走ってるだけのアニメでこんなに感動しちゃうなんて信じられない!!!!!ーーI CANT BELIEVE AN ANIME ABOUT RUNNING IS GETTING ME SO EMOTIONAL!!!!!!!
これがスポーツアニメの力だーーThis's how power of sport anime
その力に感謝しているよーーAnd we are thankful for it.
ああ、このエピソードの興奮度は11だなーーyep hype was set at 11 for this episode
カメラマンが泣き始めたとき、ヤバかっただろ。ーーWhen the cameraman starts crying, you know you’re in trouble.
もしあのカメラマン君が彼らのファンクラブにまだ入っていないのだとしたら、間違いなくすぐに加入するだろうな。 XD ーーIf Cameraman-kun hasn't joined their fan club yet, he would definitely do so now. XD
このカメラマンが私達にこの感動的なシーンを届けてくれているんだ。ーーcameraman is us looking on this emotional scene.
真剣に!このエピソードには2回も泣かされてしまった!彼ら一人一人の物語がとても健全だね。彼らの走っているとき以外の姿を、その半分でいいから見たいよ。ーーSeriously! I cried twice this episode! It's just so wholesome watching everyone out there giving it their all. I wish I had even half as much drive for anything as they do for running.
これが自分が初めて涙を流したエピソードだよ。あの結果発表の場面全体を観て、クロスカントリーをしていた高校時代を思い出した。全てが地元のように感じたよ。ーーThis was the first episode of the show to have me in tears. The whole announcing part brought me back to high school cross country and everything felt like home again.
それとラストシーンで、あの双子が、タイムを根拠にして自分たちが最終目標である優勝を達成できる可能性が低いんじゃないかという現実を語っていたのも良かった。ーーyeah this was an intense episode yeah this was quite the intense ride i mean wow. Dodging the guy who fell, worry over that injury, would Prince get a good enough time.
Also liked at the end how grounded that guy was saying about what is our end goal and being realistic about their low chance of winning.
このエピソードは全体的にスゴク激しかったね、それとハイジは大丈夫なのか?大丈夫であってほしいよ。ーーThis feels so rewarding right now. It's like we've been with them for 6 months even though its barely been 4 for us. I am just so happy now lmao
The whole episode was super intense and it looks like Haiji is ok? I hope he is
長いお休み期間があったからね、その影響で余計そう感じてしまう。ーーThat month long break extended that feeling.
ハイジの脚の怪我の具合は良くないみたいだな :/ ーーYeah that leg injury doesn't look too good for Haiji. :/
あの怪我がキャリアを終わらせるものになるんじゃないかと予想してる。ーーI think its going to be a career ending thing.
そうだな、彼は箱根駅伝が終わったら、もう二度と走れなくなっちゃうんじゃないか。ーーYeah, something like he won't be able to run anymore once he finishes Hakone Ekiden.
彼にはコーチとしての未来があるさーーHe has a future as a coach though
彼が飛んで避けた時の悪化具合から判断するに、たぶん半月板が損傷してしまっているんじゃないかな。半月板の外側部分は自然治癒するんだけど、内側部分は治癒しないんだ。基本的に手術は割れた破片を取り除くだけなので、彼はその後遺症を引きずっている可能性がある。ーーBased on how he aggravated it when he sidestepped, it may be a torn meniscus. The outer part of the meniscus can heal on it's own, while the inner part cannot. Surgery basically just trims away the torn fragments so it's possible he's dealing with the side-effects of that.
それにしては傷跡が大きすぎないか?半月板は関節鏡視下で扱われるだろ?ーーIsn't that scar a bit too big for that? Meniscus is treated arthroscopically, right?
うん、関節鏡視下手術だよ。でも今回の影響で新しい傷を負ってしまった可能性がある。できればこれ以上何事もなく終わってほしいけど、あの膝は時を刻んでいる時限爆弾だな。ーーYes, arthroscopic surgery. Could be different injury before but another one this time. Hopefully nothing more but at this junction of the show, that knee is a ticking time bomb.
カケルの夢を追いかける姿は、現実的(realistic)であり、非現実的(surreal)でもあると感じた。この子たちのことを誇りに思っているよ!ーーThis episode is pretty rough. I find it not just because of the competitive atmosphere but also the weather itself brings a cold rain to the runners. To me, it almost looked like a race to survival.
