

キャラクター達の沢山の真っ当な成長がすごく印象的だ。こんなに長い時間を掛けてキャラクターを掘り下げてゆくアニメを観たことがないよ。ーーThe amount of genuine character growth is so impressive. I haven't seen an anime with this much character development in a long time.

この作品と『ハイキュー』はどのように比較する?ーーHow would you compare this show to Haikyuu?

『ハイキュー!!』は、興奮と派手なアクション・シーン(set pieces)を主軸にした、典型的な少年スポーツ作品だ。この作品でのキャラ達の争いとその解決を伴ったキャラクターの掘り下げはもっとはるかに静かで、メインキャラたちの年齢は高めで成熟している。

両方ともそれぞれ特徴があって素晴らしいと思うよ。ーーHaikyuu!! is very much a typical shounen sports series at its heart, with hype and flashy set pieces being the main driver. Here, the character development with its struggles and answers are far more muted, which goes with the older and more mature main cast.
They're both great in their own way.

毎回、キャラクターたちの成長と掘り下げをしているのが印象的だ、という意見には同意だな。先週の王子の回がまだ私のお気に入りのエピソードだ。私はみんなと一緒に「行け、王子、行け」と叫び続けていたよ。今回のエピソードもすごく良かった、彼らが来たる予選会に向けて、全力を捧げて備えているのがね。彼らがメディアに注目されてうれしいな。ーーagreed the character growth and development that they have in every episode is impressive, last week's prince epi is still my fav because on that one i was right along with them shouting go prince go, this one was pretty good to like how they all handled the upcoming race getting themselves in gear. Nice to see them getting some media attention


ともかく.. 無事でいてくれハイジ、お前が必要だ、最後の大会まで怪我なく走ってくれーーI had a feeling she had a crush on Kakeru lmao
anyway.. please be safe Haiji I need you to run the entire last race without injury
註:crush on =「恋している、強い憧れを感じている、首ったけである」

私はまだカケルとハナの関係を推しているよ。理由は、恋愛に信じられないくらい不器用な彼のキャラクターを見てみたいから(笑)ーーI still ship Kakeru and Hana, mainly because I want to see just how incredibly awkward his character would be in love lol.


私は、彼女がハイジのファンガールだって設定が好きだけどね(笑)ーーSame. But I feel like Kakeru seems to show a bit more curiosity about her than the reverse.
Love that she's a Haji fangirl, though lol

ムサは私たちが知っている以上のことを知ってるみたいだな.. でも彼ら全員が愛おしいという点には同意だよーーMusa seems to know more than we do.. but I agree they would be adorable together

私はムサの言ってることが完全に正しいとは思っていないよ。たぶん彼女はあの双子が自分に関心を寄せているのが嬉しいだけなんじゃないかな。ともかく、ムサは彼ら全員をカメラに収めているから、彼は何か面白いものを見たんだろう、けど私はあのカケルの詮索に興味をそそられているよ。彼はなぜあんなに興味津々なのだろう?ーーI'm not entirely sure Musa got it right though. Maybe she's just flattered by the attention she's getting from the twins. Anyway, Musa is taking photo of all of them so he might has seen someting interesting, but I'm intrigued by Kakeru's prying? why is he so interested?

彼女は双子と会話をしている時、顔を赤らめているよ。それは決定的な証拠というわけではないけど、アニメにおいてはロマンティックな関心のサインだ。ーーShe's shown to blush at times when interacting with the twins. It's nothing definitive but it's usually a sign of romantic interest in anime.

赤面する理由は、動揺、羞恥心、興奮など色々ある。例えばムサは興奮しやすいからよく顔が赤くなるでしょ。ーーalso fluster, embarassment or excitement, and so on. Musa blushes a lot because he's easily excited for example.

自分はまだカケルが彼女に少し憧れを抱いてると思ってるよ、先週のスレッドではハナが彼に惚れているって言ったけど。できれば、どうにかカケルと良い関係になってほしい、双子のどちらかを選べない女の子のドラマにはしてほしくない。ーーI still think Kakeru has a little bit of a crush for her, but in the last weeks thread I said that Hana has a crush on him. Hopefully it somehow works out for him, I don't want drama because of girl who is unable to choose between twins.




















