exchange with Suema. Especially since this is an adaptation, that kind of thing is not something to dismiss offhand.
アニメでは、末間の独白を削ってしまったから、彼女の本当の動機が正しく伝わっていない。ーーI don't know how they translated this (I don't watch translations) but what Boogiepop tells Suema is that she should rely more on her friends. Basically Boogiepop would like Suema to talk more with Touka about her problems and such instead of getting into trouble. Suema actually doesn't take the advice, and instead keeps involving herself with shit she has no business getting involved with.
I think the problem here is that the anime fails to establish why Suema feels she has to do this (it's a trauma of the past). Boogiepop knows the reason, and knows Suema's not gonna resolve her internal issues by putting herself in danger. She's just gonna get hurt.
The anime removed Suema's internal narration so her real motives aren't conveyed properly.
うまく事が運べば、偽ブギーポップと彼の姉は、織機を救うのに間に合うかもしれない。でもそれが失敗したとしても何らおかしくないな。ーーIt seems that Spooky E wasn't that spooky to the Imaginator. And wow, the Imaginator is definitely a powerhouse, I wonder if it would be difficult for Boogiepop to handle him?
Hopefully, fake Boogiepop and his sister will be able to rescue Orihata on time although I will not find it strange if they fail.
ブギーポップはガーディアンデーモンのような存在だぞ。彼女がイマジネーターの影響を受けるとは思えない。ーーBoogiepop is kind of guardian demon, I doubt Imaginator can influence her.
死神を変えることはできないからな。ーーNothing can turn the Reaper.