I find it both realistic and surreal too with how Kakeru is chasing his dream. So proud of these boys!
キング、ニコ、そして王子をチームに抱えているというのに、全49校中10位とは本当にすごいな。どうやったら合計タイム10時間16分なんて記録が出せるんだ、全く理解できない。それにカケルに至っては58分台だって!ーーReally impressive that they got Top 10 out of 49 schools with bigger rosters while having King, Nico and Prince .-. I still have no idea how they got 10 hours and 16 minutes total with the fastest, Kakeru getting over 58 minutes!
レースの後半、カケルがスーパーサイヤ人モードになった場面がすごく良かった!ーーThe scene where Kakeru went on Super Saiyan mode near the ending of the race was so good!


それと向井太一による2つ目のエンディングのフルバージョンが先週リリースされたよ。ーーHere's what looks like the cover for the Blu-ray and DVD Vol.3.
They also made a visual with Haiji, Kakehu and the dog.
The full version of the second ending, performed by Taichi Mukai, was released last week.
カケルとハイジとニラ:幸せな家庭だ :D
前のEDと同じくらい今のEDも大好き。この2つの曲で向井太一のファンになったよ。ーーI wanna buy the DVDs to support to support this awesome adaptation!
Kakeru and Haiji and Nira: one happy family. :D
I love this ED now as much as the previous. Both songs are making me a fan of Taichi Mukai.
同じく。Spotifyで彼のアルバムを聴いているよ。最初のEDはすごく良かったよね。2番目のEDの歌詞も、決心する、努力するというこの作品にぴったり合ったテーマだよ。この歌詞の物語のような流れが好きだな。アニメーションの質をずっと保ってほしいな。個人のショットが前回のエピソードから流用されていることに気付いた。ーーSame. Been listening to his albums on Spotify. The first ED was really good. The second ED lyrics is still keeping the theme of being determined and persevering which really fits the show. Love the storylike flow of it. I just wish the visuals were up to par. Noticed the individual shots were taken from previous episodes.

「美しいだけが... スポーツじゃないんだぞ....」
行け王子、行け!ーー"Sports aren't necessarily beautiful..."
Go Prince go!
うん、王子が目的を達成できてすごくうれしかった。彼が気分が悪そうだったのは可哀想だったけど。わお、彼は本当に成長したね。ーーYeah so glad Prince made the cut, feel sorry for him getting sick like that. Wow though he really has improved.
註:make the cut =「目的を達成する、成功する、やってのける、次に進む」
自分のマラソンの最後の直線で吐いちゃったことがある、アニメとほとんど同じようにね。体育の先生含め皆が自分のことを応援してくれたよ、所構わず吐いちゃった時、彼と同じ経験をして同じような気持ちになった。ーーI once vomited in the final stretch of a marathon as well, it was almost exactly as in the anime, everybody was cheering me on including my gym teacher and I just puked everywhere, seeing him go through the same thing kinda got me emotional.
その後の3年間は、私は正面のカメラの存在に気が付くと、一瞬で鼻呼吸に切り換えて、そして怒っていたよ。でもそのおかげでアホみたいな顔した写真にならずに済んだけどね。ーーSomething I realized in my freshman year when my coach kept taking photos of us running. I looked awful with my mouth hanging open.
The other 3 years whenever I saw a camera ahead of me, I switched for a short time to breathing in through my nose and got angry. I was able to look less ridiculous because of it.
オレはこのランニングボーイズたちを誇りに思っているよ!王子は偉大なチャンピオンであり、オレは彼に無限の敬意を表する。あの結果発表のシーンは、心臓バクバクだった!ーーI'm so proud of my running boys! Ouji is a fucking champ and i have infinite respect for him. That scene where they were announcing the results had my heart pounding so fast!

このスレッドでも言及されていたけど、今メンバーたちの強みが明らかになっている、それが発揮される時が来るのだろう。そして、それは誰がどの区間を走るのか、予想する材料となりえるよね。ーーThis show is turning out to be masterpiece quality (10/10) more and more. Not far off now.
That finish line montage was so unexpected, that was my favourite moment of the episode. Running 20 kilometres will take a lot out of you, not everyone will make it unscathed. That had me emotional.