今、このエピソードを見終えたばかりだけど。このエピソードは大規模な大会のスタートラインを完璧に表現していたね。まるで自分が彼らと共にあの場所にいるかのように感じられたよ... 全てがまったくもってパーフェクトだった。その昔、自分も抱いたことのある大会前の緊張の感覚が呼び起こされたよ。ーーJust finished the episode. This episode captured the starting line of a massive race like that perfectly. It felt like I could have been there with them with how it felt... Everything was so perfect. It even gave me back the old anxious feeling I had before races.

オレもそれが良かったと思う、特に音の仕事が良かったよ。すごく正確だった。ーーI liked it too, especially the work on the sound. It was pretty accurate.

ランナー達がスタートに向けて最後のダッシュをする静かな音、整列し、太ももを叩き、ウォームアップのため飛び跳ねる音。そして完全なる静寂。それは不気味で、穏やかで、しかし信じられないほど張り詰めた静寂だ。そして、あの空砲が、耳をつんざくような轟音と共に、”ah fuck”という瞬間、死ぬ気で走って付いていくんだという、そのスタートの合図を告げる。

オレはあのスタートラインが嫌いだった、そしてそれは、この世界で他の何とも比べられない経験だよ。ーーThe quiet sound of runners doing their last sprints at the start, lining up, slapping thighs and hopping around to warm up. Then the dead silence. That eery, calm, but incredibly tense silence. And then the gun shot that signals the "ah fuck" moment and the following dead sprint off the start with the most deafening noise ever.
I hated the start line, and it's an experience that you will never get doing anything else in the world.

自分も若い頃、レースに出た記憶がある。スタートラインは物凄く緊張した。そのシーンはすごく現実的だったね、ウォームアップをしたり、自分のギアを上げるためにその準備をしたり。カウントダウンの1秒ごとに、メンバーそれぞれのショットが切り替わる演出がすごく良かったよ。ーーi remember doing races when i was younger and there was some amount of tension at the starting line. Thought it was very realistically handled getting warmed up and doing what they needed to get themselves in gear, loved the bit with the countdown focusing on each member with 1 of the numbers.

オレが出場していた大会との唯一の相違点は、カウントダウンが5で止まるから空砲のタイミングが正確に予期できないってところだな。それでも、あの脚を叩いているシーンを見たときに蘇ってきたよ、あの集団の真ん中に自分がいるんだ、その全てが。おぉ、身体が震えてきた。ーーThe only thing that was different to me is in races I used to compete in they stopped counting down at 5 so people wouldn't anticipate the gun. But jeez, seeing the leg slapping brought me back, being in the middle of the pack, all of that. Oof, shivers.

あぁ、蘇ってきたよ、しくじらないようにと考えていたことを思い出して、なかなか緊張を抑えることができなかった。脚を叩くシーンに呼び起こされたという意見に賛成するよ。ーーyeah takes me back so hard not to tense up i remember thinking don't screw up. Yeah i'll agree with u the leg slapping brings me back to

ユキは何か家族との問題を抱えているみたいだね。そしてムサ、発見を話している時の彼の愉快な顔ww。カケルは皆とより快適に会話ができるようになったみたいだね、そして、そのことがとてもうれしいよ私たちの大事な男の子。だけどなんてクリフハンガーエンディングなんだ.... よく分からない叫び声を出してしまった


・小説『風が強く吹いている』は2006年に出版され、週刊ヤングジャンプと月刊ヤングジャンプに2007年から2009年に渡ってマンガ化されている(全6巻)。その後映画化もされている(2時間)。そしてご存知の通り、原作から12年後の2018年Production IGによってアニメ化(全23話)された。








別のブログ(基本的に壁打ち:アニメ化という翻訳 ―「風が強く吹いている」13話に寄せて)では、アニメは、キャラクターをより一層深く掘り下げるために、本当に更なる一歩を踏み出していると指摘している。原作小説を読んでいるこのブログライターは、小説では、ハイジがカケルの歓迎パーティで、箱根駅伝に出場することを宣言した時、全員(もちろんカケルは除く)がその計画に賛同したと言っている。そしてキングが就職活動にナーバスになっていたという描写は全くなく、そしてユキは最初の自分のランニングシューズを買ったグループの中にいたらしい!このブログライターも、小説では全員が早い段階で公認記録を出したことから、アニメの14話を大いに称賛していたよ。