Kakeru is a star in the making, i love the pat on the shoulder from the guy who ran next to him the last kilometres.
The announcement was amazing, too, all the reactions to it.
The twins have a point there, so caught up in the moment and once you realize you BARELY made it when your leader ''aims for the top'', they will get anxious about what they do here.
It was mentioned in the thread but now the individual strengths of the runners will come into play and they foreshadowed stuff there for who might be running which section.
双子がラストシーンで注目されていたね、彼らのキャラクターは、このグループ中で間違いなく一番退屈なものだった、だからオレは、彼らが何かを巻き起こしてくれることを求めてる。ーーBesides its climax, I think the competition could have been handled better, the atmosphere and tension were on point but the generic CGI models dropped it a bit for me. I think they should have focused on the mentality of the characters more, like what they did in the end with Kakeru. That way they could had avoided some use of CGI.
Other than that, the final scene where everyone was doing their best finishing at their own time was touching and the soundtrack in the background was beautiful.
Haiji's injury didn't make much of a factor like I thought it would (so far).
The tweens are finally getting some attention with the final scene, their characters were definitely the most boring for me out of the group so I hope they can do something good with them.
くそー、彼らが10位になることは完全に予想していたのに、それでも発表された瞬間思いっきり熱狂してしまったーーDamn I was completely expecting them to make it 10th and I was still pumped up when it happened
それはさておき、この作品が最近、『東京アニメアワードフェスティバル2019』のトップ5に入っていたことがとてもうれしいよ!もし、この作品の順位をもっと上げたかったら、2月13日まで1日1回投票できるから、ココで:vote.animefestival.jp ーーI knew that logically they would make the time and qualify for the Hakone Ekiden (OP spoilers, LOL), but damn if my heart didn't race while watching this ep.
I love the Kansei University Track Team, and wish them all the best.
Ep aside, I'm happy the anime is currently in the top 5 of the Tokyo Anime Awards Festival's Anime of the Year fan poll! If you want to raise its ranking even more, twitter users can vote once a day until Feb 13 here: vote.animefestival.jp
結果が明らかにまるまで、私は嘘抜きでレースに心奪われていたよ。結果が発表された時も、私は彼らと一緒に叫んでしまった。ーーNot going to lie my heart was racing during the reveal and I fucking screamed along with them even when knowing what was going to unfold
私は泣き出しちゃったよ 😂 とてもハッピーだった。そしてハイジの顔を見てさらに幸せな気持ちになった!!ーーI just started crying 😂 I was so happy. Seeing Haiji's face made me even happier!!
ハイジのリアクションが特に尊かった。 XD マイボーイはいつも強い見た目を装っていたから... ーーHaiji's reaction was especially precious. XD My boy was keeping a strong facade all along....
註:facade =「外観、見せかけ、うわべ」
うん、彼の夢が叶った時のリアクションは素晴らしかったね、厳しい現実にために、彼はどれだけ自身の脚を傷付けてきたことか。彼は痛みを乗り越えて、速く走った。このレースは良かったけども、まだこの怪我は長期的な問題となっているね。ーーyeah he had a great reaction his dream came true, now for the harsh reality, how much did he injure his leg. He pushed through the pain and ran faster and while that's good for the race, pain is there for a reason worry long term issues.
オレは実際、彼らは失敗すると踏んでいたんだけどな。ーーI was actually convinced they were gonna fail.
OPに関係なく、制作スタッフは視聴者を不安にさせるような描き方をしているからね。ーーYou know the staff are doing something right when they can keep viewers in suspense regardless of the OP.
あの発表する時にボードに11~15番まで表示する場所があったから、オレもそれを考えたよ。オレは、彼らがあと少しのとこで出場を逃して、後から入れ替えで出場資格を得るんだと考えてた。制作スタッフは、不安感を維持するために間違いなく良い仕事をしていたね。ーーThat's what I thought when they showed that board having 11th-15th places listed. I thought it was more likely they'd just miss and get in as a replacement. They definitely did a good job of keeping the suspense.
うん、オレも11番だと思った、入れ替えの可能性も同じく考えてたよ。ーーyeah i thought 11th and replace was a possibility as well.