PS:また1週間辛抱強く待たなきゃならない... 作品に深く没頭している時は、すごくため息をついてしまう。ーーYuki’s got some family problems, it seems? And Musa, the face he made when discussing his dicovery was hilarious lol. Kakeru seems to be interacting more comfortably with everyone, and I’m super happy for our precious boi. BUT THAT CLIFFHANGER ENDING.... insert unintelligent screaming here
Some interesting trivia related to “Run with the Wind” that I gathered from KazeTsuyo’s Japanese Wiki site and from watching the first quarter of the film adaptation:
The book “Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru” was published in 2006, got a manga adaptation (6 vols) that ran on Weekly Young Jump and Monthly Young Jump from 2007 to 2009, and later a film adaptation called “Feel the Wind” in 2009 (2hr long). And as we all know, 12 years after this story was created, an anime adaptation “Run with the Wind” brought by Production IG came out in 2018 (23 eps).
Interestingly enough, Haiji was apparently the protagonist in the original novel work, and Kakeru was the deuteragonist. The anime reversed their roles.
Katsuta Hanako was described as a beautiful young lady with a long, jet black hair in the novel (and later drawn this way in the manga). In the novel, and manga and film adaptations, she was a 1st year Kansei University student. In the novel, there are indications that she was sort of attracted to both twins, and hadn’t really noticed the “favour” Kakeru was giving to her. In the film adaptation, prior to becoming Kansei Uni’s Track and Field Club’s manager, she was a member of the Tea Ceremony Club at Kansei Uni.
In the film adaptation, “Yaokatsu” grocery store didn’t exist. In turn, the Katsuta family ran a small diner (and curry was their specialty) near Chikusei-so. Instead of a shoplifting scene, the film created an original scene where Haiji and Kakeru ate at the Katsuta diner, and later ran away without paying. (Rest assured though. Being the little bitch he was, this was just Haiji toying with Kakeru. Haiji was already well acquainted with Hana-chan and he just wanted to see Kakeru run).
In the film adaptation, Aotake residents already had knowledge that they were Track and Field club members, but never knew Haiji’s intention of partaking in Hakone Ekiden. So basically they still had no idea why Haiji was so eager waiting for the “tenth man”.
According to this article, the manga and anime adaptations seemed to follow the novel quite loyally. But it seems like the film adaptation had received a number of not-so-good critics by KazeTsuyo novel-lovers in Japan. Many fans opined that the film adaptation failed to portray Kakeru’s awesome development. Probably because of time limitation.
Anyways, I’d watched like the first quarter or third perhaps of the film adaptation itself, and tbh it wasn’t worth the time, when you compare it to the anime adaptation. I finally decided to stop watching because I didn’t want to get spoiled any further. Yeah unfortunately I got exposed to various spoilers while digging some info about KazeTsuyo. And I kindly warn everyone here: those who do not wish to get spoiled, please DO NOT attempt to search for any kind of Feel the Wind film adaptation clips on Youtube. There was this one short clip that was pretty revealing and I wish I could wipe clean my memory and unsee that. It was a major spoiler and I can’t emphasise enough that I strongly advise against not exposing yourself to the spoiler, as it could ruin the enjoyment, and just let yourself immersed in the anime’s beautiful storytelling flow. All I could say is, if the film adaptation has the same ending as the original story (big chance it does) and the anime is to adapt the ending loyally (again, very big chance it does), then... holy shmoly, this story has one fucking exceptional ending. Be patient and stay til the end, guys.
Another blog writer pointed out that the anime actually took a further step to deepen the character development. The writer, who had read the novel, said that in the novel, when Haiji declared his crazy Hakone goal during Kakeru’s welcoming party, everyone kind of immediately agreed with his plan (except for Kakeru of course). There was never a story where King was nervously looking for jobs, and Yuki was even amongst the first to buy his own running shoes! The blog writer also praised episode 14 heavily as they noted that in the novel, everyone cleared their official record in early stages.
The blog writer expressed their surprised to see anime-Yuki being so emotional as he was depicted as a cool-headed, mature character in the novel. One that a reader would never expect to wear multiple piercings. The blog writer was also impressed by the anime’s ability to adapt a 2006 story to a modern 2018/19 style, inserting mobile phones and fund-me homepage scenes to enliven the story.
It was suggested that the novel had a more mature vibe to the storytelling and there were some parts that the anime didn’t elaborate, but overall the anime has blown the blog writer’s (and many Japanese fans’) expectations away.
To those who wanted to compare how the boys look like in film, manga and anime adaptations: here
I’ve also added a comparison of Hana-chan and Nira’s looks.
Here’s an interesting character popularity poll. As expected, best boi is the goodest boi.
Please feel free to share any added information and CMIIW!
PS: Now another week of tormentous wait... sigh it’s really freaking hard when you fall too deep for an ongoing series.


三浦しをんのアニメ化された作品といえば、『風が強く吹いている』の他に『舟を編む』(辞書を作る物語だよ、英語版も出版されてる)がある。実写映画化されているし、彼女の仕事に基づいた作品もあるよ。個人的には、実写の『WOOD JOB!~神去なあなあ日常~』がすごく面白かった。林業についての物語で矢口史靖が監督を務めている。ーーI'll add some more info about the book and the author that I just happen to know. The original book is written by Shion Miura - a Naoki prize (one of the two best literary awards in Japan) winning writer and published by Shinchosha. (I doubt anyone will mistake it for one, but it's not a light novel or anything like that. It's a regular 600+ page book.) Originally published in 2006, it was later republished in 2009 with a new cover (probably for the LA adaptation).
Several of Shion Miura's works have gotten adaptations - anime-wise it's only Run with the wind and Great Passage (a story about making dictionaries - which has even been published in English) but there are live action movies and series based on her works. I've personally quite enjoyed the live action adaptation of Wood Job! which was a story about forestry, and was directed by Shinobu Yaguchi.

『舟を編む』はあまり観られていないみたいだけど、とても良い作品だよ。これがオレがこの作品を観ようと思った最初の理由だよ。ーーFune wo amu is so good and so underwatched. It's the reason I picked up this show in the first place.

同じく。両方とも素晴らしい物語だよ、彼女はすごい作家だね。ーーSame. Both stories are incredible, she must be a great author.

ああ、同じだよ。この著者がオレに辞書を作りたいという気にさせることができたのであれば、その後、オレに長距離ランニングをしたいという気にさせるのは当然だよ。ーーYeah, same. If an author can make me care about making a dictionary then she sure as hell can make me care about long distance running.

Same, same!

おお、こんなに沢山の情報を教えてくれてありがとう!このアニメの放送が終わったら、自分でも少し調べてみようと思ったよ。:D うん、私はアニメの方が全体的に実写映画より勝ってると思う。間違いなく素晴らしい適応だよ、それとハイジではなくカケルを主人公にしたのは良かったと思う。ハイジはミステリアスな雰囲気を持っているのに加えて、親しみやすい(だけど人を操るのが上手い)見た目をしてるよね。ーーOoh, thanks for sharing all these info! I was interested in doing a bit of digging myself, after the anime finishes airing. :D
Yeah, I think the anime trumps the live-action film overall. Definitely an awesome adaptation, and I think it's a good call to make Kakeru the protag versus Haiji, who gets an air of mystery besides his affable (but manipulative) exterior.


『風が強く吹いている』の英訳版の情報はほとんどないので、私は全然満足できていないよ。(それが私がこの雑学を投稿した理由。)本当にもっと沢山の人にこの作品を観て欲しいな。ーーI’m curious though, what the anime would be like had they kept Haiji as the protagonist and Kakeru as the deuteragonist! But I do agree that it looks like a good decision; I imagine Kakeru is much more likeable because of this.
There aren’t lots of info about KazeTsuyo in English and I can’t say I’m happy about that. (Actually that’s the reason why I posted this trivia.) Really wish more people would watch this show.


待て、好意だって?ーーWait, what favour?