たとえOPを抜きにしても、あと7話もエピソードが残ってるんだぞ。出場資格が得られなかったら何があると言うんだ?ーーEven without the OP spoilers, we have 8 7 episodes left. What would have happened if they didn't qualify?
もし彼らが出場を逃したとしたら、文字通り再挑戦するチャンスがは無い、というスポーツアニメを楽しむことになっただろう。彼らがどうするかという話だ。例えば、もし彼らが資格を得られなかった場合、チームはこれからどうするのか?それでも走り続けるのか?来年はもう出場できない卒業生たちはどうするのか?そんな物語になっただろう。ーーI would enjoy seeing a sports anime where they fail and there literally isn't a chance to try again. Like, they're done. For example, if they didn't qualify here, how does the team deal with it? Do they keep running just because? Do some of the guys graduating mean they won't do it next year? Stuff like that.
カケルはこのレースで留学生にも勝ったよね?なのに彼はあまり注目を集めていないような気がしたんだけど。たぶんチーム全体の描写を優先したんだろうね。けど私はそのことをもっと大きく取り扱うべきだったと思う。ーーI feel like wanting to cry after finishing this episode. I don't even know why..? if out of sadness or out of happiness for them. I love this series so much. Wish i could just watch the next episode already.
For what are they running for when the lead team is so much faster? I want to know as well.
Kakeru won the race over the exchange student, right?
- I just feel like he didn't get much attention afterwards. But perhaps the team representation was indeed more important. But it still should have been a bigger deal somehow, but it wasn't..



そしてあのラストシーンと次回予告... あの双子はハイジと彼らの目標を疑っている、まだ何か問題(些細なことであって欲しいよ)を抱えているみたいだね。ーーI'm happy to see Ouji running with a decent posture
I love how Yuki turned from "Fuck running!" to "WE NEED TO KNOW OUR TIMES"
I'm basically the cameraman after watching this.
That last scene and that preview though... I feel like we'll have some (hopefully minor) problems with the twins doubting Haiji and their goals.
あの双子の今までのモチベーションは女の子にモテるためだったからね。彼らの箱根駅伝への動機はすごく不純だし、そして少し残念だ。彼らはやっと、実際の大会で勝つことが不可能に近いということに気付いたんだ。私は最終的に、ハイジではなくカケルがやる気にさせると予想してる。その方法は、楽しさや友情ではなく、誇りのようなものによってやる気を出させるのだと予測しているよ。ーーI mean the twins motivation so far was to get girls. It would be really weird and kind of sad if that would be their motivation for the whole Hakone Ekiden. They are finally realizing that its basically next to impossible for them to win the actual race. And I think its not gonna be Haiji but Kakeru thats gonna motivate them in the end. Im gonna predict something about pride because I hope its not because of fun or friendship.
チームスポーツは、友情と信頼が全てだよ。ーーteam sports are all about friendship and trust.
確かにそうだ、でもこれは物語だ、現実ではない。ーーSure but this is a story not real life.
この双子には、葉菜子が彼らのどちらかが好きなんだというドラマが用意されているだろ。オレのこのエピソードのラストの現実感が好きだな、ハイジはあんな感じの夢想家だけど、現実がよく見えていなかった。本番の箱根駅伝では、カケルが皆のことを引っ張っていく存在になるんだと考えられる。ーーFor the twins there also is the potential drama that the coach likes one of them. Yeah i like the realism at the end of this episode, Haiji is such a dreamer but hasn't been looking at the reality. Think u could be right about Kakeru he could be the one to push them forward when it comes to the Hakone Ekiden.
充実したエピソードだった。ラストシーンでのあの双子の反応を見るに、また信頼関係に亀裂が生じてしまう出来事が起こる予感がする。ーーSolid episode; not sure how I feel about doing another crisis of confidence arc with what the twins say at the end though.
こういう自然なやり方で葛藤を作ってくれてうれしいよ。ーーIt makes sense that the twins have conflict. They were the easiest to convince in the first place so it felt like they were the least developed overall. And there's 7 episodes left. They can't do 4 or 5 episodes in a row of just training without conflict.
I'm glad this was done in such a natural way.
カケル(3位) ハイジ(6位)
キング(123位) 王子(176位)
①カケル ②ハイジ ③ジョータ,ジョージ,ムサ ④ユキ,神童 ⑤ニコチャン,キング ⑥王子