たぶん小説では、ロマンチックな描写もあるんだろうね。アニメでもそれが見られればいいのに.. 笑ーーsupposedly, romantic moves. wish i could see that in the anime adaptation.. lol.

わお、オレは実写映画の方も楽しめたよ。もちろん観るのは初めてだったけど(確か2009年か10年の日本映画祭だったと思う)、キャラクターの掘り下げが欠けていたように感じたな(小説が映画になる時にいつも起こることだけど....)。その映画は、観終わった瞬間に走り出したくような大きな興奮を与えてくれた(そしてオレは実際に走ったよw)。でもこの作品のアニメ化にもすごく興奮したなーーAww I enjoyed the live action movie. Sure I watched it first (Japanese film festival in I think 2009 or 2010) but besides lacking in some character development (what always happens when a book becomes a movie...) it still gave me this incredible rush that made me want to go running the moment the movie was over (and I did lol). But it's what made me so excited for the anime adaptation too



ハイジを傷つけるのはやめて!彼は孤独に一生懸命頑張っているんだから!ーーStop hurting Haiji! Leave him alone, he's trying so hard!

その原因は全て何人かのヤツらがテーブルちゃんにぶつかったからだ。ーーAll of that because some guy hit table-chan.

God damn、もしハイジがあのテーブルを飛び越えたら、オレは机をひっくり返す準備はできているぞ。ーーGod damn, I'm ready to flip a table if haji trips over that table.

少なくとも彼はトラック君には衝突せずに済んだーーleast he wasn't hit by truck-kun


事故ったランナーがチームの1人を奪っていった。ーーSuicide runner, taking one for the team.


彼にはジャンプするか、迂回するかしてうまく避けてほしいよ、道を逸れることで数秒遅れてしまうかもしれないけどね。どちらにしろ貴重な時間が消費されてしまうのは心配だよーーyeah he's just after come back from his leg injury recently finding the joy of running again.
hopefully he will either jump or dodge out of the way, maybe slow down for a second to get out of the way, i do worry about costing valuable seconds either way though

ああなんてこと、見たくない、次のエピソードは私を殺そうとしてる!!!ーーOh god I can't watch this, next episode is gonna kill me!!!

あの次回予告を見てすごくナーバスになってる!ハイジは一度遅れるけども追いつくと思う。ーーThat preview has me so nervous! I think Haiji goes down and has to catch up.

恐らくこれが最も可能性の高いことだと思うけど、私はカレはジャンプして飛び越えてくれることを願ってるよ...ひょっとしたら宙返りでもするかもしれないーーWhile this is the most likely thing that will probably happen, I'm praying he jumps over...maybe even does a flip



彼は膝を痛めてるんだ、飛び越えることで、うまく動かなくなってしまうかもしれないぞ。--He have a bad knee, jumping over might put him out of commission for good.

次回のタイトルは”夢と現実”だ... お願いだから彼らを予選通過させてくれ!!!ーーThe title is "Dreams and Reality"... Please let them make it in!!!

「夢」が駅伝に勝つことであり、「現実」がそれに参加できることだと願ってる!ーーReally hoping the dream is winning the ekiden and the reality is participating!



そうそれで:問題は解決し、誰も怪我しませんでした。ーーI hope they are just fucking with us and nothing happens. The other shown scene could be from after the race.
And the "Dreams and Reality" thing is just the general theme of them having actually managed to qualify thus making their dreams a reality.
There: Problem solved and nobody's hurt.

I like you


練習の話も悪くなかったよ。オレはそれに心理的なものを感じたよ、そして緊張感が高まっていた。寛政大学のメンバーがすごく元気なのが良かったな。これまでにないほど高い期待感を感じているよ。オレはもちろん寛政大を応援しているけど、それは簡単なことではないだろうね。ーーYup, I'm not surprised expectations are high as ever for pretty much everyone. With competition, everyone is stepping up their game. 
Not bad for a buildup episode. I feel the psychology of it and while the tension is high, I like how high spirited the Kansei University team is. Feels like the stakes are higher than ever. I'm rooting for Kansei of course but it won't be easy.


どうか飛び越えられますように...ーーAlso, because it may be needed:
Prayer circle for Haiji
Please jump over safely...


